Picture of Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and received his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus, and Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith.

Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:

I've reviewed every prophecy on the Antichrist, and what I read blew my mind. (Updated with new signs, 6/10/2020)

Does the Bible predict the future with stunning accuracy as so many in the end-times camp have claimed?

I grew up in the rapture-me-outta-here end times movement, and have spilled no shortage of ink critiquing it– even poking a bit of fun at it. As a theologian I fall into a category of belief that sees biblical prophecies about “the end” as being events that have mostly been fulfilled in the past, but I try to hold that belief gently and recognize I could be wrong.

Many of my fellow Christians in America have warned me over the years of exactly that, often telling me: “I feel sorry for you, because when the Antichrist comes you’re not even going to recognize him!”

To honor those who have given me such warning, I decided to spend the past week studying the most significant biblical prophecies and descriptions typically believed by my conservative friends to refer the Antichrist. If my evangelical friends are correct, and if it’s entirely possible that the Antichrist is on the global scene today, I certainly wouldn’t want to be the only person in the room who didn’t recognize the Antichrist when I saw him.

In case you too are a bit rusty in the area of biblical predictions about the coming Antichrist and don’t want to be oblivious if such a person were to arise, consider me your chief antichristologist who is more than happy to help you out.

Here are the no-kidding-not-satire-prophecies and signs of the antichrist the Bible tells us to watch out for… and that blew my mind by the time I was done:

The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth.

 “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.”
Daniel. 7:23

This verse helps us start by narrowing down the nations and times the Antichrist could come from. The passage directly states he is from a nation that was different from times before, in that it was powerful enough to crush and destroy the entire earth– likely a nuclear superpower. Revelation also speaks of the Antichrist and his prophet having the power to “call down fire from the sky,” which further supports this notion.

Thus, when considering the prophecy in light of the modern world, it most likely leaves Russia or the United States, as both have over 6,000 warheads with remaining nuclear nations having under a few hundred. Furthermore, Revelation 17:15 describes the Antichrist coming from a place where there are “multitudes of peoples, nations, and languages” which would most accurately depict a “melting pot” nation like the United States.

The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches.

“I could hear his boastful speech…”
Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5

So, as you keep your eyes peeled for the Antichrist, be sure to keep in mind that it won’t be a quiet leader who is deceitfully humble and flies under the radar– The Bible says it will be someone who loves to give speeches where he boasts about himself.

The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public threats against people.

“…had a mouth like that of a lion.”
Revelation 13:2, Daniel. 7:4

As we begin to assemble the biblical prophecies, Christians on guard should be looking for a king-like figure who loves to boast about himself, but who also loves to go around roaring like a lion– things like threats to his enemies and a constant verbal flexing of muscle.

The Antichrist will be someone obsessed with winning.

“…and he was bent on conquering.”
Revelation 6:2

In addition to your king-like figure who likes to run his mouth, the Bible tells us to be on the lookout for someone obsessed with winning. Of course, most people like to win, but this figure will be different– he will be so obsessed with it that he’ll probably talk about it all the time. He might even fantasize about winning so much that one gets tired of winning.

The Antichrist will come from among 7 tall “hills” that each act as a “head.”

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills”
Revelation 13:1, Ch. 17

John described the Antichrist (beast) “rising up from the sea” as he looked out from the Island of Patmos in a supernatural vision. The Bible describes the beast as having 7 heads, which symbolized 7 “hills” that stood up high. Hills also are metaphorical for places of power in the Bible.

So, if the Antichrist were to come in the present age, we’d be most likely looking for an American president known for being exceptionally arrogant, boastful, and threatening others, but who also came from 7 tall “hills” or places of power… one of which would need to be somewhere in the vicinity of where John was looking out into the ocean where the vision occurred.

Huh… well this is a super weird coincidence:

Seven heads? Maybe like potential head-quarters?

Well, funny thing again: while Donald Trump owns at least ten skyscrapers that I’m aware of, apparently only seven of them are formally named Trump Towers:

Trump Tower, NYC

Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago

Trump Towers, Istanbul

Trump International Hotel and Tower, Toronto

Trump World Tower, New York

Trump Towers, Sunny Isles Beach

Trump Tower, Manila 

And this is a little bizarre, but in John’s vision he said that the 7 heads had horns on them– some had just one, some had two… kinda like those antennas on top.

Wow, and you know what? John’s vision also said that the seven heads all had someone’s name written across them. Interesting! 

And let’s not even open the can of worms regarding the building on 5th ave… Yeah, the same deal that was bailed out by Justice Kennedy’s son before Kennedy surprised everyone and retired– giving Trump what had been a swing vote on the Supreme Court. #PowerMove

Bummer of an address Jared! Glad you were able to offload that.

The Antichrist will cause people all over the globe to be filled with wonder and “follow” him.

“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”
Revelation. 13:3

This verse also speaks to the likelihood the coming of the Antichrist is more likely to be in the modern world instead of the ancient one. 2,000 years ago it would not have been possible for people all over the globe to become fascinated by a political leader, let alone “follow” them.

Okay, I get it…

Some predictions and prophecies can be like horoscopes: they can appear to apply to anyone.

And I’m with you… when you get into stuff like numerology and interpreting seven-headed beasts, it’s hard to know if something is an eerie coincidence, or just plain silly. 

I’d honestly started this post intending to be silly, and during my research began to find the coincidences and certain numbers happening to match a bit amusing the first few times. But at a certain point the coincidences added up or got too specific, and it wasn’t funny anymore– it was deeply unsettling.

And by the end? Well, stick with me as the prophecies grow more specific, and you’ll see why my mind was a bit blown– and why as a Christian my spirit was deeply unsettled by the the end of it: 

The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one expects him to win. 

“… a despicable person will arise… a man of contempt… to whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred. He will slip in when least expected and will seize the kingdom through flattery and intrigue.”
Daniel 11:21

When looking to identify the Antichrist, the Bible starts to help us with some really specific prophecies. Based on what the Bible predicts, a most likely scenario for the arrival of the Antichrist would be a candidate for president who came from the private sector (not of ‘royal’ background) being found with despicable morality along with a contemptuous personality, who campaigned on flattery and lies– but somehow went on to win an election no one expected him to win… leaving the country stunned.

The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things” and then about things that are even “greater.”

“He had a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions…”
Daniel 7:20

Starting to get weird now, isn’t it? This is about the point I got goosebumps and a little freaked out also.

Yes, in warning us of the Antichrist the Bible predicts in both Daniel and Revelation that when the Antichrist comes, he’ll not only be the contemptuous and arrogant political outsider who pulls an upset in the election– but warns us that he’ll specifically be speaking of “great” and “greater” things along the way.

The Antichrist comes to power through collusion with a secret alliance who uses disinformation to help him win– even though he has a minority number of supporters.

“After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people.”
Daniel 11:23

So, you know… according to God’s holy and infallible word and all, one of the other major signs to warn us of the arrival of the Antichrist would be an election where someone won with fewer supporters, and where it was also proven that an evil outside power meddled with the process to specifically put that person in office.

But I can’t imagine the country would turn a blind eye if that ever happened, especially for my evangelical friends who tell me we need to always be on guard for the arrival of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing.

“The arise in power of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.”
2 Thess. 2:9

Evil is evil, but evil is not stupid… or at least, Satan isn’t. When the time comes to make his power move in the human story, he’ll find a way to not only make evil palatable– he’ll try the ultimate bait and switch by making God himself seem responsible for this evil. What better way to get a hit in, than to do it and make it look like God actually did it?

When the Antichrist comes, be sure to look for powerful religious folk claiming it was a miracle from God: 

“He did everything wrong, politically. He offended gays. He offended women. He offended the military. He offended black people. He offended the Hispanic people. He offended everybody! And he became president of the United States. Only God could do that.”
Franklin Graham
False Prophet

As president, the Antichrist will immediately find ways to make himself and his friends richer– and he will do it in a way no president had ever done before.

“Then he will distribute among his followers the plunder and wealth of the rich—something his predecessors had never done.”
Daniel 11:24

In this verse the Bible continues down the path of helping us get more specific about the rise of the Antichrist so we won’t miss it when we see it: He says that the Antichrist will be unique from all other presidents before him in the way he will be able to use the presidency to instantly get richer and toss lots of money over to his friends.

While all modern presidents are wealthy, and politicians give kick-backs, Daniel indicates something will be different about this president and that he will uniquely profit off the presidency in a way that previous presidents never imagined

This prophecy could likely only be fulfilled if a rich business person were to win a deceptively influenced election, and then serve as president with some sort of business structure that got he and his friends richer and richer just from being president.

If such a thing were to ever occur, you might likely hear a government oversight body state something to the effect of: “The president has turned the government of the United States into a money-making operation for his family, his friends and himself.”

Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws.

“He will try to change the set times and the laws.”
Dan. 7:25

What’s fascinating is that the Bible never tells us he actually succeeds or does change the appointed cycles, but that he expresses wanting to change them. What would it look like to express an interest in changing laws around cycles and appointed times? It would likely be that the Antichrist will want to change elections, skip/delay an election, or extend term limits, etc, thus what the Bible says of “intending to alter laws for appointed times…”

The Antichrist will make fake news popular and will be a chronic liar. His followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth.

“He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior… He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.”
Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10

Daniel 8 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 are incredibly descriptive warnings to help us recognize the Antichrist. Predicting that under his rule “deceit will prosper” warns us to look for someone who calls the truth “fake news” and who is known for constantly lying.

In fact, the Antichrist lies so much that the Bible stops calling him the Antichrist and starts calling him The Liar– using the definite article for effect– as if he begins to personify fake news and lies.


The Antichrist will reward those who are completely loyal with powerful positions and lucrative real estate deals.

“He will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will sell them land at a price.”
Daniel 11:39b

No kidding: the Bible predicts the Antichrist will be someone who negotiates powerful real estate deals with his friends.

The Antichrist is someone in need of constant affirmation, so the Bible predicts he will use his position to surround himself with blind loyalists who honor and submit to him.

To spot the Antichrist as the Bible predicts, look for a president who gives high level positions away on the basis of personal loyalty. While all politics involve a level of this, the Bible calls the Antichrist a worthless shepherd’ so he will likely have a cabinet of leaders in disarray and incompetence, with many being blatantly unqualified or even a bunch of them going to jail.

If that’s not enough to help us identify the Antichrist, the Bible throws us a major bone: He’ll be a president experienced at negotiating land and property deals, and he’ll have access to plenty to buy and sell. 

While some prophecies are general enough to fit certain leaders here and there, thankfully the Bible give us some rather specific clues to also look for– like a rich and arrogant political outsider who happens to be in the business of negotiating land and property deals.

The Bible says that we’ll be able to spot the Antichrist because he will give an arrogant public speech in the middle of his first term where he boasts of “great things” but also uses God’s name as a curse in the same speech.

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking of ‘great things’ and blasphemous words… and he opened his mouth saying terrible things and blasphemed the name of God.” 
Revelation 13:5-6

I mean, if this were to happen all my end-times friends would spot it, wouldn’t they? Revelation 13 very specifically tells us that somewhere in the middle of his first three and a half years in office, the Antichrist will give a very specific and telling speech: he will arrogantly brag of his accomplishments and ‘great’ things, and will also use God’s name in a way considered to be blasphemy.

This would be exceedingly eye-brow-raising for any serious Antichrist hunter, were this to ever happen in a presidential speech… right?

The Antichrist will draw strong support from many Christians as if they are willfully blind and outright delusional.

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and appear to perform ‘great’ signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, God’s own people. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction…”
Matt. 24:24, 2nd Thess 2:10

Sorry, but I’m old enough to remember when revivals were for God and blasphemy was a serious sin.

The Antichrist will spend his first term in office having an ongoing feud with the leadership of the nation on his southern border.

“He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South…”
Daniel 11:25

Creepy coincidence? The entire Antichrist narrative of Daniel 11 is situated around a conflict along the southern border where the Antichrist is wanting something that the king to his south wont give him. Based on the whole of Antichrist prophecies and the common thread of money and greed, it certainly appears to be money that he wants from the nation to his south…

The Bible predicts that negotiating a deal will be hopeless, as neither side is willing to budge. The Antichrist hates the leadership south of his border and hates his people. Not surprisingly, the Bible says they aren’t big fans of the northern king (v11:27). Scripture tells us that negotiations never get off the ground, as kings to the south don’t want to give the Antichrist anything.

It also says that the Antichrist will go down to the southern border as things heat up– there is a crisis where both sides have troops along the southern border– and that the Antichrist will return home with a large sum of money shortly after. 

Another interesting coincidence: in April 2019 Trump toured the southern border and returned home days later to the Pentagon awarding him $1 billion toward his border wall.

The Bible also says that even though the Antichrist will come home with a large sum of money, that he’s even more furious about things after.

Maybe the money wasn’t enough for what he wanted and didn’t know where the rest would come from? 

The Antichrist will be so angry at the king to his south that he will decide to intentionally inflict harm on that ethnic group in retaliation.

“He will set himself against the people… doing much damage before continuing his journey.”
Daniel 11:28

Yes, you’re tracking with me correctly: the Bible predicts the Antichrist will be an arrogant political outsider who talks about “great” and “greater” things, who wins an election where he has less supporters due to the election being tampered with, who then instantly gets rich off the presidency and spends his time in a feud with the president across from his southern border. 

And yes, the Bible actually says that after negotiations fail at the souther border he decides to get even by intentionally inflicting harm and distress on that ethnic group.

Get ready to have your mind blown with what Zechariah’s prophecy about the coming Antichrist says on this matter, especially in light of what Daniel tells us regarding the Antichrist’s retaliation along the border:

“There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.

He will not go looking for the young who got lost, or care for the children.

He won’t help the ones who are sick or broken, or even give nourishment to the hungry ones who are still healthy.”

– Zechariah 11:16-17

Children being ripped from their parents as a deterrent from crossing into the “northern kingdom,” refugees being locked in cages without adequate care, some dying in our custody, children still missing or given for adoption even though they weren’t orphans?

Yeah, the Bible references the “worthless shepherd” who will do that– AKA: the Antichrist.

Still need a few more warning signs from the Bible as to the identity of the Antichrist? Apparently God doesn’t want us to miss it, because the last few drive it all home:

The Antichrist will be furious over “rumors and reports” that come from the east and north, and will fly into fits of rage as the reports surface. 

“But reports will trouble him from the east and north, and he will set out in a tremendous rage to destroy and wipe out many.”
Daniel 11:44

That’s right: In the middle of the Antichrist’s feud along the southern border he will hear troubling “rumors and reports” that specifically come from the eastern and the northern parts of the country.

The Bible goes on to predict the rumors will “frighten” him and leave him so furious, that he has fits of rage and will want to destroy people over the reports.

The Antichrist will appear to receive a “fatal wound to the head” but the whole world will be amazed he survived.

“And I saw one of his heads that was wounded as if fatal, but it was healed and the world was amazed.” 
Revelation 13:3

In a “literal” sense this verse seems to describe surviving a gunshot to the head, but if viewed metaphorically it could be that the antichrist will be caught up in a scandal that seems like it will end his power, but that somehow he will emerge from it unexpectedly.

If an American president it could perhaps speak to surviving an impeachment attempt, or emerging unscathed from some sort of legal case that everyone things will be the end of him.

The verse speaks of people being amazed he survived, but also seems to indicate this event will either help him gain followers, or at the least will cause his followers to become even more devoted and energized. 

Update July 2024: This is getting a tad bit creepy considering I originally wrote this article in 2019.

The Antichrist will have the nation’s most powerful religious leader influencing the country for him. This leader will try to convince Christians that the Antichrist is “God’s pick” and that we need to support him.

“And then I saw a second beast come from the Earth who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon… and it deceived the inhabitants of the Earth…” 
Revelation 13:11–12

The Bible predicts the Antichrist will survive the near-fatal wound to his rule, but then goes on to tell us he will need the most powerful religious leader in the country to help him solidify support among the religious in order to stay in power– specifically around the 3 1/2 year mark.

3 1/2 year mark? That’s re-election season. Interesting!

The prophecy describes a political/religious alliance where the most influential religious leader in the country goes around speaking to large crowds, displaying any and all religious credentials he can muster, in order to generate support for the Antichrist rule to last more than just 3/12 years.

During the rule of the Antichrist there will be a global pandemic that will kill many people.

“…and many people died from the waters that had become bitter” 
Revelation 8:10

The Bible predicts that during the rule of the Antichrist that there will be a global pandemic where an illness enters the country from a foreign place, spreading in liquid form (cough, sneeze) and ends up killing many, many people in the nation and globally.


During the pandemic the Antichrist will not prioritize the vulnerable.


“”There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.” 
Zechariah 11:6 

When the pandemic hits, be on the lookout for a leader who delays action even though he knows people will die, someone who publicly spreads scientifically false information that could get people killed, and someone who is in far more of a hurry to get back to winning than he is to help the sick and the dying.

During the rule of the Antichrist people will begin having strange and vivid dreams.

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” 
Acts 2:17

Recently people have begin having strange and vivid dreams all across the country, and scientists have been busy trying to explain why it’s happening. The New York Times reported that the query on Google, “why am i having weird dreams lately” has quadrupled. Even National Geographic has a full article on the spike of people reporting having strange dreams.

During the rule of the Antichrist there will be food shortages and huge spike in food prices, but will be a surplus of oil that remains cheap.

“Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil!” 
Revelation 6:6

The Bible predicts that there will be food shortages that cause a dramatic spike in food prices, while leaving some commodities untouched. 

In March and April of 2020, many Americans had their very first experience walking into a grocery store and finding the shelves completely bare. This period also marked the biggest price increase in American food prices since 1974– at a time when oil was at such a surplus that for a moment, it had a negative price.

During the reign of the Antichrist those who are wise to what is happening will rise up and resist in a period of civil unrest that will get a lot of attention. They will face violence from security forces and receive no help from the Antichrist. 

“Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.” 
Daniel 11:33

How do we know the time is at hand and the Antichrist is in power?

Well, according to Daniel, look for a period of civil unrest where those who “resist” speak out against the culture of the Antichrist. Protesters will face violence from security forces, some will “fall” and get no help when they do, and their movement will be co-opted by opportunists whose motive is to plunder (loot) but who are not sincerely members of the resistance movement. 

The Antichrist will use his armed forces to remove people from the area surrounding a church and will do something detestable in front of it.

“His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the area surrounding the temple, so that they can set up the abomination that leaves the area empty.” 
Daniel 11:29-33

In ancient times God-followers went to the temple to sacrifice, worship him, and gather together. The Bible tells us that during the rule of the Antichrist there will come a time when churches do not gather like they used to.

It further tells us, both in Daniel and then mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24, that the Antichrist will use the military to clear out the area outside a church until it is empty and desolate. Once the area is cleared, the Antichrist will do something just outside of the church that is an abomination to God.

On June 1, 2020, Donald Trump had federal officers fired teargas (a weapon that is outlawed under the Geneva Convention) and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters in Washington D.C. and make the area desolate so that he could walk to a local church for a staged photo op. It was not a church he attended (he prefers to play golf on Sundays), and the photo op was to help him with conservative religious voters.

What is also interesting is the Bible tells us in the very next verse that after the Antichrist engages in this act in front of the church, he will flatter and compliment Christians who have betrayed their faith to follow him. In an interview after his staged event, Trump said that religious people were happy he did it and mentioned Franklin Graham and Robert Jefress– offering them both flattery.

The pastor of the church was absolutely furious that he would not only do this to peaceful protestors in front of the church, but that he would use their church and a Bible from inside, as a photo op. They even threw a priest off church property in order to do it.


The Antichrist will see himself as being above everyone else, as if he had no need for God. He will eventually elevate himself as the God and King of Israel

“And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.”
2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17

However… it’s hard to imagine this actually happening. I don’t know if I’ve ever met a professing Christian who saw themselves as being so flawless or had zero reverence for God. Well, take that back– never mind the admission that he’s “never seen a need” to ask God forgiveness for anything, or saying, “Why should I repent if I haven’t done anything wrong?” just TODAY he did something that seemed unthinkable… 

Here’s Donald Trump, just as the Bible predicts, setting himself up like he’s the God and King of Israel:

Beyond words. This is what Antichrist looks like.

But you know what? He is not the God of Israel. He doesn’t worship or even know the God of Israel.

But are you ready for some Antichrist trolling about 2,600 years in the waiting?

Well, we know the Antichrist hates God and doesn’t worship him– but the Bible *does* actually let us in on a secret and tells us who the Antichrist does worship… and spoiler: it’s not actually Satan.


The Antichrist will be a one-term president

Revelation 11:1-2, 13:5, Daniel 7:25

The Bible says that the Antichrist will be given power to rule for approximately 3 1/2 years. It doesn’t say that his rule ends exactly at three and a half years, but rather indicates the bulk of his season of power is limited to this span of time. In an American context, this makes complete sense as the 3 1/2 year mark is when the focus of a president either shifts to re-election, or in the case of a two-term president, this period often becomes the “lame duck” period where many presidents functionally lose their power and influence.

To keep your eye out for the Antichrist, I would look for a president who is able to rule quite powerfully for the first 3 1/2 years, but who then either completely shifts his focus to re-election, or sees his power & influence slip away as election season takes over– and who loses in the end.

The Antichrist will attempt to stay in power, but will be defeated by the nation’s courts.


“But then the court will convene, and all his power will be taken away.”
Daniel 7:26

Could you spot the Antichrist? Well, the Bible gives us a boat load of clues– and this is another unique one that will stand out in American history. The Bible tells us that after the 3 1/2 year mark, the rule of the Antichrist will come to an end. In an American context that would most likely mean the Antichrist loses his re-election bid.

However, Daniel 7 tells us it will not end there– meaning it is highly likely the Antichrist will not accept the election results, or will attempt to find some other way to stay in power. But the biblical prophesy to look for is this: the Bible tells us that the nation’s court system will sit in judgment over the matter, and that they will rule against the Antichrist (the “liar” as the Bible calls him), and that their ruling will be the final blow that brings his rule to an end.

The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls.

For real. The Bible actually says that.

“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.”
Daniel 11:37-38

You can’t even make this stuff up– yes, the Bible *actually* says that instead of worshipping the true God, the Antichrist will worship an unknown god of “fortresses.”

What does this word “fortress” literally translate to?

Border walls that secure a city or country, that’s what.

Yes, the Bible says the Antichrist will worship the god of border walls.

Some commentaries argue it’s not even referencing a real deity (though some think it was the ‘god of towers’ like a gate tower), but instead note that it is likely the Antichrist will be so obsessed with a border wall, worshipping it with a lot of money, that it functionally becomes his god.

Yup- trolling from long-since-dead-guys. Priceless!

The Antichrist’s most devoted followers will wear a sign of their allegiance to him on their foreheads.

“And they received a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…”
Revelation 13

And we all thought it was going to be a barcode or chip….

And the final biblical prophecy on the Antichrist:

… But the people who truly know God and remain faithful, will firmly “resist” him.

With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
Daniel 11:32

Yup– even the name of our movement is mentioned in the Antichrist narrative.

So in the end, what do I believe theologically on the subject of eschatology after this research project?

I don’t know yet.

But what I do know is this: If the Antichrist comes, I’m not going to be the one guy in the room who doesn’t recognize him.

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Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell, and earned his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller.

He is the author of Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith, and Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus.

It's not the end of the world, but it's pretty #@&% close. Trump's America & Franklin Graham's Christianity must be resisted.

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9,626 Responses

  1. Interesting to note that your assessment has the false prophet as being Franklin Graham… when it might actually be Elon Musk (considering America's true religion is money).

    Richest man in the world with 200 million followers on twitter. He's been viciously using that site to turn America into a more hateful and deceitful country. And he's doing all he can to try to get Trump re-elected.

    God forbid these men actually succeed.

  2. You probably did it. You ended your unhealthy relationship. Instead of bargaining, attempt to rationalise the scenario and explore why the relationship didn’t work out in some elements. Long-distance relationships are even harder to keep up, and the explanation why they will fail are numerous. Heart matters more to me than height. The researchers purpose to uncover key information about how people make choices and the way they will potentially choose more suitable companions in the primary place. As you’re employed on your self and your individual progress, you’ll naturally entice companions who’re appropriate along with your genuine self. The Relationship Dimension program is an Interactive occasion focused at people who find themselves 18 years and above with the intention of bringing about a renewed discovery about building relationship at all ranges and fostering family life. You will see totally different sorts of relationships which individuals share with each other and one kind is the spiritual relationship.

    One dating partner might attempt to maintain his or her companion from friends and family or threaten violence or a break-up. Two predominant variations are described: an asymmetrical relationship the place one celebration is required to take no offence at fixed teasing or mocking by the other, and a symmetrical relationship where every occasion makes enjoyable at the other’s expense. Sure, some look that manner, however often that’s as a result of two persons are putting in rather a lot of work behind the scenes. The social relationship additionally analyzes how he is talking to others, is it meaning full or not, is it directs to good or bad something, or the idea behind the talk if dangerous is intentional or not and many others. Such different standards additionally are discussed in time of wanting into ones relation to the society. A relationship can morph right into a voice-and-textual content scenario that assumes its own shape, making it somewhat unusual when a couple really spends time collectively in person after a protracted absence.

    I would need somebody who can make me giggle. I would want somebody that is aware of how you can have enjoyable. If you find yourself relationship someone, you don’t essentially need to notify the opposite person in detail about your want to end the arrangement. It occurs once you meet somebody, and despite feeling a spark, you feel awkward around them. Beyond the primary few months of giddy affection and the feeling of butterflies, few — if any — romantic relationships are simple. In the event you and your vital different (S.O.) are in a protracted-distance relationship, it’s a sign that your lives are different sufficient that circumstances forestall you from dwelling in identical ZIP code, state and even country. Maybe you simply met but don’t know each other well enough [url=https://twitter.com/LatamDate]latamdate.com[/url] to maneuver to the same city. In lots of towns, you want the town council or authorities teams to approve block party permits. You want to offer your teenagers with alternatives to make their very own choices and take accountability for their own actions.

    We needn’t agree, however he does have to be informed. By being communicative, you will also assist one another adapt and develop. Sometimes, you can’t help it. In this modern age, there are many alternatives: cellphone calls, textual content messages, immediate messaging and just about another communication technology developed since the service pigeon. By being optimistic, you’re in the end removing all the unhealthy things from your relationship unconsciously. Small issues can be stunning and memorable as long as it comes from each other’s heart. I’d ask if we can all hang out together. The video, which was filmed in Jennifer’s dwelling studio, toggles between ardour and torment as a pair acts out choreographed sequences mixing dance and destruction. That held true whether or not they did something for someone they knew (like baking cookies for a friend or giving a classmate a trip house) or for a stranger (like giving somebody a free cup of scorching chocolate on a frigid day). A helicopter ride of the city would work for me.

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  22. I was hoping for an update now that he was survived a head wound and is making a grand reappearance days later! Add it to the list

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  24. "One of the beast’s heads looked like it had a fatal wound, but its fatal wound was healed. All the people of the world were amazed and followed the beast."
    Trump was shot in the head but survived on 7-13-24. Rev 13:3 strongly supports the argument that Trump is the Antichrist. Regardless, Trump is not of god, he is not even remotely Christ-like, God is love and there is no love in that man except for himself. So many gullible religious folk have been seduced by him just as the bible predicted the Antichrist would do.

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  26. Came back to this article, four years later because I remembered it so well. Head wound achieved, and now the scenario really fits. Question is, will the Evangelical movement recognize it? or will they back him again?

  27. Curious to see your perspective on the recent assassination attempts. Seems to fit right in line with Rev 13:3

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  171. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara’nın Nabzını Tutan Haber Sitesi: Pandermos Haber Bölgesel haberlerde derinlik ve kalite arayanlar için Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara bölgesinin en güncel ve güvenilir haber kaynağı Pandermos, okuyucularına kesintisiz bilgi akışı sağlıyor. Yerel olaylardan, kültürel etkinliklere, ekonomiden spora bölgenin dört bir yanını kapsayan geniş bir haber yelpazesine sahip olan Pandermos, bölge halkının ve ilgi duyanların ilk tercihi olma özelliğini koruyor. Gelişmiş habercilik anlayışı ve objektif bakış açısıyla hazırlanan içerikler, Pandermos’u sadece bir haber sitesi olmanın ötesine taşıyor. Güney Marmara’nın sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel dinamiklerini anlamak isteyen herkes için vazgeçilmez bir kaynak haline gelen bu platform, okuyucularına kaliteli ve doğrulanmış bilgiler sunmayı amaçlıyor. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve çevresinde yaşayanlar veya bu bölgeyle ilgili güncel bilgileri takip etmek isteyenler için Pandermos, aradıkları her şeyi bir arada bulabilecekleri bir portal. Ziyaretçilerine sadece haber değil, aynı zamanda bölgenin kültürel ve sosyal yaşantısına dair paha biçilmez bilgiler de sunuyor. Eğer siz de Güney Marmara’nın nabzını tutan, güncel ve objektif haberleri kaçırmak istemiyorsanız, Pandermos sizin için en doğru adres. Habercilikte kalite ve güven arayanların tercihi Pandermos, bölgesel haberler konusunda bir adım öne çıkıyor.

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  173. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara’nın Nabzını Tutan Haber Sitesi: Pandermos Haber Bölgesel haberlerde derinlik ve kalite arayanlar için Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara bölgesinin en güncel ve güvenilir haber kaynağı Pandermos, okuyucularına kesintisiz bilgi akışı sağlıyor. Yerel olaylardan, kültürel etkinliklere, ekonomiden spora bölgenin dört bir yanını kapsayan geniş bir haber yelpazesine sahip olan Pandermos, bölge halkının ve ilgi duyanların ilk tercihi olma özelliğini koruyor. Gelişmiş habercilik anlayışı ve objektif bakış açısıyla hazırlanan içerikler, Pandermos’u sadece bir haber sitesi olmanın ötesine taşıyor. Güney Marmara’nın sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel dinamiklerini anlamak isteyen herkes için vazgeçilmez bir kaynak haline gelen bu platform, okuyucularına kaliteli ve doğrulanmış bilgiler sunmayı amaçlıyor. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve çevresinde yaşayanlar veya bu bölgeyle ilgili güncel bilgileri takip etmek isteyenler için Pandermos, aradıkları her şeyi bir arada bulabilecekleri bir portal. Ziyaretçilerine sadece haber değil, aynı zamanda bölgenin kültürel ve sosyal yaşantısına dair paha biçilmez bilgiler de sunuyor. Eğer siz de Güney Marmara’nın nabzını tutan, güncel ve objektif haberleri kaçırmak istemiyorsanız, Pandermos sizin için en doğru adres. Habercilikte kalite ve güven arayanların tercihi Pandermos, bölgesel haberler konusunda bir adım öne çıkıyor.

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  179. Trump is a possibility, but not the only candidate.
    Obama and Biden could be the Beast and the Antichrist.
    Also, check out the Beasts in King Charles III’s coat of arms. He has them all!
    President Erdogan of Turkey is another Antichrist wanna-be.
    So far none of the has had a literal head wound, so we will just have to wait and see.

    1. That photo was edited to fool people looking for their own truths instead of seeking what is truth.

      Btw, doing that to a great deal of paintings provides that result, please stop looking for signs that don’t matter. Charles has nothing to do with you practicing the way or not.

      Do you think someday you’ll come before God and get your name in the book of life by pointing at a painting Jonathan?


      A few years ago I repented to God then Prayed for help, “I was until then an Atheist.”

      I then had a dream of Jesus coming before God and he spoke of the Tabernacle in Perfect context, “A word I didn’t know existed.”, and what I felt from Jesus when I Held him was unlike Anything I’ve Ever felt before – A Lifetime of Love Every Second – It brought me to Sobbing and it changed my life, Forever.

      I’ve had Many experiences since, “Several witnessed”.

      A voice Spoke Clearly into my ear, “Go Visit Your Father Today.”, hours before he passed. When I prayed if I could leave this world my body spoke a word Without My Permission I Never Heard Before, “Malarkey”. Hours before a major surgery a Bright orb of light Passed across my face.

      God and Jesus ARE real! Truly Love God & Everyone!

      I believe Prayer, Following God’s laws & Love is the answer, and through that, Truly becoming Humble, Merciful, Welcoming, Giving, Gentle, Respectful, Compassionate, Patient, Kind and Forgiving, To All.

  180. I do believe all the ideas youve presented for your post They are really convincing and will certainly work Nonetheless the posts are too short for novices May just you please lengthen them a little from subsequent time Thanks for the post

  181. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara’nın Nabzını Tutan Haber Sitesi: Pandermos Haber Bölgesel haberlerde derinlik ve kalite arayanlar için Bandırma, Balıkesir ve Güney Marmara bölgesinin en güncel ve güvenilir haber kaynağı Pandermos, okuyucularına kesintisiz bilgi akışı sağlıyor. Yerel olaylardan, kültürel etkinliklere, ekonomiden spora bölgenin dört bir yanını kapsayan geniş bir haber yelpazesine sahip olan Pandermos, bölge halkının ve ilgi duyanların ilk tercihi olma özelliğini koruyor. Gelişmiş habercilik anlayışı ve objektif bakış açısıyla hazırlanan içerikler, Pandermos’u sadece bir haber sitesi olmanın ötesine taşıyor. Güney Marmara’nın sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel dinamiklerini anlamak isteyen herkes için vazgeçilmez bir kaynak haline gelen bu platform, okuyucularına kaliteli ve doğrulanmış bilgiler sunmayı amaçlıyor. Bandırma, Balıkesir ve çevresinde yaşayanlar veya bu bölgeyle ilgili güncel bilgileri takip etmek isteyenler için Pandermos, aradıkları her şeyi bir arada bulabilecekleri bir portal. Ziyaretçilerine sadece haber değil, aynı zamanda bölgenin kültürel ve sosyal yaşantısına dair paha biçilmez bilgiler de sunuyor. Eğer siz de Güney Marmara’nın nabzını tutan, güncel ve objektif haberleri kaçırmak istemiyorsanız, Pandermos sizin için en doğru adres. Habercilikte kalite ve güven arayanların tercihi Pandermos, bölgesel haberler konusunda bir adım öne çıkıyor.

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  228. Now compare those verses with the Biden Crime Family.
    Or Putin.
    Or Erdogan.
    I am not saying Trump isn’t the Antichrist. I am just unconvinced at this point. I do believe that it won’t be long before the Antichrist will be “revealed”.

  229. You’re so awesome! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So great to find someone with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality!

  230. You’re so awesome! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So great to find someone with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality!

  231. The author doesn’t seem to be around anymore which is too bad. I disagreed with him on almost everything but he was game.

    As far as the Anti-Christ goes no one knows who he is yet though there are a lot of candidates.

    1. There are many antichrists, and all of them teach opposition to the ways that God gave us through Jesus.


      When Jesus said those who believe in him, he didn’t mean for people to point up at the sky, that’s why the entire rest of the Way he taught for years spoke of practicing, perfecting, growing, becoming like the child, born again, the sheep.

      “Lord, lord”, is proof belief isn’t salvation.

      A true disciple, that’s something you can read about on the Sermon of the Mount.


      Modern day christianity to whatever end isn’t following the ways we were given, idk why, because the bible literally proves it, dangerously so, but /shrugs,

      People are going to do what they’re going to do.

  232. Hitler also fooled a lot of Christians even though his Reich was pushing a version of ancient Germanic cult

    1. Came here for this, thank you… and guess who deeply admires Hitler and kept a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed when he was in the White House…

      1. I think it was a copy of his speeches which may have been worse. He kept Mein Kampf on his bookcase nearby.

        1. Who is trying to end Democracy now by any means necessary? The current administration has resorted to violence having lost its Lawfare campaign.

  233. Brother you need to make this post available as a pdf so I can print it and distribute. Thanks for doing all the legwork.

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  235. [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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  236. As a non believer who enjoys religion and theology, I have no idea how people could be thos unknowing to the book they claim to follow. I bear no ill will to anyone that earnestly believes in faith, nor do I have a desire to stop anyone. I have seen faith and religion drive very good things and have seent the help the offer the community and can help individuals overcome many, many things. I just wish more of them were as informed and pleasant as y’all seem. I come from the Bible belt and only grew up in hate, bigotry, and lies from all of the churches around me. As much good as I have seen, I have seen more pure hatred and evil justified on the basis of religion. Not as much as the people enslaving the earth and pillaging the planet of its life, but more than should happen.

    I wish all of you a great day, and I hope more folks start to realize the lies they have been fed and wake up to the reality of our neighbors being persecuted, murdered, and imprisoned over the fact that they are “not normal” (ew).

  237. Thank you, Benjamin Corey, for fighting the good fight. I hope you do another update soon. So much has happened since the last update, and as events occur, this article takes on even more meaning.

    I’ve posted a link to this page and the corresponding YouTube video many times hoping to enlighten some of the extreme left-wing Christian nationalists and I encourage all of you reading this comment to do the same. If we can all reach just a few of them, we can make a huge difference. Our precious and fragile democracy is hanging on by a mere thread.

  238. I thank you for doing the tedious comparative analysis with such a specific amount of data! I am not surprised, however, since I knew enough from memory that Trump seemed to be matching quite a number of issues. I was especially disturbed when the Evangelical Christians chose to support Trump. And even though some saw through him, and talked about accountability, I have never seen ANY actual written statements that have been shared nationally that they were wrong about Trump… So, of course, I am curious. have you found any? I do remember I saw that Graham was given money during Covid!!!!! Can you imagine a man of God, supposedly, actually accepting money when so many were in such great need… I’m a new follower of what you are doing… I look forward to your continued guidance. I am only one of two in my immediate family that opposed Trump. It has been hard, it has been difficult to have to choose… But I truly believe God wants us to speak out and work on God’s behalf… May He continue to give you strength… Catch me at Book Readers Heaven if interested… I’ve been reading books that the republicans would want banned for about 20 years of so via reviewing writers that have taken a different path… You are the first, though, that actually, answered my questions re rapture, the AntiChrist…and I’ve just started reading! God Blesses those who Listens… And Speaks His Truth!

  239. I’ll bet you’ll get a lot of Liberal/Socialist friends from your pandering article. Everything you said/wrote could fit any Political Leader anywhere in the World proven by the Current Biden Administration as an example. They kill Babies. You don’t need Nuclear weapons to threaten the World dummy, especially with Bio weapons, etc. I could go on and on with your BS statements that don’t include the Deep State/Swamp because you hate ONE Person in this World. Stop dividing and get on board with cleaning this mess that People like you created with your attempted brainwashing tactics that are so, so very obvious. What’s going on in everybody’s day to day struggle in life is what you should speak and analyze about with suggested solutions. Isn’t that what you were taught, or are you a false believer? You, do not speak for the Lord, but you, like me, can suggest what you believe God is saying to us by way of the Bibles, but try to keep it positive, if that’s in you. imo

  240. This is ridiculous. The Biden administration is responsible for provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine, encouraging the brainwashing of children to have gender reassignment procedures and has allowed the promotion of dangerous vaccines and booster shots while censoring information about the dangers and efficacy.
    If anyone is evil it is people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Tony Blair and Ursula Von Der Leyden.
    Trump is no angel to be sure which is why many people like me did not vote for him again in 2020.
    Nice try though.

    1. How is the Biden administration responsible for vaccines? Operation Warp Speed was still during Trump’s era, and he was really hoping that a vaccine being available before the election would save him from being elected out of office.
      Same thing about Ukraine: Trump’s attempted extortion of Zelenskyy and history of statements about Ukraine (including one where he called Putin a genius shortly after the full-scale invasion) show that he was hostile to the country.

      1. It does not matter. I will not vote for anyone who supports Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc. People are dying from the vaccine and the boosters. Trump was lied to by the Deep State. The CIA is responsible for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The US promised Russia they would not allow NATO any further East after the reunification of East and West Germany and they broke that promise again and again. Parts of Ukraine should really be part of Russia. The CIA is the biggest terrorist organization in the world.

        1. Putin doesn’t give a damn about NATO expansion. Otherwise he would’ve invaded Finland a long time ago! And do you really think that “NATO expansion” just happened or might it just have a teensy bit to do with the countries that joined having certain bad memories of Russian domination?

      2. In every way. Mandated vaccines, no recognition of natural immunity, refusal to accept religious exemptions, paranoid censorship of other medical views.

    2. Biden stepped down and isnt running for another term, so much for him being the power hungry Antichrist. Like it or not Trump fits the bill of the antichrist, so much so it actually freaks me out as an Atheist. Who else can fool most christians? Even if the truth is staring them in their face, they won't except it. They will continue to believe in Trump no matter what. These christians even put Trump up there next to Jesus as if equals.

      1. Biden was removed when it became impossible to hide his dementia. The antichrist will be a gay man. How does President Trump fit that bill?

    3. Good analysis Barbara. When I recently discovered that the bible says the antichrist is gay I had to laugh at this post even harder. We need President Trump to lead our country out of this mess the Democrats have created.

  241. When Trump rebuilds the Temple and has himself proclaimed as God therein, then I’ll start to take seriously claims that he is the Antichrist. Until then, I’ll just regard him as an antichrist — a rather weak and impotent one at that. While he may be bent on winning, I don’t think he could conquer his way out of a wet paper bag. So far his only strength seems to be the ability to get in bed with the right people (metaphorically) and take advantage of the reactionary swell of people who feel ignored, even demonised, by the elites.

    If the author is actually worried about it (which I doubt, this strikes me as an elaborate joke) there’s something I have to point out — America isn’t a monarchy, so neither Trump nor any other president can fit the bill of seizing royal power. Unless of course they change the Constitution (or abolish it) to permit setting themselves up as king (or queen). Ignoring the literal meaning there is really shoehorning the prophecy to try to make it fit.

    Now, if Trump is elected again, and does get an amendment passed declaring him Emperor of America…

    1. I don’t think you read most of the article, as it’s implicated across multiple points that the Antichrist-proper will use deception to stay in power; the testimony leaking about the Capitol Hill riots prove that DT was specifically trying to do this (among other more subtle maneuvers elsewhere). There’s zero evidence that he lost the election due to fraud, but pushed it hardcore anyway, and most of the GOP was willing to essentially push him into what’s in reality a dictatorship.

      1. Whether I read the article or not, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make? Trump’s out of office, and I don’t think he has anywhere near the brains or the guts to be the Antichrist. An Antichrist, sure, but I don’t think he comes close to the level of Stalin or even Nero, much less the projected tyrant to literally end all tyrants.

        1. No, of course he doesn’t have the brains or the guts to be THE Antichrist, but if he’s re-elected, he will have the power that the minions around him, who DO have the brains and guts, will need to destroy American democracy in favor of what I assume will be a theocratic dictatorship. If Trump were alone in his quest, I’d be laughing about it, but he’s not. Don’t dismiss this because Trump is as dumb as a bag of hammers. He personally, is not the problem.

          1. I’m not dismissing the idea that a Trump presidency would be a threat, thoguh to be honest I think someone like DeSantis would be worse — a True Believer in conservatism is way more dangeorus than a manchild trying to prop up his ego. Either way though I’d leave the country (if I could) if either man were elected.

            But the article was about Trump being The Antichrist, and that is not something I can take seriously.

        2. Old exchange, but I just watched a 5M video on retorting the objection that Trump can’t be the Antichrist b/c he’s perceived dumb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGyuFNccVkg

          Additionally, Nero is predominantly considered to be a below average Roman emperor; his own support staff ended up abandoning him after he alienated them.

  242. Well, what do you think now that we have Biden purposefully destroying our country, hiding baby formula, poisoning ppl with covid vax, shutting down the oil industry, and now fixing to get us in a nuclear war? Trump actually got a peace deal for Israel! You are a fool with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    1. The midterm elections will handicap the Democrats for the balance of the Biden term. They cannot escape the damage the have done. Red Wave coming!

        1. Do you buy groceries? Do you buy gas? Do you worry about children taking fentanyl? Democrats have wrecked the economy and destroyed the border in two Biden years. God help us.

    2. You literally sound like a deranged Red Hat. The Covid vaccines are not poison, baby formula isn’t being hidden, he didn’t shut down the oil industry and it’s Russia that wants a nuclear war because their Fascist invasion of Ukraine isn’t going to plan.

    3. The chance to stop the madness approaches. Vote the democrats out totally. They are the real enemy of the people.

    4. Considering that literally none of your allegations are true, it sounds like the one with [insert opposite party president] derangement syndrome is you.

  243. since I cannot find my original comment I just wanted to add that according to revelation 17:11 Trump will regain power and become satan made flesh as the abaddon or apolyon

  244. Although I still believe Trump is still the 1st beast antichrist. this teacher has two errors of this blog. One being the false prophet. In my studies strongs concordance hebrew and greek transliteration of the lamb with two horns is talking about the vatican aka the pope. The second error is that the in this blog the mark he believes it is a maga hat. Last time I checked one can still buy and sell with a hat on so that disqualifies that to be the mark.

      1. I am sorry I have no idea where you got your perception of prophecy from because that’s not what scripture teaches. You should reevaluate what you are reading.

            1. Elon Musk is more successful and far wealthier. You can’t become the wealthiest man in the world without Satan’s help.

              1. Respectfully disagree. xD I think a person could get to be the wealthiest through their own endeavour.

                I don’t know about how their wealth stacks up, but I’m willing to believe Musk is wealthier and more successful. Trump inherited his fortune, and from all i’ve heard hasn’t managed it very well.

  245. I would love to see another update to this, considering all the things that have happened since the last update! Thanks, Reverend Corey!

  246. Revelation 14:20 indicates blood will flow by the “space of 1600” furlongs [1600 Pennsylvania Avenue reference]:

    14:19: And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

  247. But not those who lead the people to sin and call it good- Biden and Pelosi? Not the baby murder party?

    Biden has a god complex and he is out of his mind. This week he talked about using F-15 fighter jets on armed citizens.

    Appreciate your study BUT I think that Trump too obnoxious and he professes that Jesus alone is Lord. The John 8:44 Democratic Party does appreciate your support though.
    (stop helping them?)

    1. The Bible supports abortion (which isn’t murder).

      Biden doesn’t have a god complex. He’s just an old politician.

      As for Trump, he isn’t actually Christian. He’s a terrible liar and most certainly doesn’t think Jesus is the Lord. He just says whatever he thinks his Red Hat followers want to hear. But he does not know Jesus and will be cast away from Heaven upon death.

    2. Hey champ, aside from that a “baby” is post-birth, which Dems are not at all against, did you know that abortion is not condemned ANYWHERE in the Bible? It does implicate finding you Republicans’ xenophobia, particularly immigrants, disgusting though.

  248. So, when are Revelation 13:3, Revelation 6:6, Daniel 11:29-33, Daniel 7:26 excerpts going to be updated with the events of 1/6 and everything that’s happened since? 😅

  249. Mr. Corey, brilliant post! I would also be interested in whether your average Evangelical would recognize Jesus if He were to return. I have a feeling that as radical as Jesus seems in the Bible, they’d only crucify Him again, or whatever would pass for that now.

    1. The story of Jesus in the Bible is in fact the true story of Horus the first SUN of the Creator and His path through the constellations of the heavens. Spring equinox, Winter solstice turned into the birth of Jesus, crucifixion and resurrection to deceive humanity and make them believe in a physical savior in order to be connected to our Creator. The true connection lies in your heart. Quote Nikola Tesla “If you want to understand the universe think in ways of sound, vibration, and frequency”. The earth is a magnetosphere and her frequency is 1748. Your heart operates on the same frequency. Love and compassion are the keys to knowing our Creator. Not some fairy tales that the Roman Catholic empire and the Hebrews created by twisting the oldest texts known to exist. Check out Altrusian Grace Media on YouTube and be prepared for the truth

  250. Now do Barack Obama, who is more of a match. I don’t believe the Anti-Christ is Trump but it could be his son in law. The Anti-Christ, I believe is either Barack or Kushner.

    1. Oh stop. The big, black man is gone now. It’s all going to be OK. Turns out, Black wasn’t the problem after all, it was Orange!

      1. Seriously? The mean orange man has been out of office for 2 years yet here you obsess over him. Get a life.

        1. The certifiably insane orange man has not SHUT UP since he left office. He also keeps committing crimes. I would love nothing more than to forget he ever existed, but he won’t let ANYONE forget. It’s not an obsession, it’s an attempt at justice. He should be in prison for the rest of his sorry life.

  251. I can’t believe the amount of people still looking for the antichrist . When the tangerine messiah came on scene I knew right away he was the antichrist . In fact in one video of him in the Oval Office I saw him leaving the Oval Office and he for a second looked at the camera and his eyes were pure black no whites and it didn’t even surprise or scare me I already knew who he was

    1. I am surprised that by that look he did not transfix you into a comatose state. That’s why I avoid looking at Obama – it’s too dangerous.

  252. Call Trump what you will, Ronald Reagan’s Revolution was far more pervasive. He turned us from being a nation of dutiful citizens to a nation of people “guided by” personal religion. The COVID situation underscores this. Remember that the goal was to destroy the notion of government. And just like with Reagan’s response to the AIDS situation. in many states the governments are making it clear that they don’t care if people live or if they die–Chaos, Baby.

    1. Seven months into the Biden regime we have complete chaos at our border. 1.2 million illegals, untested, released in our country; gas prices escalating, inflation escalating; a debacle the world abhors in Afghanistan. Who is killing whom here: the States or the Fed?

  253. I am sincerely amused by many of the inane comments to this article.
    Rampant TDS across the board.
    Most amusing.
    I can’t wait to see whaat fire this draws….

  254. I am not a believer but I have read the bible. For sometime now I have marveled at how closely politicized evangelicalism has resembled the description of the church of the anti-Christ. It amazes me to watch politicized evangelicals toss out everything they are warned about in the book they pretend to live by. One very important segment of this evangelical movement is the so called prosperity gospel. Supposed Christians who are completely given to praying for money and giving large sums to the blatant con artists playing the role of Christian leaders.

    Many evangelicals have turned Trump into a modern day Jesus in spite of the fact that he has no interest in any religion beyond his need for their support.

    It is also remarkable how they continue to follow and believe in very obvious false prophets who have and continue to support Trump. Many of them publicly stated that God actually told them that Trump would win the election, which of course, he lost. Then they attempted to edit, revise, and reinterprets their so called prophecies, that they claim came directly from God to their ears.
    Yet those congregations still follow obvious false prophets who say what they want to hear.

    These supposed Christians clearly worship a god created in their own image.
    Even for an atheist it is bizarre to behold what a huge portion of American Christians have become.

    It is humorous to me, when evangelicals tell me I should read my bible, when it is so obvious that they have not read the book they loudly pretend to live by.

    1. I suspect atheists populate these sits looking for company in their otherwise lonely and purposeless life.

      1. Bob, you should worry much less about what atheists believe, and much more than the good majority of evangelical Americans admit to supporting arguably the most evil POTUS ever. And no butwhataboutisms about any recent Democrat POTUSs, as they’re nowhere near as morally problematic as Trump.

  255. The first 1/2 page paper below Fulfills Revelation 21:6 and second one refers to my role in exposing that Fascist Former Guy as Revelation 11:7’s “beast from the bottomless pit.”

  256. ————— Proofs we live in an Anti de Sitter Universe

    The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very DEFINITION OF GOD as the NON-LOCAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” The following four summary papers Explaining this Reality in detail are
    available on Sean Sheeter’s Facebook homepage.

    In “Towards The Most Memorable Christmas In History” I Define God in more detail and explain why an AdS cosmology can only be understood via Prophesy, after
    prophesying myself about Jesus’s rebirth on Christmas day in the year 2100 and coming out on his 22nd birthday as Christ the Messiah, thereby Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

    In “My Christmas Letter to Errol Morris” I tear apart a ludicrous theoretical
    speculation by Roger Penrose that one can see complete Hawking Black
    Hole Evaporation from a Previous universe in this one, which doesn’t happen until the complete AdS cycle ends after 88.088 billion light years. After giving a little personal history about my late partner A.J. Meyer and myself and our respective interactions with the Godfather of Gravitational wisdom, John Wheeler, I go on to destroy the predominate cosmological idea that the expansion of space itself is accelerating.

    The “Complete 3-21-21 Definition of GOD as an Anti de Sitter Cosmology”
    goes on to demolish that idea in more detail with regard to the final fact that the Big Bang’s White Hole Ended the Inflation Era after having truly Accelerated to a power of 10 to the 20th order Faster than light speed after Creation.

    The final synopsis “Cosmological Page Time” expands on the fact that this White Hole’s effective Plank scaled Spatial Horizon is presently some 13.77×2 billion light years in diameter and is Expanding at light speed as Carried through the 4th
    Dimension by a Primordial Gravitational Wave whose massless Gravitons are Quantized at a reciprocal Planck scale

  257. First 1/2 page paper below Fulfills Revelation 21:6 and second one refers to my role in exposing that Fascist Former Guy as Revelation 11:7’s “beast from the bottomless pit.”

    1. ————- Proofs we live in an Anti de Sitter Universe

      The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very
      DEFINITION OF GOD as the NON-LOCAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” The following four summary papers Explaining this Reality in detail are available on Sean Sheeter’s Facebook homepage.

      In “Towards The Most Memorable Christmas In History” I Define God in more detail and explain why an AdS cosmology can only be understood via Prophesy, after prophesying myself about Jesus’s rebirth on Christmas day in the year 2100 and coming out on his 22nd birthday as Christ the Messiah, thereby Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

      In “My Christmas Letter to Errol Morris” I tear apart a ludicrous theoretical speculation by Roger Penrose that one can see complete Hawking Black Hole Evaporation from a Previous universe in this one, which doesn’t happen until the complete AdS cycle ends after 88.088 billion light years. After giving a little personal history about my late partner A.J. Meyer and myself and our respective interactions with the Godfather of Gravitational wisdom, John Wheeler, I go on to destroy the predominate cosmological idea that the expansion of space itself is accelerating.

      The “Complete 3-21-21 Definition of GOD as an Anti de Sitter Cosmology” goes on to demolish that idea in more detail with regard to the final fact that the Big Bang’s White Hole Ended the Inflation Era after having truly Accelerated to a power of 10 to the 20th order Faster than light speed after Creation.

      The final synopsis “Cosmological Page Time” expands on the fact that this White Hole’s effective Plank scaled Spatial Horizon is presently some 13.77×2 billion light years in diameter and is Expanding at light speed as Carried through the 4th Dimension by a Primordial Gravitational Wave whose massless Gravitons are Quantized at a reciprocal Planck scale

      1. ——- The Grand Old Personality Cult of the Antichrist

        In the the first paragraph of the above paper titled “Towards The Most Memorable Christmas In History,” I allude to an unsettling whole Set of Prophesies, most of which have Already been Fulfilled. But I only learned about what I like to call the Grand Old Personality Cult of the Antichrist (GOPCA, ya don’t spell it, ya say it, it’s a new Word lol!) two days after the election.

        But I also happen to know that present President Joe Biden already knew all about these prophesies I only learned about on 11-5-20. Which only Biblically confirmed my suspicions about that Fascist Former Guy, as I’ve known for 20 years now that I’m the one who is Destined to expose Revelation 11:7’s “beast from the bottomless pit” to the light of the world. Whereby six months from now one of his many GOPCA ‘beast worshipers’ will “ascendeth out of the bottomless pit” to successfully Kill Me.

        If one scrolls down under the latter sections of My Templeton Foundation Grant Proposal on Sean Sheeter’s Facebook page one can read a paper titled “Me Versus The Antichrist.” Which I wrote as the second section of “My Defense” meant to be read as a part of a Federal Court case being brought against me in San Diego. Now the most damning Proof in Benjamin L.Corey’s set of Prophesies is this: Corey paste: The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls. For real. The Bible actually says that.Proof from Daniel 11:37-38 -“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.”

      2. ——– The Grand Old Personality Cult of the Antichrist

        In the the first paragraph of the above paper titled “Towards The Most Memorable Christmas In History,” I allude to an unsettling whole Set of Prophesies, most of which have Already been Fulfilled. But I only learned about what I like to call the Grand Old Personality Cult of the Antichrist (GOPCA, ya don’t spell it, ya say it, it’s a new Word lol!) two days after the election.

        But I also happen to know that present President Joe Biden already knew all about these prophesies I only learned about on 11-5-20. Which only Biblically confirmed my suspicions about that Fascist Former Guy, as I’ve known for 20 years now that I’m the one who is Destined to expose Revelation 11:7’s “beast from the bottomless pit” to the light of the world. Whereby six months from now one of his many GOPCA ‘beast worshipers’ will “ascendeth out of the bottomless pit” to successfully Kill Me.

        If one scrolls down under the latter sections of My Templeton Foundation Grant Proposal on Sean Sheeter’s Facebook page one can read a paper titled “Me Versus The Antichrist.” Which I wrote as the second section of “My Defense” meant to be read as a part of a Federal Court case being brought against me in San Diego. Now the most damning Proof in Benjamin L.Corey’s set of Prophesies is this: Corey paste: The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls. For real. The Bible actually says that. Proof from Daniel 11:37-38 -“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.

  258. Late to the party but I feel I need to point out that there’s an assumptions that “Evangelicals” don’t recognize or WANT to see the Antichrist rise. In truth these are people who really, really want the ‘end-times’ to come because that will ‘fulfil Gods purpose” and in something we gamers call “Rules Lawyering” it actually makes a lot of ‘sense’ for Avowed Christians to ‘help’ Satan-per-say.

    See the ‘logic’ goes that if they help the “end times” come about then they are in fact helping with “God’s” plan and therefore he will forgive them any sin because they are in fact serving him. So this helpfully ‘explains’ why so many supposed “Christians” are so firm in wanting Trump specifically to regain power and hold that power. As God has not returned and taken direct control then Trump must not have fully served the ‘purpose’ that they see him fulfilling. Only by putting him “permanently” into power can they bring the “end-times” and the “Rapture” they so desperately want. And by that ‘logic’ even if they themselves are not ‘raptured’ they can “help” fulfil all the prophecies and (In their minds) still be ‘saved’ at the end because it’s all about forwarding “Gods Plan” rather than them actually doing or supporting any ‘evil’.

    1. Evangelicals want Progressives to figure out that Christ is coming back and He will not be singing “Love is all you Need.” He is coming back to replace Satan as the Ruler of this World.

  259. This guy is stretching it way too far they why are we still here? sleepy jo burden will get us into war like all dems.

    1. Even if he doesn’t want to he may say something due to his dementia that cause a war. He needs to resign for health reasons; which is the plan anyway.

  260. I’d give some thought to the things kept secret in Daniel 8, 12 and Revelation 10 that this blog reveals. They were revealed to me before knowing anything was kept secret. It was how I song Texas song “God Blessed Texas” that woke me up. Had heard the song a 1000+ times always singing it, “Rocken Down angels from the promised land when it hit me during time when a lady cut my soul open giving me a reason to make a difference. Well, I got stranded and here is the blog.


  261. Ben, where are you?
    My vote is Bill Gates for the anti-Christ.
    You cannot be one of the richest persons in the world without Satan’s help.

    1. Bill Gates has donated a massive amount of money, a sizeable portion of his net worth, to people in need. He’s a pretty good person as far as one of the richest people ever goes. And, he fits practically NONE of the Bible’s characterizations of the antichrist-proper.

  262. Here’s another fun fact if we’re going to go down this path, the rapture must be at hand, right? My pastor many years ago taught that God is not required to take our bodies in the rapture, as is commonly thought. He perceived it would be some kind of mass illness or global catastrophe that caused people to die en masse…

    1. I initially came to these sites to discuss the bible. I did not know what a Progressive Christian even was. I found their views mostly lawlessness and tried to respond with scripture.

      But these sites soon became totally political because that is what sells. Ben is a perfect example. His blogs generate the most comments of any of the writers. Eventually he left Patheos and went on his own where his success continued.

      What will they do now? Biden is not going to provide the fodder that Trump did.

    1. 1½ millennia ago is still ½ a millennia after Christ. To put that in perspective, just a few years ago we celebrated the ½ millennium anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, of Martin Luther nailing his theses on the door. Less than three decades ago was the ½ millennium anniversary of Columbus’s first voyage. The ½ millennium anniversary of the original KJV Bible is still nine decades into the future from now. That’s about how long after Christ that artifact was made.

      Yeah, that’s a long time ago for us today, yet it’s not any sort of contemporary evidence. Also, the Bible already existed by then, so it’s also not a “proof … outside the Bible” any more than a modern-day church building would be.

      1. The article was to show RO that his claim of an elaborate fourth century Christian hoax doesn’t hold water. Just like the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and proved that the OT was carefully copied and preserved despite its detractors these artifacts that turn up demonstrate that Christianity was ingrained in the culture.

  263. Christ noted two things that opposed Christianity: money and pharisees.

    This is written in totally a white evangelical-style mindset — picking and choosing pieces and trying to prove they fit together. And picked from vague ancient texts, from ‘The Bible’. This, rather than simply listening to Christ who said as Mary sat at his feet, was the ‘better thing’ (than all of the hectic activity about/around Christ).
    Yet again, as white evangelicals have tended to do — it utterly ignores Christ.
    As he stated in the intro, he again wasted ink – on this one.

  264. Very interesting post. I no longer believe the Bible, but I think you point out consistently uncanny similarities. I took a peek at the comments and saw some discussion about the second beast.

    I’m no expert. I was raised Mormon and so my knowledge of the Bible is an embarrassment whenever I try to discuss it with a mainstream Christian. I took a peek at Revelations (and mind you, I’m only going from Revelations), but there is no mention this second beast is explicitly religious.

    This person comes from out of the earth, makes an image of the Anti-Christ, commands us to worship him and seizes control of the money system so nothing can be bought without taking the mark of the beast.

    This conjures a few images for me.

    1) The rumor that Trump wanted his face added to Mount Rushmore. That one hasn’t panned out (yet), but the principle artist on that piece would certainly be emerging from the earth.

    2) Someone in tech/film. Someone who can make a movie or hologram image that is broadcast around the world.

    3) If we were still on the gold standard, I would say the Federal Reserve. Gold comes from out of the earth, Trump’s image could be put on a coin (I see this as incredibly feasible), we are told to worship the image of Trump (the coin/money), we can’t use that money without taking on the mark of Trump (I’m not wearing a MAGA cap, I don’t care what you say).

  265. This article goes to great lengths to argue that Trump is the antichrist but where in all the quoted scripture does it talk about the antichrist being voted out of office, probably charged with crimes and not being the leader of a country? Unless, of course, Trump is not the antichrist..

  266. We know ppl by their fruit. If you have been paying attention, even somewhat, (many Christians prefer to bury their heads in the sand), then you clearly see that God has been working through Trump. God does not use perfect ppl, as none exist. He uses ppl who allow themselves to be used. We have the left: they are flat out communists, in political office, and their supporters who are communists, socialists, and Marxists. If you believe that side is in any way Godly, then you are severely misled. President Trump’s actions over the course of the last four years, have proven him to be the person who is fighting for American, which means Judeo-Christian, values and principles.

  267. Gee you almost feel sorry for Mike Pence being offered up by trump as a sacrifice to his fascist mob……


  268. Never forget those who followed and promoted the lies of the Liar in Chief.

    If there is any repentance (which is highly doubtful) it is not to be believed because they will just gravitate to the next conman seeking to divide your country.

    Sleepy joe is wrong to think he can unite the US.

    These people don’t want to be united.

    They only want their way or none at all.

  269. I for one, object to the content of Bones’s comments and ask he be blacklisted from your site for his offensive language and senseless slurs.

    1. Wow, yet you vote for and worship a slanderous adulterer who has led a government insurrection and the chaos of a pandemic.

      I object to those who have prostituted themselves to the personality of the Trump cult leading to the deaths of thousands and the have the gall to moralise and tell us how they’re the real Christians.

      They should be blacklisted from life.

    2. Bahahahaha

      And Trumpers are crying about free speech because their messiah is banned for inciting insurrection.

      But Bob wants people banned because they’re nasty to Trump cultists.

  270. I came to your article because I happen to make a post yesterday about Trump & the Antichrist seem quite the same.

    Your article terrified me. What gets me is….I’m not Christian. Haven’t been for MANY years & yet it seems clear as day. I have dear friends back home in the USA that are staunch supporters & I just don’t get it. It’s been doing my head in.

    If anyone can answer me how is it as a non-Christian I can see it & believe it?

  271. ANYONE who equates Covid, which has a 99% survivability rate, as a “deadly wound”, needs their head examined. No “King of the West” mentioned in scripture, yet THE LEADER OF THE WEST ITSELF is the AC… WOW, that’s retarded.

  272. Is there anything in the prophecies about the AntiChrist being a massive sook and loser who’s chucked the biggest tantrums ever seen?

    Trump’s post election court cases are now at 1-59.

    Is anyone sick of winning yet?

    1. It is becoming obvious that tRump is not the “biblical antichrist,” however an over achieving evil-doer yes.
      I will never get sick of winning due to the fact that I am a Vietnam Vet who had to many brothers-in-arms die in combat only to be berated by the draft dodging coward comrade in chief.

    2. Revelation 13:3–4 could be seen as the Great Beast suffering some seemingly terminal defeat (one of its seven heads being mortally wounded), yet being miraculously restored to power after an unspecified interval of time (the head being healed).

      If that head is Trump’s Presidency, it got stabbed through the temple in early November, 2020 as the mail-in and early votes flipped the Electoral allocation to Biden. It then got clubbed and fractured on December 13 when the Electoral College officially elected Biden as President-Elect. It suffered a death of five dozen-plus cuts as Trump tried court case after court case, only for nearly all to be either defeated or tossed out, and the one victory overturned on appeal. It revived enough to urge its followers to one last try on January 6 as the Joint Session of Congress convened to count the Electoral College votes, but despite that, the head was run over by a steamroller on that day when Pence certified the results, then the pulped remains fed into a woodchipper at noon EST on January 20, then got cremated to ashes in March when their replacement “true Constitutional inauguration date” came and went, and so on. It’s pretty thoroughly nuked at this point.

      If, after all that, Trump does somehow return to power, then yes, I for one will be very thoroughly astonished as verse 4 prophesizes. “Who is like the Beast? Who can make war with him?”

      (I admit to having been pretty nervous on January 6, but I doubt I was the only one.)

  273. The Antichrist is prophesied to lead a revival of Rome. The empire of biblical times no longer exists, but the USA, which did not exist then, is often thought of as the modern Rome. And “Make America Great Again” is definitely an attempt at revival.
    EDIT Apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere in the comments

  274. You and Hal Lindsey should get together to publish a book…..you both possess amazing and fanciful abilities to find something out of nothing..and sell it to people!!

    1. You love the AC and hate truth. Your fake god spoke 30,000+ lies and you still love him. That is all we need to know about you.

  275. This has got to be one of the most narrow-focused, close-minded, hate-filled comments sections I have ever read. It is as if you are all reveling in your hatred and egging each other on to even more outrageous accusations, then wallowing in them.

  276. You all realize that the antichrist, whether it be tRump or not, ushers in the return of the christ and a thousand years of peace. Cause after reading some of these posts, it’s like some of you do not want to live in peace and harmony.
    And the meek shall inherit the earth.

  277. You all realize that the antichrist, whether it be tRump or not, ushers in the return of the christ and a thousand years of peace. Cause after reading some of these posts, it’s like some of you do not want to live in peace and harmony.
    And the meek shall inherit the earth.

  278. A blasphemous use of misquotes from the Bible to create an unfounded political argument.
    Obviously to get BLC more speaking engagments and more profit.

      1. Probably not right now.
        I suppose it is more like “come mumble through a mask to a Biden-sized micro-crowd.”
        Buy stock in “BIG Mask” Corp.
        This will all come to an end one way or another, sooner or later.
        Part of me wishes you are correct because the antichrist points to the Second Coming which is to be looked forward to.

        1. Or better yet buy into casket and funeral home stock since the US lost more people under trump than ever before since WW2.

          Trump is a killer and you are cult member. Pray for knowledge on the subject.

          1. And you are brain-washed, preferring that his(?) country be destroyed and his fellow citizens enslaved than support the man who gave us full employment and peace in the mid -east. Just ’cause you didn’t like his “style.”
            Plus, you are insanely wrong about the death statistics as overall mortality remained steady throughout 2020 into 2021.
            So you are ignorant, too.

      2. I believe that one of the things you have missed here, a very very big thing, the biggest in fact, is that the antichrist will pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, will be beloved by (nearly) all. This is the most frightening thing about the antichrist, his ability to draw followers.
        Trump certainly isn’t that. He has the entirety of the power structure foursquare against him, dogging his every step and cursing his every word. Everything he does is denigrated with vituperation and outright hatred.
        Much like Christ on his first visit to us. Although, no, I am not suggesting that Trump is Christ like anymore than any one of us is.
        I was directed here by my grand daughter, who does not believe, because she believes I am a “man of faith.” Unfortunately she is a democrat as well as a non-believer. Funny how those two positions coincide.

        1. You have misinterpreted the Bible. It says all will follow him, not all will love him. And the whole world does follow him like never before in history. We have a direct line to his brain via Twitter and other social media. Satan doesn’t care about corrupting those who are dead in sin, he knows where they will wind up. He cares about corrupting Christians. This is his last effort to turn as many against God as possible. Just look at the Evangelical Christians in this country. They have sold their souls to Trump and idolize him. They are frauds and false prophets.

          1. Considering how the socialist world leaders aare shoving past each other to congratulate jojothemonkeyboy I really don’t see where you think you are coming from. Your arguments are sadly demented.

            1. All the world leaders are congratulating Biden. Jojothemonkey? And I’m the one with sadly demented arguments?Look dude, you can live in your own simple fantasy world where you worship Trump. I don’t care. The rest of us seem to get it.

              1. First you say that the antichrist will be followed by all these hate-filled individuals and then you say all these leaders are happy to follow jojothemonkeyboy and not Trump? I thought the anti-C pulled the wool over all these eyes and now you are saying that Trump did not and such world leaders as xi-ping of china, the kook running n.korea, the imaam of iran and all the enemies of the USA are now heartily endorsing bidet? Do our enemies lknow something we don’t…about us?
                Are you one of those enemies?

                1. Wow. A lot to unpack here. Honestly, I don’t have the wherewithal to argue with you. Your logical fallacies are something else. Be well.

        2. You are attempting to align trump with Christ. We have an actual christian president now who is a democrat. Democratic policies are much more in alignment with Christ teaching than the republicans.
          Trump does not the entire system against him, quite the opposite.He is the epitome of the capitalist nightmare. You defending him tells me all I need to know about you. Remember nothing is hidden from Him.

          1. Your “actual christian president” rabidly supports killing human beings in the womb, is re-igniting war across the globe, is best friends and financially in bed with the most totalitarian and murderous regime in history, wants to destroy the American economy, lower our standard of living, emasculate and feminize the military and yes, is a ‘demokkkrat’- a member of the party of slavery.
            He also is deep in dementia, can’t string four sentences together without the third being a non sequitor and the fourth an incoherent mumble. He could not recall the ‘name’ of God… apparently you can’t either.
            jojothemonkeyboy is not Christian in any way but by his own self-identification.
            You are utterly beguiled by satan to think otherwise.

      3. Hey Benjamin, I have not checked this article for updates for a couple of months but checked it tonight and saw none. Just letting you know I value your teaching on the subject and used it to get through some tough 2020 times as it helped me to understand what was going on.
        Please update in the future if possible.

      4. I appreciate that you would rather argue with than ‘cancel’ me.
        We might disagree (significantly) but you are an honorable man.
        I’m sorry, too, that these stupid lockdowns, mask mandates and “social separation” have cut into your (and everyone else’s) income. We citizens didn’t deserve this.
        But then, given the state of our culture, perhaps we do.

    1. When things were at their very worst:
      2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid – repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy.
      The first sign – the Earth will spin faster.
      The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin.
      Scientists will say it was a global illusion.
      Beaware – Jesus will never walk in flesh again.
      After WW3 – rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist – the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way.
      Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet
      – will seem to rise from the dead
      – will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one.
      One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist.
      Benedict XVI is the last true pope – will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent.

      – banking collapse was deliberately masterminded by the Antichrist

      – Antichrist will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with palestine in an unlikely alliance.

      – „He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.“

      The Book of Truth

  279. Do you even believe in Jesus? So we are in the middle of the Tribulation? what version bible are you using because I have NEVER seen it written that way… You are a total HACK and you are leading people astray… Better a millstone be tied around your neck pal… good grief you are a HACK

    1. The objective in these anti-Trump blogs is not to advance biblical prophecy but to inflame readers against President Trump. As you can see from the comments it works. The people on these sites fervently believe that President Trump is worse than any historical figure you can name and use God as their witness. But their judgment is self-serving and judgment works both ways.

      1. The Goats that blindly follow this CLOWN is NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING… Babies in Christ if they even know Him… good lord what happened to checking what people say with FACTS!! I had some people ask me to look at this article because it was upsetting to them… I am a Watchman and Gods word said there would be false witnesses in the end days and these people took this CRAP Hook Line and Sinker… What a total HACK this guy is… Just look at his FB page and you will know exactly who and what he is.

      2. Whereas you Bob would love for Trump to grab your crotch.

        Looks like God changed his mind about trump, Bob.

        At what stage do you realise you were a complete dick?

      3. Hi Bob, thanks for chiming in on this silly article, and even sillier comments. To which I would’ve found a complete waste of time until I saw some of ur comments. I’m curious your thoughts on who the real antichrist might actually be? Gates “seems” a likely to be the beast-bc of his patented #2020060606A vaccine. I can also see how Obama could be applied as the antichrist.
        I have to admit there are some parallels that concern me (regarding trump) thou. Not in this article mind u..it was pretty pathetic. But a couple others potentially on trump being the antichrist that were somewhat more compelling… Mostly regarding the deep devotion, the 3.5 years of peace (then comes to plandemic and rioting), second coming messiah /or deception, the last trump (?), etc..not too convincing really but I just want to be somewhat removed from ALL the good Trump has CLEARLY done just to objectively view the whole.
        Can u tell me your thoughts on this, and who u think might be the real deal? Obviously can’t be Biden lol and Hillary is Lilith / jezebel, the Witch.
        Thank you🙏🏽🇺🇸🙏🏽

        1. I don’t know if the anti-Christ is on the scene yet or not. I do know the Temple has to be rebuilt so the anti-Christ can enter and declare himself God. The physical construction of the Temple won’t take that long but it can’t be started until they know where to build it. It is not at the Dome of the Rock as many believe. It is close to there and some know the location but until the Jews accept it they cannot start. This seems like a bit further in time yet to me.

          Love you description of Hilary but who is the Lilith you mention?

          If you haven’t read Sidney’s law suit against Georgia yet I recommend it as you will then get a good night’s sleep. It’s in the body of the Epoch Times article below.


          1. I’m subscribed:) one of the few real journalists left.

            Lots of mystery surrounding Hillary. I mean, Lilith. During her life as Lilith, 3000 BCE, she was depicted as a demonic child-killing demon witch. Amulets were worn to protect children from her.
            History does tend to repeat itself.

            What are your thought on Zionists in The holy city..? Or are they pretty much in city of London now? Still trying to work that one out.

          2. I’m subscribed:) one of the few real journalists left.

            Lots of mystery surrounding Hillary. I mean, Lilith. During her life as Lilith, 3000 BCE, she was depicted as a demonic child-killing demon witch. Amulets were worn to protect children from her.
            History does tend to repeat itself.

            What are your thought on Zionists in The holy city..? Or are they pretty much in city of London now? Still trying to work that one out.

            1. I hesitate to answer you because you seem insane, but all of your posts are ridiculously childish in their analysis of anything in the real world.

          3. The “antichrist” is not an individual but anyone who speaks against the Triune God.
            That is what John said but given the rampant knowledge of today’s “apostles” … what did John know?

            1. Jesus said the mystery of lawlessness was already at work in His time. 2 Thessalonians 2.

              But the anti-Christ is a specific future person whom is empowered by the beast to fulfill prophecy in the end times. This person is unknown today and trying to guess is all we can do.

              1. I do believe that uneducated guesses based upon false testimony to support someone’s personal political agenda are not in the category of “good guesses.”

          4. Bahahaha

            How’d that lawsuit go?

            Apparently you need more than lies and bs social media posts.

            The kraken proving she’s really calamari.

            Court cases at 1-59 and showing how much you people will lie and live in a world of total delusion.

          5. How’d that work out for Sidney Powell?

            The Epoch Times is a mouthpiece of the Scarlet-Coloured Beast of Revelation Chapters 17 (key verse 3) & 18. So are Fox News, One America News, etc.

            The Scarlet-Coloured Beast is the Republican Party. Don’t believe me? Look at their own self-chosen current official logo:It’s literally — and I do mean Lit. Er. Al. Ly. — a Scarlet-Coloured Beast!! Complete with upside-down and thus Satanic stars. Since the whole logo is inside a circle, so are the stars, making them that much closer to being inverted Satanic pentagrams like on the logos of the Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple. And look where the right-most one is relative to the Beast: on its forehead (or at least as close as is feasible to get on a side-view stylized 2-D silhouette)!

            How much more blatant does it have to be? They know who they are. They’re deceiving you unto your destruction.

            (Yeah, 17:3 does say that the Beast has seven heads and ten horns, while the logo has one head and no horns unless you count the trunk as a horn, but those are explained later in the chapter as being symbolic [verse 9 says that the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth — what’s that name that the Christian nationalists came up with for their plan to take over the seven key areas of society? Oh, yeah, the Seven Mountains Mandate {7-MM} — do a Bible search on the phrase “seven mountains” — it’s found nowhere else in the entire Bible except for that one verse! Now why, pray tell, would your oh-so-holy leaders chose that imagery to name their glorious “Godly” ministry and commission after, hmmmmm? As for the ten horns, those are ten “kings” {Presidents?} that share power with the Beast {are elected under its logo and platform?} for one “hour” {a prophetic term for any discrete unit of time, such as, oh, say, a Presidential administration}]. But it being scarlet-coloured, and a Beast, and being full of symbols [pictoral version of “names”] of blasphemy, are not stated to be symbolic of anything! Those are to be taken as literal under the principles of Bible literalism!)

            I posted on another Disqus forum about this back in July. Someone at the GOP apparently saw it and realized that they were being a bit too obvious, so they quickly redesigned their website and put an unofficial (not registered at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website, as the above one is) altered version there and on all their social media accounts (Twitter feed, Facebook and Instagram pages, and YouTube channel): it’s basically the same logo, still a literal Scarlet-Coloured Beast, but now the stars are shrunken to about ½ the official logo’s stars’ size and rotated to be right-side up, but again, that is not the official logo. They made this change in early August. You can use the Internet Wayback Machine on those and see for yourself, before and after the first week of August, 2021.

    2. Yeah just share that Christian love.

      If anyone needs a millstone around their neck and being tossed into the sea it’s those f##kwits who voted for Trump.

    3. Yeah just share that Christian love.

      If anyone needs a millstone around their neck and being tossed into the sea it’s those f##kwits who voted for Trump.

  280. This is a foolish article. Rather than exegetically look at the Scriptures, you supplied meanings into the text. That’s called Eisegesis. You conveniently ignored Scriptures that don’t fit your narrative (what mark is on any Trump Supporter’s right hand?) and ascribed meanings to biblical words from your own vocabulary (election, term, etc.).

    Not to mention the countless other end times prophesies that don’t fit in this mold that you have built.

    I am not a fan of Trump but as a long-time follower of Christ, this article is poorly done and deceitful to the core.

    1. I’m not a Christian (or no longer), but it could be argued that some of these things have not yet happened but could, involving Trump. In any case, Trump’s behavior lines up with the Bible’s characterization of the AC eerily well.

  281. So wow, read the points, and then read the actual chapters myself. And all this is is just some stretched out ideas. Daniel 11 has been proven to be some specific prophecies of Macedon, the four successor kingdoms, and then some other, now historical, things. In Revelation we read that first the seven seals and seven trumpets happen before the beast rises. As well as the two witnesses (Elijah and Moses) in Israel. So yeah, just an hour of actual research into the Bible and it is debunked.

    1. Trump’s behavior still lines up spookily well with many of the Bible’s characterizations of the AC.

  282. “[He] appeared to be fatally wounded, but the fatal wound was healed– and the whole world was amazed.”
    Revelation 13:3
    I can’t help shake the feeling this related to the Election results.

    1. Revelation 13:4: (after he survived the wound) “they worshiped the dragon who gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?”
      This one im still scratching my head on

  283. this article truly suffers from a lack of credibility. while i personally don’t care for Trump myself, to claim he is the antichrist is really stretching the truth. oh, and btw, you left out some very important aspects of the antichrist as seen in II Thessalonians 2:1-12, he is called “the man of sin” and “son of perdition.” he will come at a time of a general apostasy, he will “”deceive people with signs and wonders and will sit in the temple of God””, and claim to be God himself. did you catch that? “deceive people with signs and wonders and sit in the temple of God.” nice try author but your claims bear no truth whatsoever. the antichrist may very well be alive today but i don’t plan on being around when he comes to power. one last note: i see you’re part of the emerging church and progressive Christianity movement and that explains a lot. just know that you’re in my prayers sir.

    1. Considering the numerous links established between Trump and the author’s citations of Biblical scripture to the AC, this is a weak retort. And some of the things that haven’t happened still could.

  284. There is one caveat. Trump can only be THE Antichrist if the first 4 Trumpets of Revelation ACTUATLLY represent Climate change. In that case, the first Trumpet would represent deforestation, the second would represent the plastic in the ocean, (it kills the sea-life) the third would represent fertilizer runoff (makes waters bitter and pepole die) and the fourth would represent the smog (blocks the son moon and stars. Otherwise Trump is just AN Antichrist.

  285. Wow, maybe a comparison to another belief should be read. Check out the book, National Sunday Law, by Jan Marcussen.

  286. Trump does fit the bill so far, but you could tone down the partisan rhetoric a bit. Many of your points are by no means foregone conclusions. Babylon is a complicated topic in and of itself. America could fall, new weapons could be invented, etc. I agree that right now, at this moment, Trump fits the bill. There’s a lot left to be made known, however. This article leaves me questioning your motives. Is it your political bias or a genuine desire to get at the unadulterated truth that’s doing the talking?

    1. The purpose of this blog was to generate comments and boy did it. Ben was the superstar on Patheos before he left and he continues in this blog.

      The audience for this type of anti-Trump material is huge; kind of like drugs. It makes people feel good to disparage their President because they don’t agree with him. When Trump wins on Tuesday the meltdown will be huge.

  287. I first read this over a year ago. I came back today after thinking about it and realizing the COVID/mortal wound connection. I’m Catholic and so not a literalist, but wow, this has me thinking a lot.

  288. Pat Robertson, the 700 club televangelist, said that god told him tRump would be elected president and usher in the end times of death and destruction. Granted this is the third time that pat has predicted the end of the earth but hey…’three times the charm’.
    So if pat says tRump is the antichrist who am I to disagree.

  289. The Bible, a translation of ancient texts that mingle superstition with history distorted by prejudice, contains obscure language that can be translated in a variety of ways. It really has no fundamental continuity, and the meaning of most of the phrases cited here is uncertain and subject to different interpretations. In other words, it signifies nothing, proves nothing.

    Nevertheless, an amusing article, thanks to the author!

  290. Bob Shiloh is a paid protester… otherwise, how does he have the time to argue with EVERY SINGLE COMMENT for 2+ months.

    He’s either a paid protester by Trump or a 300 pound loser sitting in mommy’s basement without a job.

      1. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ☆⁂ 🏛’💗’⁂☆ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
        │✨✠☆ President Joe Biden ∻ VP Kamala Harris ☆✠✨│
        ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ⇚★☆☆☆ º★º ☆☆☆★⇛ ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

        Congratulations! Mr. President-Elect, Joe Biden!

        Thank you Dear God!

    1. 2 months? Bob the TOAD has been praising and worshiping the Orange-Pig for several years. At one point, that pretentious hypocrite advised me to:

      “listen to Hannity and Limbaugh, to learn the truth” …

      can’t be much more of a TЯ卐m₽-TOAD than that.

  291. So, what do you think…..Biden going to take the election or are we destined for another 4 years with Trump?

    1. In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote by 1.5 million and lost to the supreme court, in 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million and lost to the electoral college, in 2020 Joe Biden will win the popular vote by 6 million and lose to the electoral college via the supreme court.
      I see a pattern here and it is not good.

    2. In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote by 1.5 million and lost to the supreme court, in 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million and lost to the electoral college, in 2020 Joe Biden will win the popular vote by 6 million and lose to the electoral college via the supreme court.
      I see a pattern here and it is not good.

    1. Thanks for the link, very informative.
      Answers the question as to why jesus always referred to mankind as sheep, stupid creatures.

      1. Jesus did not not refer to His creation as stupid. His first comment was that they were very good. Gen. 1:31.

          1. Sheep are sweet and passive animals. They do not make fools of themselves like humans; case in point -You!

            1. In your profile, you claim to be an “animal lover” … yet you support a monster whose own son shot a blind elephant, chained to a tree, and held up her tail as a trophy.


              Then, in a blatant disregard to protect endangered species, TЯ☠️m₽ grants permits to import animal trophies:


        1. Yet when hypocrites like you called Jesus and his followers “the devil” … Christ named them swine, dogs, ferocious wolves, vipers, and corpses in white-washed tombs.

  292. In a scary update to this, trump gets coronavirus and may miraculously recover, just like You cited in revelations 13:3, but about russiagate.

    Odd also to note that it was Oct 1, 33 days before the election that his ‘wound’ was announced. 13:3/1,33

  293. UH OH…….tRump may not be the antichrist afterall, unless he uses this as the close to death then comes back to life in a glorious fashion thing. And if tRump dies then definitely not.
    It is what it is

    1. TЯ☠️m₽ is the Beast, not the Antichrist … unless they’re the same person.

      But in reply to your comment: remember, in Revelation 13:3, it is prophesied that the Beast will receive a “deadly head wound” which would be miraculously healed (by Satan).

      Could TЯ☠️m₽’s COVID attack and ‘recovery’ be that deadly head wound?
      Or should we expect more drama from the Drama-Queen-in-Chief?

    2. TЯ☠️m₽ is the Beast, not the Antichrist … unless they’re the same person.

      But in reply to your comment: remember, in Revelation 13:3, it is prophesied that the Beast will receive a “deadly head wound” which would be miraculously healed (by Satan).

      Could TЯ☠️m₽’s COVID attack and ‘recovery’ be that deadly head wound?
      Or should we expect more drama from the Drama-Queen-in-Chief?

  294. Dan 7:25 “change laws etc
    Again, he cherry picks. This verse isn’t referring to American constitution. It’s referring to Israel. Like changing the sabbath.

    I’ll read the rest later

    1. Israel didn’t change the Sabbath. It was Constantine, at the Council of Nicea.
      Get your history straight.

      The Council of Nicea also changed another law, by removing the Second Commandment (“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images … “) from their Bible.

  295. Long article. Not finished yet. So far I wrote this:

    When Elijah brought fire from heaven, it wasn’t nuclear. I think to say it is is forcing scripture to say something it doesn’t.

    “Speaking great things” – Rev 13:5
    What the author is doing here is cherry picking. He is obviously a democrat and wants Trump to be Antichrist. Speaking great things means “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”  Rev 13:6-8

    Trump never Blasphemed, he honours God. He hasn’t made war with the saints. He pro Israel. He is not popular worldwide – the media hate him, the Antichrist will be loved like Obama and Hitler (in his early days). The people that hate him tend to also hate Christianity.
    Obsessed with winning and quotes the second seal.

    This guy is desperate. The first seal and rev 13 are not the same time frame. Where’s the white horse? Trump is winning from a business front, but conquering to conquer? He hasn’t done that because that would mean war and annexing nations.
    7 heads are not towers/ hotels. He is really desperate.
    When Jesus says “follow me”, he wasn’t referring to on Twitter. This guy uses what he sees in the flesh and forces it to prophecies.
    He quotes Dan 11:21, the verse before says ‘raiser of taxes’ – Trump reduced them. He’s not a Marxist nor socialist.

    The Antichrist will be very popular. So if he will go through an election, he will be favourite. This author is desperate.

    1. I see you’re a worshiper and defender of TЯ☠️m₽-the-Beast, and you dare
      accuse (No Scandals) President Obama of the crimes against humanity which your Orange-Pig-Idol has committed!

      President Obama isn’t responsible for killing 213,000 Americans.
      Your Orange-Pig-Idol is!

  296. The beast with 7 heads is the G7 it states that 5 will fall away and 1 will come. The one that cfg comes is Russia.
    In the bible it says satan is the ruler of the world.
    Donald name meaning is “world ruler”.
    The dragon mentioned in rev. was Hitler (dragon teeth)
    The antichrist is Trump.
    It mentions a woman in labor satan is after, she has a Garland of 12 stars, clothed with the sun moon at her feet. Scotland has a flag with a Garland of 12 stars (trumps mother is from Scotland) the sun and moon represent blood moon, he was born during a blood moon. It mentions a flood and there was a flood June 1946 in New York.
    It mentions the beast will rise out of the sea and stand in the sand. When he became president his residence mar a largo in on the ocean in the sand.
    Trumps revamped presidential car built to withstand bombs and militarized is called the beast. Putin has a missle named satan.

  297. I’m not saying he’s wrong, but I could come up with at least as good an argument for applying these claims to Abraham Lincoln – especially the dispute with the people of the South, his attacks on the East (Maryland was east of him when he attacked it) and on the North (he imprisoned over 30,000 newspapermen, pastors, and opposition politicians without charges in the northern states), his glee at the war crimes committed by his soldiers against civilians, and so forth.

    And there are some holes here: “bent on conquering” is not the same as “wanting to win”. Conquering is a specific type of winning, and Trump has shown much LESS interest in conquering that previous presidents.

    Then of course there is the fact that his boasting is a sort of humility, in that it is done jokingly.

    But there are certainly a good number of strange coincidences.

    Really, about the only way an ancient person could come describe current events in this way would be if there were to watch our modern newscasts without any cultural knowledge of what was actually going on.

    1. Oh, and of course the way that the false religious leaders in the northern states (so called Christians who held seances and published influential books based on false visions) encouraged the people of the north to betray their brothers who had made and kept them free and who had provided much financial support, to betray them and murder them and torture them and subdue them to their will, all while singing “religious” songs about the righteousness of murdering their brothers simply because they wanted to go their own way.

      Yes, at least as good a case could be made for Abraham Lincoln being the anti-Christ.

      1. Also, the whole question of “blasphemy” is a difficult one, because it is never clearly defined – but it seems the serious type of blasphemy involves false teachings, and either attributing to God what is not God’s, or denying that what is God’s is God’s. I’m pretty sure that saying “God damn” (or “Drat”, or “Zounds”, etc.) is not the serious sort of blasphemy.

    2. So your post is dated before the second election, but I can now post with the election shenanigans and the indictments related to it, including an insider claim that Trump absolutely meant the Capitol Hill riots as a coup attempt, coupled with attempting to use the military to stifle resistance. That all is very much in the realm of a wannabe-conqueror, and then there are the deception elements (claiming election fraud with zero evidence) that line up with the Bible’s claims on the AC. I’m no longer a Christian, but if even half of the author’s interpretations of scripture are true, the similarities of the AC to Trump are spooky.

  298. The words anti-Christ mean any who oppose the teachings of Jesus. The words used in French Provincial 1500 coined by Nostradamus “Ante’ Christ” refer to a person Who comes BEFORE the return of Christ Jesus! This one is David re-incarnated. Read Hosea 3: 4-5, Isaiah 55: 3-5, Jeremiah 30: 9, Ezekiel 34: 23-24, Ezekiel 37:24-25, Rev 19; 11-16 Due to be in the 2020 elections running-on the open ticket NationofChange.org, asking Voters to Abolish all pagan holidays then begin to celebrate Only the Seven Mosaic feast days. This group to be known as God’s Party in November. Would You like to join us? Go to: http://www.youtube.com/c/DavidLKaas https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0c4f613f4df2e9091070e9f4ca5366c204f323f1ea6769a6b77f1fd4d48abe7.jpg

  299. “400 politicians, judges, cops/admin, wealthy business men”, etc. “in California alone”. So let’s see the list of these Californians who just, one day, mysteriously disappeared from their jobs, appointments, and public life to serve their prison terms. You could theoretically hide the process, but how are you going to explain these “disappearances”? I’m waiting.

  300. So out of context and definitely in the wrong geographic zone! Wow talk about twisting scripture.
    For the record I was never a Trump supporter but as I respected Obama as my President I respect this one too. No President has supported the values of Christians more than this President, that’s just the facts.
    A sister in Christ. 🙏🏼🙌🏻👑

    1. You’re a Trump cult follower to the max. Aside from all the morally reprehensible behavior of Trump, that’s very much against the Bible, he’s not a Christian in even the most basic sense.

  301. I am not a Trump supporter. I’m sorry, but after I quit laughing about the idea that you would consider the cartoon Trump the Antichrist, I have to give a serious response.

    Aside from having a big mouth, Trump does not fit ANY of the descriptions of the Antichrist given by the Early Church Fathers who received St. John’s revelations practically from himself. Moreover, there is one key Scripture that blows all of this conjecture away, 1 John 2:22: “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.” On the contrary, and quite the opposite Hillary and Obama, Trump is getting bolder and bolder in pointing the country toward God and Jesus Christ by name. Rather than crushing Christian freedom, he has passed laws to defend religious freedom (did y’all forget that?). Rather than pushing for a new world order, Trump is a nationalist. Rather than embracing the truly anti-Gospel and anti-christ platform of the Democrats, he is fighting to restore the original understanding of the Constitution. Trump is no saint; but he’s done more than any President in memory to bring Jesus Christ back into the dialogue of politics. No Antichrist would do this, that is, not in this way. Rather, the Antichrist will water down the divinity of Christ. There’s so much more I can say, but who’s listening here?

    Look, if someday Trump denies Christ and “exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god” (2 Thess 2:4), perhaps I’ll come back to your site and try not to chuckle (I’m sorry, I’m not being disrespectful, just honest).

    On the other hand, the case for Obama is much stronger given his Marxists roots, moral relativism, and the way the entire world ogled after him, even declaring on one news cast that he was “President of the whole world” and was compared to Jesus, Moses, and called the Messiah. People wept and passed out when they saw him. And the media worshipped everything he said. Just sayin’.

    1. Very nicely said. It should be pretty obvious but as you can see this audience is blinded to the truth. The blog is not really written for the stated purpose but rather to galvanize anti-Trump support. It worked.

      1. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ☆⁂ 🏛’💗’⁂☆ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
        │✨✠☆ President Joe Biden ∻ VP Kamala Harris ☆✠✨│
        ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ⇚★☆☆☆ º★º ☆☆☆★⇛ ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

        Congratulations! Mr. President-Elect, Joe Biden!

        Thank you Dear God!

  302. whats even more crazy he throws up illumanti symbols like crazy during his speeches now i watched some and seen all the symbols back to back to back. he no greater then those opposition of him. there all the same they all lead masses to worship the fallen. if you vote then you accept the fallen.

  303. Trump is definitely the antichrist. He needs to be defeated and booted off our continent. Let him go fulfill prophecy in the Middle East.

  304. To be honest, I haven’t visited ‘ Happy-Clappy Central’ since li’l Moses went sailing; but for me this liar reminds me more – despite this brilliantly perceptive and thoughtful article – of a shorn and blinded Samson who destroys the ‘ temple’. But then what do I know? Personally I had the Catholic Church down as an anti-Christ. And the 2020 updated Axis Of Evil? Ginger Judas, bumbling Barr the Ewok and turkey-skin, McConnell. Tomorrow I should shuffle down to my nearest centre of guilt, instead I plan to blaze-up and drink many cups of tea. Shalom, or something like that. Trust y’all in rude health, warm and safe. For my legion of sins I have provided my email details – eagerly look forward to them all. Mucho, muchos gracias.

  305. Quote of the day for those godless souls on this site:

    President Dwight Eisenhower stated, “Without God there could be no American form of government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first the most basic expression of Americanism. Thus the Founding Fathers of America saw it, and thus with God’s help it will continue to be.”

    1. Just because someone claims to believe in God, doesn’t make them a true Christian.

      Christ said: “Who is my mother, my sisters, my brothers?
      Those who do the will of my Father.”

      I have yet to see TЯ☠️m₽ do even one thing which Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded.

    2. Just because someone claims to believe in God, doesn’t make them a true Christian.

      Christ said: “Who is my mother, my sisters, my brothers?
      Those who do the will of my Father.”

      I have yet to see TЯ☠️m₽ do even one thing which Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded.

  306. m pWhat version of the Bible did you Use, please? Not a one of the verses you gave matched my two versions. NIV and king James

  307. Thank you Benjamin for this post. Even for non believers it is a concise portfolio of his despicable behavior. For believers, it should be a frightening “ah ha” moment.

    1. That’s the problem. It is an ant-Trump blog clothed in bible prophecy aimed at generating comments which it has done. The President’s behavior is not despicable in any form or fashion except when misinterpreted by Leftists.

      1. “[Trump’s] behavior is not despicable in any form or fashion”
        This sort of deification of any person, let alone one who’s arguably the most evil POTUS ever, shows you to be just the sort of idolater that the Bible has broadly condemned, including citing as being deceived by the eventual AC.

        And as an ex-evangelical Christian myself, one once regularly attending church and studying the Bible, I can’t fathom how you and people like you support someone as morally bankrupt as Donald Trump. Your worship of him goes way beyond politics.

          1. A butwhataboutism about an offspring of a politician, who holds no political power, does not explain why you as an apparent evangelical Christian support someone so evil in Donald Trump. Now can you directly answer why? I have enough Biblical knowledge to know that nowhere does it justify you being evil due to someone else’s perceived evil.

            1. Trump can govern; Biden cannot. Trump’s economy worked; Biden’s does not. Trump is not evil; you are judgmental to the extreme.

  308. wow this is interesting stuff… i wonder what the hebrew bible says about the topic. (makes me wanna read it). also makes me wonder if theres an ANTI- antichrist (like if theres a villian, theres should also be a hero OR something like that)

    (some of the points that were made also reminded me of few other countries that also have many religions, different languages and races XD )
    when Tr**p tweeted that he was the king of the jews… i was so angry that he said it. it literally goes against god teachings (in every religion)
    i think the part about rumors from the east and west is not only in its own country but also worldwide.

    funny thing that news want to figure out why ppl have vivid or weird dreams, when most ppl had vivid and weird dreams for years upon years, but they blame the virus loool

  309. I am not convinced that DT is the Antichrist, and am leaning toward Rome or that region, but I have always maintained that DT’s methodology should be taken seriously, and the template of deceit and hatred that he adheres to are the hallmarks of the Adversary. And yes, many “Christians” will never see it coming …

  310. This was just shared in a comment on a friend’s facebook post and between reading this and the recent cooperation between Israel and Arab nations including at least one treaty with more supposedly in the works, I’m almost convinced to go back to the dispensational view of eschatology I was taught.

  311. This was just shared in a comment on a friend’s facebook post and between reading this and the recent cooperation between Israel and Arab nations including at least one treaty with more supposedly in the works, I’m almost convinced to go back to the dispensational view of eschatology I was taught.

  312. Lol, I’m sorry, but you guys are wild. You are talking about the end times and Trump being the antichrist, and following along with the stories in a 2,000 year old book about the end of the world, fighting over interpretations and trying desperately to make reality fit your worldviews versus changing those views to fit reality. If any of you educated yourselves on the fundamentals of logic and informal fallacies, you would see how many missteps in logic are required to come to any of these conclusions.

    People have been predicting the end for as long as their have been people, and designing their own narratives for how it is to occur based on their culture, religion, etc. You go on about Trump thinking he is above god and what not, and you haven’t stopped to think that just believing that you could possibly be lucky enough to witness the end of everything is absurdly egocentric.

    There is a whole vast universe out there, guys, and it cares not about the puny plights of man.

    1. The oldest bible is the Codex Sinaiticus at about 400 AD, the Sumerian text are dated at 3000 BC, much of which the bible is taken from. The difference between the two are simply the origin of god, the Sumerians claim the gods are extraterrestrial while the bible claims god to be some old geezer with white hair, beard and a bad attitude.

  313. Hilarious…reached out so many times to stretch this…skipped the fact that if you don’t have the mark of the beast you can’t buy or sell…maga hats don’t do that…however, Islam has marks on forehead and right hands…also Jared Kushner would be able to show himself as the “messiah” cause he is Jewish and knows Israeli Prime Minister. You skipped so much of the bible…and fortresses…not border walls…this is the laziest research done known to man…you grasped at straws. Kim Clement prophesied years before about Trump…winning election, impeachment, and said he will win 2 terms. He won’t be a praying man when he enters white house but when he leaves he will be.

    You really missed about 98% of the Bible in stretching this out.

    For the record, No buy or sell without a mark happened…no false prophet…no 2 witnesses…no 144,000 male, virgin Jews…I mean it is like you read a synopsis of the Bible and then wrote an article to fit what you wanted.

  314. I didn’t and won’t vote for Trump, but this is the most disgusting twisting of scripture and blatant hate filled drivel I have ever read. It’s quite frankly embarrassing and is borne of bitterness, not biblical understanding.

  315. I didn’t and won’t vote for Trump, but this is the most disgusting twisting of scripture and blatant hate filled drivel I have ever read. It’s quite frankly embarrassing and is borne of bitterness, not biblical understanding.

  316. 180 000+ dead Americans and Trump doesn’t even give a shit.

    All this creature cares about is getting re-elected….so he can do it all over again.

  317. This is what a college degree amounts to: GARBAGE! We can easily place most world leaders to Benjamin descriptions here. Here’s some truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1oOS7MVzQg TRUMP/PENCE 2020 (AND NO he (PRESIDENT TRUMP) ISN’T AND NEVER COULD BE THE LAWLESS ONE (THE ANTI-CHRIST). THE RESTRAINER (HOLY SPIRIT) MUST BE REMOVED (RAPTURE) BEFORE he (the antichrist) will be REVEALED.

    1. Well, the children of America can no longer look up to their “leaders.” The evangelical parents who supported crime and criminals will suffer the wrath of their children, the future criminals of America. When their children are living in their basements, the parents can content themselves that they stood up for “conservative values” and stuck it to the progressives. When the nation needed them, the parents of the criminal children can content themselves with knowing that their children don’t have to associate with “other” people. When you bring up your children to lie, cheat and steal, you will get what you deserve. When your children go out to party without masks during the pandemic and bring the virus home, you will get what you have given.

      1. Children today do not look up to their leaders in general; rather rock stars who are mostly drug addicted with too much money and too little brains and sports figures.

        Evangelical parents are no less successful parents than Progressive parents. The difference is that children of Evangelicals do learn about right and wrong.

        Most people in the country are wearing masks. Not everyone is convinced they are helpful. It is obvious that the virus is spreading throughout the world and no man or country has any control over it; case in point is Sweden.

        1. Evidence Shows Herd Immunity Is Not Working In Sweden…the rates of infection, hospitalization, and death per million population were “much” higher in Sweden, according to evidence cited. Also, infections and death remained persistent, … Denmark, Finland and Norway. Their “rapid lockdown measures seem to have been initially more successful in curtailing the infection surge.The “Swedish experience” of attempting to achieve this, compared to other Nordic countries’ responses, resulted in much higher numbers of infections and deaths per capita, also to a prolonged outbreak. Far fewer Swedes than predicted generated antibodies to the coronavirus, the strategy failed to generate widespread protective immunity.

          According to Dr. Fauci and other top epidemiologists and virologist. Herd immunity should only be attempted if we had a Vaccine in place.

          I saw first hand when news reporters asked teenagers, college students, adults, on Florida Beaches why they weren’t wearing masks, their answers were…”Why should I, the president don’t wear a mask” or “the president says it’s no big deal”

        1. The unfortunate result of FAKE News from all media sources is that some people believe the lies that spout forth hourly.

          Let’s see the FAKE News try to spin the Abraham accord that President Trump achieved after 70 years of previous failures. This monumental achievement will result in the Nobel Peace Prize because it cannot be minimized, hidden or criticized.

  318. Interesting. This is what I believe we see in Trump and where we are in the end times coming to pass; 1. America=Babylon the Great (Rev 18). 2. The Whore of Babylon/America rides in on “The Beast” and is NOT the Beast. 3. Jesus said “When you see the ‘Abomination of desolation” in the ‘holy place’ and ‘the place it does not belong’ hen let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains’ 4. The Beast is the one who destroys Babylon the whore. Trump is the abomination. America is Babylon & her plagues are upon us (see Rev 18:8. Pestilence, mourning, famine, FIRE). America will burn soon because the church lifted up the abomination in the holy place. The Beast will rise from the ashes. IDK who the Beast is (resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire?). The anti-Christ could be the same as the abomination, but, I don’t know. I believe the Lord has shown me these things. Coming up next; The Rapture/Desolation of Babylon. Rev 18:4 is not just a call out of the sins of the Whore (she’s the Apostate church, Fox Fake News & the Republikkklan, and all the unbelievers who live for porn, greed, lust, etc) but a call of God UP & OUT of there. God only knows how long this #TrumpAbomination will last, but, until then, keep looking up for our redemption draws near. Luke 21:28

  319. Interestingly enough, if you go by the old 10 month Roman calendar which was most likely in use at the time of the original writing, 40 months would be 4 years…

  320. I’m trying to take this post with a grain of salt. People toss around everything casually nowadays. Jesus’ words get turned into idioms where “go the extra mile” means somebody in Customer Service did something nice. Or a “good Samaritan” is, well, again, someone who did something nice for a stranger. But Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan isn’t at all about being nice.

    But, the grain of salt gets smaller and smaller as I consider how the Drumpf (the original German family name) administration gets called the most “pro-life”, the most “pro-Black”, the most “evangelical” ever.

    It is frightening to see how his supporters act and speak. I recall how he said on a conference call in April that he is the best president in the history of the Catholic church. Yet, during the campaign, a journalist asked if he would share a couple of his favorite verses from the Bible, since he said it was a favorite book. Drumpf said he “[didn’t] want to get into that; it’s personal; it’s private” What? Drumpf couldn’t even say “Rejoice always” or “Pray constantly” or even “Jesus wept”??

    I can no longer call them Christians; I call them Christofacists. I have so many questions, but I cannot ask Drumpf’s supporters, because I get called names, there is no dialogue. I’m just hoping people get out and vote that man out of office, because he does not deserve a second term.

    1. I have never seen on TV or in print where President Trump is called the most pro-Black or most Evangelical. It is easy to be called the most pro-Life when the alternative is baby killing.

      Trump believes in the freedom of religion and that he is a friend of organized religions. His support of religion includes The Little Sisters of the Poor for example who were treated shamefully by the previous administration.

      As to quoting the bible, most Catholics cannot do that. Unlike most protestant sects, Catholics do not read the bible in general. Their exposure to the bible in at Mass when the priest reads from the Gospels or Epistles.

      As most on this site, you may be confusing the the role of the President with that of the Pope. Think of it this way, the Pope could not get elected to run our country nor could our President be the leader of a large religion. The jobs are very different as are the qualifications.

      1. I have no problem at all discerning that the POTUS is POTUS and the Bishop of Rome is the Pope.

        Look on YouTube and you will find a video entitled “Trump meets with pastors, is called pro-black by pastor from Ohio.” I did not name Drumpf as such, that pastor did.

        In an interview before he stepped down as president of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr. said “I think Evangelicals have found their dream president.”

        As far as abortion is concerned, no, the other alternative is not baby killing. A man can stop having sex and stop getting women pregnant; a man can get a vasectomy; a man can resolve to be a good father; a man can butt out and keep quiet regarding what a woman does with her life; a church (run by men, such as the Catholic church is, can help support a woman who chooses to carry a pregnancy to term, a church can be a voice in easing the restrictions on the complicated adoption process. I have barely scratched the surface.

  321. Absurd. If you are here when the Antichrist comes you will not recognize him because the bible says that even the elect will be deceived. He will be admired and loved by all. Trump IS NOT admired nor loved by all, so that alone negates your assessment. Also, if Trump was the Antichrist the Temple would be built by now since 3.5 years into the tribulation he goes into the Temple and demands worship. We are 4 years into Trump’s presidency. You can not pick and choose scripture to support your theory. It is the WHOLE counsel of God means cover to cover.

    1. An excellent response. This blog shows the interest in the subject is quite large. Many people have responded because they think it is anti-Trump, but it also may encourage some to actually read the bible.

  322. Ur many titles n much learning has made u spiritually OBTUSE! I’ve studied the Word for 29yrs, each doctrine in depth, n then put them to practice.At the beginning of ur article u were spot on ! When u deviated t o Trump then I knew u were not all there…! Hint:Trump had been prophesied many yrs before HE KNEW HE WOULD RUN FOR PRES. God still let’s prophets know about His plans in a measure….all ur brainpower for nought…!

  323. Didn’t read the whole thing .. the Whole idea depresses me but did you mention the the fact the Red GOP elephant is a Scarlet beast or that the kids being persecuted in cages at the boarder are christian?

    1. the first comment (hint from 666)
      Given the value of “apocalypse” is abstracted from the original name of the book of Revelation, it’s a hint that Trump’s name can be associated to the one figure similarly abstracted from its context in that text. The simplest to evidence it is to code it in Python.

      Python 3.8.(...)
      >>> Nero = b' DONALD JOHN TRUMP! '
      >>> print(Nero)
      >>> sum(c - min(Nero) for c in Nero)

    2. the second comment (horns of the lamb)

      Interesting. The version of the Bible used for the quotes is missing. This strikes me for instance at verse Rev 13:11-12 quoted as

      “And then I saw a second beast come from the Earth who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon… and it deceived the inhabitants of the Earth…”

      where the “looked like a lamb” replaces a more specific detail usually given, that allows purchasing from the fact of the lamb being a namesake of God’s own emissary in Revelation (eg convention from context) to in turn identify Trump with more parsimony than the author does, by just exhibiting Trump’s walk-of-fame star, including the conspicuous TV icon.



      11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

      12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

      13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

      The mention of fire coming down from Heaven in turn admits linking to the signature line of Trump’s original reality TV show: you are fired!

      (Meanwhile, the objection to resolving turn of phrases in Revelation by puns in languages that evolved way after it was written, is easy enough to counter)

  324. Let’s see…


    Yup. The evangelicals elected the antichrist.

    And worse, they might just do it again.

  325. He got the Jerry Falwell Jr. part wrong though, imo. I think the “religious leader” who’s helping Trump win his second term is “Q” not Falwell.

  326. I think you are spritually blind. Do not just read the Bible with your limited knowledge, pray God to have wisdom and discernment. Trump is the one annointed by God to fight against shadow government. You are acting like anti Christ.

    1. You are correct. The massive amount of people and organizations fighting against this President is the proof of that. For example: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, all major newspapers vs. Fox News and Talk Radio. Yet this Media Establishment has failed at every turn such that they have become the joke.

  327. In my humble opinion: your religion your opiate is overrated. Celebrate all life, glory in cultures and customs the astound us then lead us to posterity.

    ONLY siths deal in absolutes! Religions like languages are all equal, serve a human and humane purpose sans threats, fear-monger, violence, bigotry etc which do not bode well in the human pyche

    The quantums of human nature is that people dream; see pasts presents and futures, where time and dimensions is immaterial. It’s only natural, we can exist in such multi-dimensions because everyone, everything, emanated from the event singularity. Mmmhh, Singularity… if this be your god, so be it. if its sci-fi, you still cool

    Obsessions with dooms day has been happening even before Christianity 6000 yrs BC. Ancient Hindus dreamt airplanes, WMDs, telecommunications, and nukes then…
    Anti-christ, Lucifer, and satans are nice tales, but extrapolating fairy tales beyond their tenets into 21 Century realities is just an absurdity even for a PhD.dude.BLC. you. wreck it. ralph

    1. Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
      It can be no other way. This is not philosophy this is physics.
      Albert Einstein
      All of reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

  328. don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerer’s ways,,, Your sad
    devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the
    stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find…

    Admiral Canon Antonio ‘Zi’motti

  329. So he is saying we are already in the tribulation. For the 3 1/2 years to be here already. Wait, which means the church, christians, have already been raptured out of here. I am still here. Pretty sure that had not happened yet. Not to mention that America is not the center of these things. Israel, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount where antichrist sets up shop is not in America either. Got a few holes in your thinking. Antichrist will be someone charismatic that will charm the world. Donald Trump is not a charmer. He says stupid things all the time. Antichrist is supposed to be someone people will believe he is the messiah they have be looking for all these years. Donald Trump is no messiah, sorry Don, you don’t fit the prophecy!
    Christians are not suppose to look for antichrist because we are suppose to know our Savior so well that we could not be fooled. Just like people that know counterfeit money not because they studied the counterfeit but because they studied and know the real money so well that the fake doesn’t pass the test. Perhaps everyone should be studying Christ and His life, so when a fake comes along you won’t be dubbed into believing he is the messiah. Because, Christ already came over 2000 years ago. This time when Christ comes we, Christians, will meet Him in the air and be with Him in Heaven. The second coming of Christ, when He actually steps foot on earth again, will be after the 7 years of tribulation, which will be much worse than the world is right now. Christ will reign physically in Jerusalem in His temple for 1000 years. So the people who made it through the tribulation will be alive and will marry, have children, live their lives. But with one different, you disobey God in this time period Jesus wil deal with you immediately.
    God is extremely patient and tolerant with us now. He gives us amble chances to accept His only son, Jesus, as Savior, because Jesus willing went to the cross to die for our sins, so that we may live with Him in paradise forever. All that is required of us is that we believe in what Jesus did for us. He proved He is God by rising from the grave. No other god has ever done that. We only need to acknowledge we are a sinner and we need a Savior. Accepting Christ as your Savior is the only way to heaven. And trust me, Jesus is coming for His church very, very soon! Please be ready for Him!

  330. A couple of years ago, I started to re-read the Book of Revelation. I saw that the Anti-Christ would rise in or from the East. Well, I’m in the U.S., and EAST of this entire country is New York. I actually was convinced before then, but that’s all I had to read in the Bible for confirmation.

  331. I always KNEW that the Orange Turd was evil. Thank you for letting the world know that Trump is the Antichrist. I wish I could convince my evangelical friends that the Orange Turd is the evil Antichrist

    1. You can’t. We are too busy defeating the unholy alliance of Biden-Harris while supporting the greatest President in history.

  332. I don’t recall the Bible specifically saying anything about one antichrist, but just referring to “antichrist” (not “the” antichrist) whereby those who are not WITH Christ are against him and therefore anti-Christ. Either way you interpret that, Trump is definitely NOT with Christ. He can’t even quote a favorite scripture from the Bible.

      1. What is the fruit of the spirit?

        Galatians 5:22-23
        New International Version
        22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

        1. Trump does bear these fruit…. He also doesn’t seek God’s forgiveness. this is an essential part of being a follow of Christ.

      2. You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
        15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

  333. I spoke too soon. The thread here is just full of Trumphumping. True to form, not ONE of them even read the article. The cult stranglehold is as strong as the racism and hatred for anyone not in lockstep with that pathetic mindset. The mean-spiritedness is the worst bit. According to the Bible, these Trumpbots will have to answer for all the seeking hearts shut down by their angry, hateful ways. They have, collectively, all morphed into mini Trump’s and that is just really, really pitiable.

  334. As one who was raised in the Belly of the Beast aka evangelicali$m, my faith was quashed until I became the soloist at a ELCA Lutheran Church in 2014 and realized there WERE actual folks living with hearts like Christ’s who embraced my more liberal-leaning politics. Being the VICTOR over a sexual assault by a world renowned “evangelist” and not being believed by my own family virtually ended my affiliation with their cult. Worse still, was the fact that the so-called ministry not only acknowledged the attack but tried to BUY MY SILENCE! It ushered in such a crisis of faith that it took me 45 YEARS to enter a church again. I was 15 years old and already sufficiently astute (and intellectually gifted) enough to see the Republican right for what it was -and WASN’T- as well as where it was headed. I predicted all of this as early as 1973 but everyone thought I was nuts. “America will never become THAT.” And, yet…here we are. Although still agnostic, as I read this well-researched piece, I felt a -dare I say- quickening in my spirit. I signed up for the emails because, I guess one orphaned at 15 is always searching for one’s “tribe?” Anyway, I’m writing a book. Penetrating this cult mentality is a bear of a feat but I feel I simply MUST try for the ones who will be floundering WHEN *45 and his minions go to prison.

    1. I have empathy for what you endured but your issues stem from some man and his Church in your past. How exactly does Presidential politics exacerbate your current situation?

    2. 1st Ignore Bob Shiloh
      But you can figure that out.

      I applaud your courage but what I have observed in life is He always comes around and brings us back to our first love, something trumpers have never experienced.
      This first Love is the deepest knowledge where “husband & wife” share one another intimately.
      Once you have tasted it you may go on a lifetime of amazing journeys and when it is time he will come and find you and quicken you.
      You belong to Abba.

      I suspect He is opening you.
      This is what they can’t imitate.

      And it drives them nuts.

      Remember me next time you share an intimate moment with your first love. Think of me when Jesus embraces you, as you let him wash and heal all that 45 years of self exile wrought.

      I am divorced from the church because I can’t play games.
      Most of the real followers of Jesus were already gone when I left,
      Be well and “Be who you is, cause if you ain’t who you is, then you is who you ain’t.”

  335. Very creative prooftexting.
    One definitive thing it conveniently negates: Jesus’ words to those worried about others doing things of the Kingdom in his name, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined” (Matt. 12;25)

    – highest admonition not to kill, Democrats advocating what has resulted in over 65 million deaths of unborn children, on demand, through 9 months of pregnancy and beyond

    -religious freedom, Democrats have placed restrictions upon even religious orders to act against biblically established principles

    -Democrats weaponizing terms such as racism and sexism

    -Democrats elevating gender confusion to the status how’s it’s on gender… resulting in such absurdities as confused dudes to be in my daughter”s public bathrooms… Not!

    -consider where the greatest racial unrest and violence is… 95% cities dominantly run by Democrats… Their iconic cities: Portland, Seattle, L.A.

    -the greatest advancement for minorities and women in over 50 years was under Trump administration just prior to the Covid crisis

    “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…” Is. 5:20

    1. Beautifully laid out truth about the state of the Democrat party and what they have done to our country while shouting and lecturing us on their righteousness.

    2. Yet not a word about TЯ卐m₽ being solely responsible for the spread of
      Coronavirus in the United States, and the DEATHS of 167,000 already born and breathing Americans!

      Scriptural verses concerning the “unborn”

      Not born and breathing, not yet a human being with a soul.

      • “God breathed into man’s nostrils the Breath of Life
      and man became a living soul.” – Genesis 2:7

      • “The Spirit of God has made me, and the
      Breath of the Almighty gives me life.” – Job 33:4

    3. Yet not a word about TЯ卐m₽ being solely responsible for the spread of
      Coronavirus in the United States, and the DEATHS of 167,000 already born and breathing Americans!

      Scriptural verses concerning the “unborn”

      Not born and breathing, not yet a human being with a soul.

      • “God breathed into man’s nostrils the Breath of Life
      and man became a living soul.” – Genesis 2:7

      • “The Spirit of God has made me, and the
      Breath of the Almighty gives me life.” – Job 33:4

  336. three and one half years into the antichrist’s reign the antichrist will establish a peace with the Israeli people, well this is coincidental tRump just announced a peace deal with Israel

  337. Very thoughtful and amazingly coincidental descriptions, especially in Daniel, which make a case for the concept of the Anti Christ and how that appears often to describe the ways of Donald Trump. I am not religious, especially along lines of the Judeo Christian and Muslim religions. My revelation is more along Buddhist philosophies, especially Taoism and Zen, but I can’t fault this extremely careful research of Bible and Trump. It is of great interest, but I prefer to keep it simple–all of humanity have original buddha-nature, which is now very “Western” and is not just hidden in the remarkable writings of the East. My personal favorite is from Hinduism, the beginning of eastern philosophy ,”That Art Thou.” The divine is the very flow of the universe, which all is. The human brain was born out of it, a kind of special human disadvantage, for too much figuring often overlooks spirit in favor of concepts!

  338. The teaching of christ are of unconditional love of everyone and everything. The antichrist is a hatred of everyone and everything, therefore tRump is a strong candidate for being the antichrist or at least a very evil person.

  339. You sure the second beast isn’t Barr? There were 17 cabinet members at the time of his confirmation. (7 heads and 10 crowns) Barr fixed a mortal wound. He caused fire to come down during the church photo op.

    Also I think the fortresses are actual his skyscrapers (which his ancestors could not construct), which he adorns with gold. And the skyscrapers have gift shops, containing jewelry (gold, silver, precious stones) and costly gifts (gucci, perfume, cologne)

  340. zylrllzoabyaslwzvnjpupoabhmvuvpapshvjloamvzylitltfiaybofskhilyhbvflyvmlidvufhdhvnfhdhvnazbqoayhluvapozrubrzlzyvdloamvljlpwzazpamlslyhbvfkuptauhyvunpbvfklcpljlkzhouhahzyloahmybvflzbhjliahoadvuravuvkbvfabinuvydauljylwkuhzbvoaluvzpzlnhzzhwshjpsipiloamvzpzfshuhybvfuhahzmvkspojhlyhypzbvf

    awwwwww you poor little ignorant demon can’t understand plutonian? filthy bastard.

  341. Here’s the thing. While they won’t admit it, the Evalgelicals do not see the Antichrist as evil. His reign of power is a precursor for Armageddon and then second coming of Jesus. That means RAPTURE TIME to them. They don’t have to go through the pain and suffering of dying. They just get to go straight to Heaven. Of course, they don’t care if the rest of the planet is destroyed and billions suffer and die. They’ll be watching the chaos from Heaven, asking Jesus to pass the popcorn.

    1. Yep. This is why they pretend not to believe in global warming, They don’t want anything to stop it, because it’s prophesied in Revelation 16:8–9 (fourth angel pouring bowl / vial of God’s wrath on the sun) along with other environmental catastrophes (oceanic and inland water pollution [especially the sort that leads to “red tide”] prophesied in earlier verses as the second and third angels with bowls / vials) as part of End Times prophecy.

      Maybe they should go back a few chapters. In chapter 11, the Four-and-Twenty Elders before the throne of God prostrate themselves before Him and utter both praise to Him and invoke imprecations on the world. In verse 18, this ends with them saying that the time has come that God “… shall destroy them that destroy the Earth”! Obviously this isn’t referring to those angels — why would God destroy His own angels for doing what He commanded them to do?

      No, it’s talking about human beings. John knew that nobody at the time would’ve believed a prophecy that human beings would ever have power to do such damage to the Earth. Had he said that outright, the Book of Revelation would never have made it into the New Testament canon. The councils of the 3ʳᵈ Century that assembled the canon would’ve relegated it to the pile of stuff too fanciful even for the Bible, that was basically fanfic like the “Infancy Gospel of Thomas” which has child Jesus playfully striking a playmate dead among other things. So, John (or God) couched it in symbolism of angels and bowls / vials instead of human commerce and industry gone out of control, but he put a hint to the true interpretation and the divine destruction that awaits all who further that devastation of His Creation in 11:18.

    2. Yep. This is why they pretend not to believe in global warming, They don’t want anything to stop it, because it’s prophesied in Revelation 16:8–9 (fourth angel pouring bowl / vial of God’s wrath on the sun) along with other environmental catastrophes (oceanic and inland water pollution [especially the sort that leads to “red tide”] prophesied in earlier verses as the second and third angels with bowls / vials) as part of End Times prophecy.

      Maybe they should go back a few chapters. In chapter 11, the Four-and-Twenty Elders before the throne of God prostrate themselves before Him and utter both praise to Him and invoke imprecations on the world. In verse 18, this ends with them saying that the time has come that God “… shall destroy them that destroy the Earth”! Obviously this isn’t referring to those angels — why would God destroy His own angels for doing what He commanded them to do?

      No, it’s talking about human beings. John knew that nobody at the time would’ve believed a prophecy that human beings would ever have power to do such damage to the Earth. Had he said that outright, the Book of Revelation would never have made it into the New Testament canon. The councils of the 3ʳᵈ Century that assembled the canon would’ve relegated it to the pile of stuff too fanciful even for the Bible, that was basically fanfic like the “Infancy Gospel of Thomas” which has child Jesus playfully striking a playmate dead among other things. So, John (or God) couched it in symbolism of angels and bowls / vials instead of human commerce and industry gone out of control, but he put a hint to the true interpretation and the divine destruction that awaits all who further that devastation of His Creation in 11:18.

  342. Whether the Mango Mussolini is the Anti-Christ or not, one thing is true, he definitely has the same traits as the Anti-Christ, than say as Jesus Christ. The undying support from the Christian Right tells me that Satan is using Trump as a test run, to see how easily it will be to trick and deceive the Christian Right when the real Anti-Christ comes onto the scene.

    1. Ignore Bob Shiloh
      He is a deceiving spirit.

      It is either a test run, or the full deal meal but
      warming in the extreme northern and southern regions is not something that happens every century or so.
      The earth is undergoing the early to mid parts of a global climate crisis while American capitalists rejoice at the opening up of new resources.
      My wife and I have adopted a wait and see, casual

      kind demeanor, as she had resistance to the idea.
      Over the last two years she watched as tR* convicted himself over and over.
      We still must wait and see, but she says she has seen enough.
      I wish I had recorded all of the conversations and arguments we had.
      I finally just stepped back and let her drive and voila’.

      It’s a full go unless America can pull itself out of the power nose dive, tR* has taken us to.
      I think God might allow America to survive, if it can stop the thieves from breaking it to bits

      That is the only hope.
      It’s a Democracy, if you can keep it.

  343. This is your government

    Vanity Fair ran an article by Katherine Eban about how the administration fumbled the ball so badly on its response to the coronavirus pandemic, noting that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was the key decision maker in the process, and that his team first set up, and then dropped, a plan for national coordination to fight the virus. They abandoned the plan after Trump began to downplay the virus out of concern that it would hurt his chances for reelection, and because it appeared the virus was largely confined to cities. According to one public health expert who worked with Kushner’s team “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy.”


  344. Shouldn’t a theologian boasting big credentials know to divide God’s Word rightly; which is in Christ Jesus, from beginning (Gn) to end (Rv), not middle to end (e.g. Dn–Rv), especially when making such a ludicrous accusation in a lengthy, published study?

    1. He does but he wants to be provocative and it works: 1142 comments. And on this blog there are so many respondents without a clue about the end times much less the Antichrist. But at least they are trying to play along.

        1. Bible students are always learning; not teaching. Those who would write blogs like this one tell you their qualifications but it doesn’t make their assessments any more accurate.

          1. Okay, let me ask you this: are you one of the Two Witnesses, or have you personally conversed with one or both of them?

          2. Okay, let me ask you this: are you one of the Two Witnesses, or have you personally conversed with one or both of them?

  345. This is terrific, you’ve really nailed it. I’ve been saying for the last couple of years Trump is the Antichrist, but you have really sealed the deal. Wow. Now, how do we stop him? I don’t think voting can be counted on. I think he is going to do something the steal or rig the election, or refuse to leave after he loses.

        1. The Antichrist has a very defined role to play doesn’t he? I can just imagine Trump scheduling a visit to Jerusalem to visit the Temple ( not yet built ) so he can declare himself
          god. Then of course he has to be shot for blasphemy so he can heal himself. And he still has to make it back to DC for the inauguration.

          1. Where in the prophecy does it say he has to be shot? If you’re talking about the mortal head wound of one of the seven heads of the Great Beast, that’s symbolic.

              1. Nope, That’s a popular Dispensationalist interpretaton from the likes of Tim LaHaye, but it’s not the only or even best interpretation.

                No, it’s more likely to be symbolic, as in the Beast or an agent of the Beast about to lose his power and authority (say, losing an election — not just popular vote but electoral allocation as well), yet retains it through some means that shocks the world (say, Faithless Electors in the Electoral College, or an election challenge throws the election to the House of Representatives).

                This’d fit the timing, since it’d be close to 3½ years after Trump made the treaty with Israel to acknowledge Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv as the capital and to move our embassy there. Remember that? Your side was ecstatic about that as I recall. But even LaHaye said that the Tribulation wouldn’t officially begin until Israel made a treaty with the Beast. The head wound thing according to most interpretations on your side happens during the period between the Tribulation and Great Tribulation, so roughly 3½ years (“a time, two times, and half a time”).

          2. I’m not sure America, will survived to see all of prophecy God has written unless it’s Gods will?, I feel this country has 1 to 2 more years,America must be removed out of the way in order for a World to accept a new currency. The Mark of the Beast will be a one World currency, that can’t happen unless the US Dollar falls over 30 countries already accept US currency. The UK is in a recession, if the US is removed, the World economy will be affected in a major way. What you say might very well happen if Trump is the Antichrist he will sooner, rather than later make the rebuilt Third Temple his headquarters Matthew 24:15

            Scholars have been studying that for a long time Revelation 13:3 the passage itself comes with controversy and has been widely taken out of context,many don’t believe the Antichrist will be shot in the head. The fact that the Bible clearly says “One of his heads” not his head. Unless the Antichrist will have some type of deformity and have two or more heads on his shoulders, this does not mean his physical head. I believe One of his Heads” is referring to one of the kingdoms of the Antichrist. One of his Kingdoms will be mortally wounded or destroyed but will rise again in the time of the end that will stun the World and they will then follow him as they will see him as unstoppable.Revelation 13:1, I believe one of these major empires in the future will take a mortal wound, or it will look as if it is completely destroyed but it will rise again from its ruins and will become even greater as it will be ruled by the Beast. Revelation 17:10-14

          3. “Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.” – Revelation 13:1

            “There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” – Revelation 17:10-14

    1. Yes. And I understand that anyone wearing MAGA hats get raptured this week before the tribulation begins.

        1. Yes. Who would have thought an obscure real estate developer from Queens would be the one. I hear that in his multi-million dollar condos he has portals that connect directly to Hades for impromptu sacrifice ceremonies with the rich and famous.

          1. Thank you for your response to my question of tRump being the antichrist, to which you answered “Yes”.
            After reading some of your posts I realize that the old adage of “one man’s heaven is another man’s hell” applies here. I do hope you are correct in that this week the followers of tRump will be gone (rapture) so the rest of us may live in the decadence of compassion and unconditional love for all.

        1. Around 1830 to be more precise. The man who invented it (and much of what the right-wing think is “Christianity”), John Nelson Darby, wasn’t even born until 1800.

      1. Atheists, heathens, pagans and sinners will enter into the
        Kingdom of God ahead of Orange-Pig-Idol worshipers!

      2. Atheists, heathens, pagans and sinners will enter into the
        Kingdom of God ahead of Orange-Pig-Idol worshipers!

  346. Trump is the beast. Kushner is the antichrist, who according to prophesy will be born of a Jewish woman.

  347. For those of you who are defending Trump & claiming he has never called the coronavirus a hoax, you’re just as delusional as he is. Trump is a racist rapist & he berates women & those who disagree with him. He calls people childish names on Twitter & on video all the time. Anyone who supports him & his racist ways should be ashamed of themselves. Even now, because of the way Trump has been handling the pandemic, Republicans are voting outside of their own party. Trump has repeatedly retweeted QAnon conspiracy theories which has only added fuel to their fire. Anyone who believes that the country is being lead by “satanic-worshipping pedophiles” & that there’s a “deep state” that’s out to get Trump, have seriously lost their freaking minds & need to seek professional help immediately. Open your damn eyes, turn off Fox News & see what is truly happening in our country! Trump has sent his “SS troops” to Portland & they’re kidnapping protesters, putting them in unmarked civilian vehicles, not identifying themselves, wearing makeshift patches that say police, using LRAD which is being used as a sonic weapon, beating people with their batons who are actually following orders to leave the area, flash bangs, tear gas, rubber bullets which are “KE’s Kinetic Energy rounds” & they aren’t made with rubber anymore they actually have metal just like regular bullets. A freelance photographer was actually blinded in one eye because an officer actually aimed at her face close up & shot her. There is video of it actually happening. Peaceful protesters, reporters, photographers, children & other innocents have had these controversial weapons used on them. Trump ordered the national guard, secret service & police to use force to remove peaceful protesters so he could use St. John’s church for a photo OP. Even the minister was removed from her church by force! Trump is NOT a “holy man or Christ-like”! HE IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL! My cousin is a priest & even he believes Trump is an evil person. What he did at the church was blasphemous & anyone who thinks otherwise is not a true Christian. After some of the comments I’ve read, I think some of you need to reread the article & actually think about what you’ve read. Those whose eyes are open & see Trump for what he truly is are the ones who will make a difference in November & help remove him from the White House. Resisters unite & we can end the horrors & our country can start to heal. 🌊🌊🌊

    1. This s not persuasive nor well thought out. It comes off as blind rage based on personal opinion. Most of the people on this site agree with some of your rantings so you are really preaching to the choir. However, if the Democrats are brought back to power your life will forever change to the worst imaginable nightmare that you are worrying about now.

      On the other hand a good stiff drink may help you to whether the depression you are about to feel when President Trump is re-elected.

      1. Give me a freaking break! I’ve read your comments & you’re just like all the other Trump loving cult followers & QAnon idiots. Y’all think that Democrats are satan worshipping evildoers & that the country will be destroyed if a Democrat becomes president. Trump has done so much damage to this country that it’s going to take years to undo what he’s done. He’s bullied our allies & called them childish names, so much so that he’s pushed them away. He admires Putin & Kim Jong Un & has said that there are “very fine people, on both sides” talking about white supremacists. He’s called Mexicans rapists & murderers & put children in cages. He called black people deplorable, lazy, sons of bitches etc… He called BLM a hate group & sent his troops to remove protesters by force. Since you’re so concerned about the Democrats taking back the White House & it being a nightmare, maybe you should pour yourself a nice stiff drink. Trump has done nothing but divide us & go golfing. I’m looking forward to a real president taking office, not some racist reality show star.
        Good luck with your delusions.

        1. If you had proof of any of these Fake News items you mention then you would have a point or two. But you don’t. They don’t exist. You are repeating the Fake News propaganda that breeds on mainstream Media.

          Perhaps you can prove me wrong with fact. “He called black people deplorable, lazy, sons of bitches etc.” Where can we all see that quote to show you know anything of what you have said?

            1. Congratulations. You get the Jim Acosta award for Fake News! Trumps never said that comment about Laziness. It was from an unidentified person who said Trump said that. As I told you before, “You are repeating the Fake News propaganda that breeds on mainstream Media.” This is something that Fox News never does.

              1. You seriously think Fox News never deceives?

                When Republican politicians got caught doing Bad Things, Fox News on multiple occasions identified them as Democrats:

                Or even when a Republican merely dared to go up against the One whom Fox News anointed:

                Once might be a typo ([R] is kinda close to [D] on a standard keyboard — different rows, but it’s possible for it to be a typo) but they did it repeatedly (not just with those three but others as well — you can only embed a limited number of media in a Disqus comment). Also, you can’t explain this as a mere typo:

                I could also show you things like how they deliberately altered the faces of journalists and others in Photoshop to make them look more Jewish (as if that was somehow evil — hmmm… who else tried to make Jews out to be evil?). Or how they used footage from a much more crowded event in Florida to claim that it was enthusiastic crowds at a Bush event in Madison, WI (that one was exposed when people noticed the palm trees in “Wisconsin”!).

                But even those pale in comparison to the sheer blatant dishonesty of — well, to put this in perspective, you know the Bible story of King David’s son Absolom, whom David loved but who turned against him and tried to usurp the throne? Well, imagine if television and video editing existed back then. Absolom has working on his behalf a group of propagandists who’ve formed the highest rated TV news network, named after a species of long-eared desert fox indigenous to the Middle East called a fennec (they chose that imagery because it symbolized their supposed ability to hear all that went on in the kingdom. They hit on the idea of trying to make David appear to be an atheist or even anti-theist, instead of being the rightful king anointed by Samuel, the prophet of the Lᴏʀᴅ God of Israel, making him out to be one who wants to destroy God!

                Well, the Fennec News Channel (FNC) sends a news crew including videographer to David’s inaugural readings of each Psalm after he writes them. In this case it’s Psalm #14 (or maybe #53). When the videographer brings back the raw recorded video, the host of one of their most popular opinion shows, whom we’ll call, oh, say, “Hannitiah,” doth seeth a golden opportunity. He prepares a video clip with just the second clause of the first sentence of the first verse, having chopped off the first clause which establishes proper context.

                That night on the Hannitiah show:

                Now, the King did have a rare moment of honesty during his Psalm, and I hope subjects around the Kingdom are watching this:

                “…there is no God.”

                Alright, that’s right, I’m sure the Anointed One¹ will make sure that that happens.

                Of course, the real-world Sean Hannity of the real-world Fox News Channel has never and would never do anything like that, right?

                Oh, wait…

                These are just a few of a great many examples I could show you. Fox News was designed from its founding by Roger Ailes to be a propaganda arm of the GOP. He practically said so.

                ¹ Unlike Obama, but like both Sarah Palin (YouTube Video ID: “iwkb9_zB2Pg”) and Rafæl Eduardo “Ted” Cruz (“Bj1DE-Mjffw”), King David actually was anointed so “Hannitiah” was more justified in mockingly calling him that than Hannity was to call Obama that.

                1. Fox News is not a propaganda machine for the GOP now. There are many hosts openly hostile to Trump. That’s why they say fair and balanced.
                  CNN on the other hand is a propaganda machine for the Democrats with a malignant Trump bias.
                  Hannity and Carlson are now the number one night time shows across cable and the TV networks.

                  1. Popularity ≠ trustworthiness nor quality. The Yugo was arguably the worst production car ever made, but it way outsold the Rolls Royce or Bentley, Which was better quality?

                    Show me actual examples of CNN (or MSNBC for that matter) doing anything even remotely equivalent to what I just showed.

                    Do you even know where the term “Fake News” came from and what it originally meant? I do.

            2. I’m no Trump fan at all, but that People Magazine quote is a hoax. Trump was never even interviewed by People Magazine that year, that quote appears nowhere in any interview with People Magazine nor anywhere else, and he has never been shown to have said that quote in any other context.

              One that’s close to that sentiment is a third-hand account: Elizabeth Spiers, former Editor-in-Chief of the New York Observer, recounted a conversation she had with Jared Kushner who had just bought out the Observer in which she asked him why Trump believed in Birtherism:
              She later conceded that it was possible that Kushner was lying to her in defense of Trump, apparently thinking that making him out to be evil instead of stupid was better. Spiers herself is a well respected person and I have no reason to doubt her account.

            3. This is a little extra news about Fox News; a Real News organization:

              Boycotted. Criticized. But Fox News Leads the Pack in Prime Time.
              Led by Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, the channel’s pro-Trump lineup outranked every network from 8 to 11 p.m. in June and July.

              In June and July, Fox News was the highest-rated television channel in the prime-time hours of 8 to 11 p.m. Not just on cable. Not just among news networks. All of television. The average live Fox News viewership in those hours outstripped cable rivals like CNN, MSNBC and ESPN, as well as the broadcast networks ABC, CBS and NBC, according to Nielsen.

            4. I’m no Trump fan at all, but that People Magazine quote is a hoax. Trump was never even interviewed by People Magazine that year, that quote appears nowhere in any interview with People Magazine nor anywhere else, and he has never been shown to have said that quote in any other context.

              One that’s close to that sentiment is a third-hand account: Elizabeth Spiers, former Editor-in-Chief of the New York Observer, recounted a conversation she had with Jared Kushner who had just bought out the Observer in which she asked him why Trump believed in Birtherism:
              She later conceded that it was possible that Kushner was lying to her in defense of Trump, apparently thinking that making him out to be evil instead of stupid was better. Spiers herself is a well respected person and I have no reason to doubt her account.

          1. All you have to do is watch any of the several videos that exist & you’ll have your proof. When Kaepernick was taking a knee during the anthem & other black players started doing the same, Trump called them all sons of bitches. If you’d actually watch something other than Fox News or get on Twitter & view the dozens of video clips of Trump, you’d see what Trump has said about different ethnic groups. The pics of quotes from Trump I replied with are just a small number of things he’s said. You’re obviously one of those Trump cult followers who don’t pay attention to anything negative about Trump & enjoy trying to engage people in drawn out bullshit. How about you show proof of Trump being a great leader & human being. Only QAnon idiots & as your precious Trump puts it the “uneducated” & Republicans, “because they believe everything on Fox News”, believe Trump is a great leader & does no wrong. Pull your head out of your ass & open your eyes. Can’t say it’s been a pleasure conversing with you. Goodbye & good luck

            1. The black NFL elitist millionaires who take a knee during the Anthem deserve to be called out and President Trump will do it again if this abhorrent behavior continues.

              Grow Up. The people who understand what is going on with the Democrat socialist movement are going to re-elect President Trump in a landslide.

      2. Spoken like a cult member of the Orange Death Cult. You really need not say anymore, we know what you are. Facts to Orange Death Cult members are similar to sunlight to Vampires. They must be avoided.

        1. If that were true you would have some facts to share with us. But you don’t just hysterical invective and childish tantrums.

  348. Time to update this again. With stores no longer handing over coins it looks like we’re heading for that cashless society.

  349. Yes Trump is evil, and a jerk. One problem though: Daniel never mentions anti-Christ. According to the New Testament, an anti-Christ is a preacher that claims that Jesus was an entirely spiritual being without a material body. Trump could be an evil Antiochus of the book of Daniel, and/or an evil Beast 666 Emperor Nero of the Book of Revelation, but there are always details that doesn’t fit. It is actually more clarifying to explain that Trump is a malicious narcissist with ADHD.

    1. Perhaps you mean the Beast and the False Prophet are evil. President Trump may be a jerk to you as you are to us but not evil.

      1. Name one redeeming quality which TЯ卐m₽ possesses.

        Name one Christ-like characteristic that TЯ卐m₽ has ever exhibited in his entire miserable, blasphemous, vindictive, evil, life.

        Name just one TOAD.

        We’ll wait … and do provide reputable documentation.

        1. He has patience to allow ignorant people such as yourself to lie about him without taking retribution like our Lord who when reviled uttered no complaint. 1 Pet. 2:23

          1. Patience? ‘Patience’ like your Orange-Pig-Idol demanding that schools reopen while the pandemic rages?

            Is endangering children part of the ‘pro-life’ agenda?

            Or perhaps you meant TЯ卐m₽’s ‘patience’ in demanding workers return to infected meat processing plants where so many workers came down with COVID.


            Both of these acts of impatience committed by
            TЯ卐m₽, were entirely based on his self-serving obsession to be reelected … no matter how many lives are lost or how much suffering your Orange-Pig-Idol causes to other people.

            Furthermore TOAD no matter what I say or don’t say about the Orange-Pig, TЯ卐m₽ has NO authority to allow or disallow anyone from speaking their mind about him.

            You do remember the First Amendment, right MAGAT?

          2. “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” – 1 Peter 2:23

            Name one time the Orange-Pig did not retaliate against someone speaking the truth?

            TЯ卐m₽ even attacked Greta Thunberg, a 15 year old school girl, for speaking out about climate change.

            Then attacked her again, in a jealous rage, when she won
            Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.

            Your vicious Orange-Pig also attacked Dr. Fauci for warning the American people about the dangers of Coronavirus …

            … because those TRUE health warnings, in TЯ卐m₽’s evil mind, went against what he considered good for his own reelection.

            How retaliatory and vindictive is that?
            Yet you still worship TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast.

          3. Patience? ‘Patience’ like your Orange-Pig-Idol demanding that schools reopen while the pandemic rages?

            Is endangering children part of the ‘pro-life’ agenda?

            Or perhaps you meant TЯ卐m₽’s ‘patience’ in demanding workers return to infected meat processing plants where so many workers came down with COVID.


            Both of these acts of impatience committed by
            TЯ卐m₽, were entirely based on his self-serving obsession to be reelected … no matter how many lives are lost or how much suffering your Orange-Pig-Idol causes to other people.

            Furthermore TOAD no matter what I say or don’t say about the Orange-Pig, TЯ卐m₽ has NO authority to allow or disallow anyone from speaking their mind about him.

            You do remember the First Amendment, right MAGAT?

          4. Trump is notorious for holding grudges for decades for even the slightest insult. Remember when during the primaries he brought up the size of his fingers to “Little Marco” and said that his yuge fingers were indicative of the size of, er, another part of his body? Remember that?

            Do you know why he brought that up? Because SPY Magaine had called him a “short-fingered vulgarian” — in 1988!

            Patient, you say? Forgiving? Not the type to seek retribution? Let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth:

            Do you know what his motive was to run for President in the first place? Revenge on Obama for making fun of him over his Birtherism at the 2011 WHCD. That’s why his main goal has been to tear down all of Obama’s accomplishments, no matter what it does to America and its reputation (this alone has already permanently and irrevocably destroyed the reputation for trustworthiness among our peer nations that it took us over 2¼ centuries, 44 Presidents, and 114 Congresses to build up — he flushed all of that down the toilet forever just to get back at Obama for telling a couple jokes about him (which he deserved) at a dinner. That hard-earned reputation is gone now. It’s just — gone. We can’t ever get that back, no matter who the next President is.

            Even in business (Trump’s supposed area of expertise), a reputation for trustworthiness among your peer businesses is vital if you want to be taken seriously. Let’s say that a corporation changes CEOs every few years, and until the current CEO the previous CEOs had always honored deals even if made under the tenure of a prior CEO before them whom the current CEO opposed. That’s how you get a reputation for trustworthiness, if a deal made would last even through changes of leadership, even if the new leader hates the one who negotiated the deal, even if he truly thinks it was a bad deal. Now, let’s suppose the newest CEO just up and decides to break previous deals made by his immediate predecessor because that predecessor told a few jokes about him at a social event. He just says, “Well,I didn’t make those deals, so I don’t consider us bound by them.” If you were the CEO of another company that had intended to make some long-term deal with that company, would you once that happened? If the next CEO could just feel free to break the agreement with your company because he hates the current CEO?

            The Framers of the Constitution knew that we could never become a truly great nation unless we could be trusted to keep our given word with at least other peer nations (granted, we weren’t so upright with abiding by treaties made with Native American tribes and nations, etc.). So they put it in the Constitution itself (Article VI ¶2 aka the Supremacy Clause) that all ratified Treaties became equal to the Constitution itself, that they were jointly the Supreme Law of the Land!

            So what does Trump do? He breaks our given word with other nations — not just once, but repeatedly. He pulls us out of the Paris Climate Accords. He pulls out of the TPP.. He pulls out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He does those things not because he thinks they were bad deals (the proper thing to do in that case would be to try to renegotiate them). He did it because those deals were negotiated under Obama, Obama got credit for them, and Obama made fun of him at a dinner (again, over something Trump made the first move on by doing the whole Birtherism thing!) so everything Obama has to go! No matter what the consequences!

            The consequences were the permanent and irrevocable loss of our international reputation for trustworthiness, a key foundation of our leadership position on the world stage. Now the precedent that he has set, which will be our reputation for as long as this nation continues to exist is this: any deal made with the USA can only be trusted to last, at most, through the administration of the President under whom it was negotiated because the next President might hate the previous one and seek to undo his accomplishments, including breaking any deals made under him. It doesn’t matter if Biden wins and doesn’t do that, because the next President after him might. That precedent has been set. It replaces the reputation we had before that was written into the Constitution and took 2¼ centuries, 44 Presidents, and 114 Congresses to establish.

            One of the things your side blames Obama for is leaving Iraq too soon after toppling Saddam Hussein, leaving a power vacuum that allowed ISIS to arise. But Obama didn’t do that of his own initiative. Bush had made an agreement with the government of Iraq to withdraw our troops by a certain date. Obama tried to extend that date, but the Iraqis said no. Now, Obama could’ve just overridden the Bush agreement and told the Iraqis that he didn’t feel bound by an agreement negotiated under Bush. But Obama knew that doing so would destroy our reputation for trustworthiness, and he knew that that was more important in the long run.

            What he didn’t know was that that reputation and our resulting greatness on the world stage only had a few years to live anyway, thanks to Trump.

            And that’s not even getting into what he did in tearing down Obama’s pandemic response organization which had been independently rated #1 in the world. And his attempts to repeal “Obamacare” even without a replacement (even though what is commonly called “Obamacare” aka the ACA isn’t even Obama’s plan [his had a Public Option, remember?] — it was a Republican plan! But Obama was given credit for it because the Republicans started calling it “Obamacare” hoping to slime him with it, but people love it [even Republicans when you don’t mention Obama when asking about it] and that backfired on them) and is still trying to do so even in the middle of a pandemic with a devastated economy (our bad handling of which resulting largely from his tearing down of the pandemic response system) and people really needing it — just because it has Obama’s name on it.

            1. Grudges. Grudges. He doesn’t hold any fu__in grudges. Oh my that was funny. SPY magazine is responsible?

              Trump’s main goal is not Obama obsession because that is a waste of time. Getting elected put that to rest.

              Only other corrupt liberals in foreign countries believe that reputation litany. It’s just more fabricated lies to keep liberals incensed. Ask the Syrians whom Obama killed.

              The Paris accord is not and never was a Treaty. Obama never even tried to get that nonsense approved. It was just another economic disaster that crooked politicians from around the world used to make money. Trump correctly dumped it.

              You seem outraged with Obama’s failures to the point that four years later you still can’t accept the election. Well join Hillary, all Democrats and the media. Obama was not qualified to run this great country and it showed from the beginning.

              Remember when Obama told O’Reilly that there was ” not even a hint of corruption” in his administration? Well now we know he created the biggest Presidential scandal in the history of the country and we know exactly how he did it. Soon Durham will have the co-conspirators indicted and lined up for long prison terms leaving Obama to twist in the wind.

              Obama’s signature health care legislation was deeply flawed like the website he commissioned that didn’t work and the mandate that stole money from the young to pay for this one size fits all disaster. Good riddance.

              1. Seven months later, still no Durham having any “co-conspirators” indicted and lining up for long prison terms.

                1. Yes. That is too bad. I now doubt that anything of substance will come from Durham. I suspect they will make Durham apologize for even thinking about publishing the truth about the Russian hoax.

  350. Seen from someone like me who sees the Bible as a mythology book : there is a slight mistake. COVID propagates through breath, not through waters.I have to say the rest is impressive. You did put a lot of good work into this compilation. I am deeply impressed.

    The human beings who wrote the Bible indeed had a deep knowledge of the human behaviors, the best as the worse. The sermon on the mount, as evil as it might be (with the criminalization of the thought and other toxic teachings), is also a direct strike into the very center of our psyche – a real masterwork of human litterature. And when you compare Yahweh’s behaviour with Trumps, the first thing that comes to mind is “Trump inspired them ti describe Yahweh’s behaviour”. Well, they alreay had a leader like Trump in those times, probably. I bet they suffered under his rule – and yet had to describe him as a god. Or…..

  351. Excellent stuff, Benjamin!

    And I say that as something of a lay biblical scholar/prophecy buff myself (including upon your selfsame topic)…

    You’ve presented your case well: cogently, clearly and perfectly understandably, and with deep insight/perception…

    Others, e.g. authors from centuries gone by such as Christopher Hill (‘Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England’) and Ellen G White (‘The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan’, also known as ‘Cosmic Conflict’) have made equally compelling cases based entirely upon the long-cherished and well-established, biblically unassailable principle of ‘sola scriptura’ (the Scriptures Alone), which in this instance could be summed up as ‘let the Bible interpret itself’.

    Coincidentally enough, before reading your incredibly mind-blowing writing this evening I posted some more biblically-based/derived antichrist-related material (as I have previously in various posts on various blogsites of mine), as happenstance would have it after viewing (c/o my agnostic Society of Friends (Quaker) mother channel-scrolling and completely inadvertently stumbling upon) a TV programme entitled ‘Secrets Unsealed (or Unveiled)’ on our Firstlight (freeview) channel here in Aotearoa-New Zealand with a pastor Stephen Bohr teaching/preaching thereupon.

    Enough already – but thank God and praise the LORD for believers like yourself prepared to go out on a (well-argued and articulately, biblically sound) limb in the interests of ‘the faith once delivered unto the saints‘, who have been well warned

    ‘Blessed is s/he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy (i.e. the Revelation of Jesus Christ, in the Bible book by the same title), and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.’

    Maranatha! And may that ‘Great Day’ find us all ready and waiting for our LORD’s long hoped for and much-anticipated Second Advent to Planet Earth, for surely it cannot tarry all that much longer…

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus

    David Bernhardt
    (Author of some (arguably, oftentimes pertinent) blogsites if your reader/viewership are at all interested, and it’s okay by you (at a later date) for me to cite them herein, and/or the relevant posts thereon – at least once you yourself have screened/approved them.)

    P.S. And how about this equally novel idea: that, vis-a-vis your own (antichrist) theory and the others I’ve alluded to, as with so much else in this old world of ours these days, it’s not necessarily a case of ‘either (this) or (that)’, but it could actually – if only occasionally, admittedly – be one of ‘both (this) and (that)’.

    1. Exactly. I recommend a book by Alexander Hislop called The Two Babylons:

      The Two Babylons, subtitled Romanism and its Origins, is a religious pamphlet published in 1853 by the Presbyterian Free Church of Scotland theologian Alexander Hislop. Its central theme is the argument that the Catholic Church is the Babylon of the Apocalypse which is described in the Bible. Wikipedia
      Originally published: 1858
      Author: Alexander Hislop

      This book will open your eyes to all the changes made by the Church. A good study for those who feel secure in their faith.

  352. My concern is in the article you didnt quote the full just the part to fit your narrative…why is that?

  353. I’m not even Christian, an X if you will but I knew the minute he got into office. I started calling him the AntiChrist. Now with this article shared with me by a friend on Facebook, I read the entire article aloud to myself taking it all in. Makes sense and my allegiance to God, White Light, Goddess and All That IS remains in tact. I hate tRUMP with a passion and all of his “swamp monsters”. They are legion and they are many. They surround him and yet have no idea how to do their jobs effectively. Look at Betsy Devos… what a waste of space she is. Nasty, all of them! I do not wish them well!

    1. Did you see the part where the Antichrist will fool everyone? Apparently Trump lacks that superpower or you have immunity…

      1. The Beasts (the word “Antichrist” never appears in Revelation) fool many but not everyone. Many also follow the Two Witnesses. “The Rapture” is false doctrine (the term appears nowhere in the Bible) and true Christians (aka “the saints”) are still on Earth during the Tribulation as witness by the fact that “it is given unto the Beast to make war with the saints and overcome them.”

      2. The Beasts (the word “Antichrist” never appears in Revelation) fool many but not everyone. Many also follow the Two Witnesses. “The Rapture” is false doctrine (the term appears nowhere in the Bible) and true Christians (aka “the saints”) are still on Earth during the Tribulation as witness by the fact that “it is given unto the Beast to make war with the saints and overcome them.”

      3. Those of us “truly” filled with the Holy Spirit of God have “immunity”.
        That you don’t and can’t see that you don’t is the clearest “mark” I see.
        This is elemental.
        You are out of your element bob.

        WE are Christians and you are a Fake.
        Nothing you can hurl at us can hurt us but we have power to torment you.
        Live with it.
        You are marked Bobby boy.

  354. I am a conservative Christian who at the start supported Trump. I am currently 17 and will turn 18 in about a week, so I will be able to vote for the next president. Lately, I have really questioned my support of Trump and what I read here really blew my mind. I am not quite sure if he is the Antichrist or not but he definitely does fit a lot of the descriptions, if not all of it. Not quite sure what to think, I almost feel like my world has been flipped upside down. Thanks for the article, I learned a lot. God bless!

    1. Just remember there are two side to every story. This story is written to hurt the President for political purposes by misusing scripture. Since most people on this site have no clear understanding of Revelation it is easy to influence the readers. Just scroll through the comments and you will the confusion. If you use this blog for study and try to prove each point to yourself your understanding would increase ten fold and you would then form your own opinion and be able to defend it to someone else.

      1. Bob

        You can’t blame everything on politics.
        For God sake Bob.
        Just Stop.
        You are a fake christian.
        The Holy Spirit is not informing you.
        You WILL answer for the lives you turn away from the TRUTH.

  355. Greetings to all of those on this forum! I have read a few comments after reading some of what the author wrote, however, I find that he basically crafted his story of the antichrist to fit his own agenda, which is to attack President Trump. I doubt that he is all he says he is, since otherwise he would have done a more professional analysis instead of attacking other Christians, which is what Christians would no better than to do. I am only being critical of his article, I am not judging him. However, when anyone publishes an article they automatically open themselves up to criticism, which is what I am doing. I bet if you dig a little deeper on his background, you will find he is not what he claims to be. This is a hit piece, as it is called in the publishing world. If anyone of you is truly Christian, then you should not be listening to biased writing such as this piece. Pray to our Lord God that He will forgive you for spreading lies and misinformation about President Trump, since if you do not, then you will be judged accordingly by our Lord God. That is all I have to say on this subject. I do hope you all have a very nice remaining day! Adios from Texas.

  356. The manufacturing of your vision by using false information to distort who President Trump is, tells me more about YOU than him. Calling his buildings the “7 HILLS” is patently delusional and would be laughable if you weren’t leading so many people astray. And having equally insane people build you up for your completely ignorant analogy shows how many can be deceived by ONE VERY EVIL FALSE PROPHET!!

    1. You make a great point. When you read through the comments it is alarming to see how many, many people want to believe and agree with the comparisons. If Ben wanted to he could persuade his followers to actually read the bible on their own so they can begin to questions these assertions.

    2. Whether TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast, or just another run-of-the-mill Beast, makes no difference when one surrenders their soul to the evil spirit of the Beast.

      Those who support, defend, condone and worship an evil Beast,
      put the Mark of the Beast in their own foreheads.

      Hitler was a Beast and those who supported that monster,
      put the Mark of the Beast in their forehead too.

    3. Whether TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast, or just another run-of-the-mill Beast, makes no difference when one surrenders their soul to the evil spirit of the Beast.

      Those who support, defend, condone and worship an evil Beast,
      put the Mark of the Beast in their own foreheads.

      Hitler was a Beast and those who supported that monster,
      put the Mark of the Beast in their forehead too.

      1. Trump is not the Beast. He’s the Little Horn of the Great Beast with the Mouth that Speaketh Blasphemies (“I don’t need God’s forgiveness. I never do anything wrong!”) in Revelation Chapter 13, aka the Tenth Horn/King of the Scarlet-Coloured Beast of Revelation Chapter 17.

        The three Beasts themselves are not individual human beings. They’re aggregates of persons. That’s why John called them “Beasts” to show that they’re not individual humans with souls and consciences.

        1. Whether TЯ卐m₽ is the “Little Horn” or the “Great Beast” or the “Big Mouth Speaking Blasphemies” or the “Scarlet Beast” or the “Abomination of Desolation” or whatever other names apply, the Orange-Pig is still a Beast.

          One could surmise that Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Nero, Caligula and hundreds of others were Beasts in their own time.

          And whosoever worships a Beast (whichever one he is) puts the Mark of the Beast in their own forehead.

  357. The lies that the antichrist will push, and the truth that it denies, is that Jesus is God.
    The antichrist will eventually have ALL people liking him.
    The antichrist will defame God by making claims on God that is not true. Not that God is evil, but that popular evil things are considered good by God.

    Almost every point made, 2 or so are used to match and are reaching, and a third is snuck in that isn’t in the scripture quoted.

    The beast heads and horns are metaphorical, they are powers and principalities, not buildings.

    The mark of the beast is necessary to buy food. It’s more likely to be an embedded smartphone-like device than a printed symbol.

    While I agree that Trump has many faults, he doesn’t carry the favor of all sides necessary to be an antichrist.

    1. Thanks. Very nicely said.
      Unfortunately too factual for the Progressive/Leftists on this site to comprehend.
      When you sat the antichrist will promote that popular evil things (abortion, racism, anarchy, salvation by grace alone, Jesus didn’t have to die for our sins, God doesn’t judge and respond) as good you are prescient.

  358. Keeping in mind that, even if he is the Antichrist, it doesn’t mean it’s the End of the World. Many others have fit the bill–Hitler, for example, fits extremely well, but the world didn’t end then. Though climate change and the availability of nuclear weapons make the End of the World a higher possibility than it ever was before.

    1. I agree with your analysis because no one knows the time except the Father not even the Son. Many have predicted the end date without success. But when you point out Hitler and say Trump also fits the bill I completely disagree. Trump doesn’t want to be a dictator nor rule the world which are necessary attributes for that job.

      1. I disagree on that, but time will tell who’s right….In any case, I’ve moved away from the Evangelical interpretation of Antichrist and now see it as more of a Type we’ll see again and again throughout history until the world does finally end. Just in reading the books of Maccabees the past few months, I’ve identified several Antichrists and that was before Christ….Looked at that way, it becomes less of a mystical prophecy we may never see, and more a danger that every generation needs to watch out for. We also see how to fight and that eventually, the antichrists fall, so there is hope for the Church.

        1. At the end of this age when The anti-Christ is healed from his head wound people will believe he is God. Then they will receive his Mark willingly. Those who don’t ultimately will be killed. After that there will few, if any, of the Church left. But then Christ will return and you can read the rest in Revelation.

    2. If you examine scripture with an eye to relevance there are many things about “this generation”.
      Jesus said “this generation shall not pass away…”,
      Many believed He referred to “His” generation.

      But he makes clear when you read back in the chapter he was referring to the generation who experienced specific things happening at the time of the end.
      The ability to broadcast simultaneous video around the globe did not exist until THIS GENERATION.
      The addition of thousands of Amazon satellites recently is filling existing holes.
      A medium exists to convey a video image to everyone on the earth.
      While this may not be even necessary, this generation has such power, no other before did.

  359. Theres another key verse you can add to the Worthless Shepherd prophecy due to recent events.

    “Woe to the worthless shepherd,
    who deserts the flock!
    May the sword strike his arm and his right eye!
    his right eye totally blinded!”


    Here is a collection of my own research that you might find interesting.






    Feel free to delete these links after you grab them if youd like. Not trying to be rude and push my stuff on someone else’s site but I think its important info to spread around so at the very last I’d like someone who’s as knowledgable and put in the hours of research like you to at least check it out.

  360. So, interestingly, the president seems to be having trouble using his right arm and walking/standing steadily. Zechariah 11:17 may be telling us why,

    “Woe to the worthless shepherd,
    who deserts the flock!
    May the sword strike his arm and his right eye!
    May his arm be completely withered,
    his right eye totally blinded!”

    1. Good scripture; doubtful interpretation.
      Remember when Hillary almost fell on the sidewalk when trying to enter the van?

  361. Just wonder how many other leaders the signs apply to? Totally generic signs or possibly not?

  362. Just goes to show there are as many loony evangelical lefties out, as there are cultish alt righties. This article is living proof, despite the author’s apparent insufferable, laodicean, TDS-esque maladies afflicting this satirical piece. Oh, and he forgot the one qualifying identifier of the Antichrist, Daniel 9:27, which disqualifies Trump (Scottish/German)

  363. ” … which shall be diverse from ALL kingdoms, and shall devour the WHOLE “earth”, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” = Clues.
    “You are under the power of no other enemy, are held in no other captivity, and want no other deliverance, but from the power of your own earthly self. This is the murderer of the divine Life within you. It is your own Cain that murders your own Abel.” William Law ……….. and in order to heal mankind of this dual nature:
    “He [the Christ] is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.” Ephesians 2:14

    1. “And the Lion (Dominance, Supremacy) SHALL lie down with the Lamb (peaceable, meek humble).
      Interesting juxtaposition.
      I have wondered how God works out these Left/Right Strong/Week matters.
      Seems The divisions can only grow wider as He approaches.
      And He IS approaching.
      In the perfection of time.

  364. I have a nearly deadly serious comment: Can the antichrist’s followers ‘smell’ a person that isn’t ‘them’, so to speak, and attack them, or try to?
    I’ve had some downright worrying encounters the past couple years…

    1. Not sure about ‘smell’ … but we know for sure that Satan knows who the true saints are.

      If we keep our eyes and ears tuned into the Holy Spirit, true Christians can discern the spirits.

      This is how many of us immediately recognized the Beast when he rode that gaudy golden escalator down to the lobby of his tacky tower, then went right into his, now infamous, speech:

      “Mexicans are criminals and rapists.”

      Immediately thereafter, every single white-supremacist and neo-nazi group in the country flocked to his side.

      About 6 months later, most Evangelicals flocked to his side too.

      1. Indeed.
        The Spirit warned me at the same point,
        I began to tweet about it then.
        The “Bob Shiloh” entity is just a demon.
        He’s “faking” being Christian, have taken Christ name in vain ( a wife ‘takes’ her husbands name) betraying her husband.
        Bob can’t even know he is fake.
        He is just an accuser.
        Ignore him.

        1. At one point, about 2 months ago, “Bob Shiloh” advised me to listen to Hannity and Limbaugh, to “learn the truth”.

          That was the most demonic advice I’d ever been given.

          So yes, you’re probably right about just “ignore him” but part of me feels like it’s my sacred duty to refute his lies.

    2. If you means annoyances and outright “attacks” the answer is, if you are a follower of Christ (Notice I don’t say Christian, because the currency has been devalued) then you are the enemy of the god of this age. If you are getting repeated attacks, God may be trying to get your attention. In my 45 years in “this way” I have experienced both types.
      Satan’s feeble & foolish efforts, and God’s purposeful deliberate “nudges”.
      It’s not the human host who ‘smells’ you. It the demon in control.
      The hosts are disposable.

  365. Interesting Calculative Predictions: Over time people have tried to predict Nostradamus, The Revelations, etc etc. There’s endless math for predictions. They can be made by anyone for anything against or for anyone. If you take just the points from the bible you have taken here you could attribute these predictions in a wonderful story to dozens and dozens of leaders over the last few hundred years all over the world. But we all need to make a living and I appreciate the efforts! By the way you missed one Trump tower in Las Vegas, so I guess thats 8, Peace all !!

  366. This is fascinating, with a lot to absorb. (I’m an Episcopalian; I was taught that Daniel was accurate right up to the point when the second author, writing in Aramaic instead of Hebrew, tried to predict the future, and that Revelation is mostly about Rome (“seven hills”) – the Number of the Beast adds up to Nero Caesar, and he certainly persecuted Christians.)

    You do have some things wrong about St. John’s/Lafayette Square. The rector (not the pastor) did have some things to say about the violent police invasion, which drove off not only a priest but seminarians and members of the laity, but it was the Bishop of Washington, +Mariann Edgar Budde, who had the most to say (as is meet and right, since she has authority over all the parishes and missions in her diocese).

    I’m not sure what you mean by “but that he would use their church and a Bible from inside, as a photo op.” He wasn’t inside, and the Bible – which was fished from a $1,540 designer handbag by Ivanka Trump – wasn’t, either. Nor did Trump hold it upside down and backward. This isn’t to say that he wouldn’t have, but the photos show it right side up and front forward.

    Anyway, thank you. You have built a persuasive case!

    1. AS I’ve said.
      These are those whose eyes God has purposely blinded.
      And yet they know not they are blind.


      1. Begone? Ha. Such kindness, the love of Jesus. I have eyes to see. Blind I am not. Jesus opened my eyes and you cannot take that from me. I stand by my words.

    2. Love that flag. Thanks.
      Based on what I read on this site a degree in theology is more suspect than not. The bible is of no private interpretation. 2Pet. 1:20

  367. Trump is not the anti-christ.

    Speaking of the anit-christ, the scriptures say in Daniel 11:37 “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”

    Trump LOVES women, and has a beautiful wife. So this CANNOT be him.

  368. Hi, I came here to say you needed to update your page after recent events, and you have! Thank you for writing this up. A few points to think about:

    1. I would actually quote the Matthew 24 verse mentioning “when you see standing in the holy place…” so the words of that prophecy are actually visible on your page, and say something like what if the holy place is not a Jewish temple but a little chuch near the WH.

    2. The WH has now been fenced in by kilometers of steel fence, which as far as I know has not happened before. More fortressing.

    3. I would take off the final point about the maga hats, it’s weak, and it’s not good to finish on a weak point.

    1. I saw a formula that makes “MAGA” work out to 666, but then again, a formula could be done to make any letters work out that way. More interesting is that Trump’s full name in his ancestral language is:DONALD
      DRUMPFCount the letters.

      More interesting still is what the GOP changed their logo to in their mid-2014 rebranding. I commented on it a couple weeks ago with a comment that has their logo prominently displayed along with a Bible verse. Check it out.

      1. Ok

        Here is a bit of arcane wisdom.

        Everybody knows about encryption/decryption.

        Common ways of examining the “666” knowledge use various ways of counting and force strange rules.

        I contend it is because no-one knows the decryption key.

        If you take the name DONALD TRUMP and add up the simple sum of the letters starting with a value of A = 1, B=2 etc you get a number that is irrelevant.

        If you take the Key number of 48 as the starting zero and make A = 49, B=50 etc.
        Now take the name and add up the digits.

        If you’ve done your work properly you will see what I mean.

        If you think that is trickery, please tell me how with examples that actually work.

        DONALD TRUMP = 666

        Please don’t insult me if you are too lazy to do the work.

        1. My point is that you can do that to anyone’s name if you pick the right starting value or do some other tricks.D = 4
          O = 15
          N = 14

          S = 19
          O = 15
          U = 21
          C = 3
          Y = 25

          Total: 116So if we can find some way to sneakily add 550 to your total, that’d work out to 666. We could, for instance, say that 68 is the zero point, so that A = 69 and so on, and that’d add 544 for a total of 660, then we can just say that the space between them = 6 for whatever reason, and voila!

          If we assume that your real first name is “Donald” (is it?), then the initial total without any offset would be 131, so we’d need to add 535 to that. We’d add 66 to each letter and 7 for the space, and again, voila! You can pull a similar trick with anyone’s name.

          No, I’d be more impressed if the name worked out that way according to real rules of Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek or Roman numerology of the time.

      2. Ok

        Here is a bit of arcane wisdom.

        Everybody knows about encryption/decryption.

        Common ways of examining the “666” knowledge use various ways of counting and force strange rules.

        I contend it is because no-one knows the decryption key.

        If you take the name DONALD TRUMP and add up the simple sum of the letters starting with a value of A = 1, B=2 etc you get a number that is irrelevant.

        If you take the Key number of 48 as the starting zero and make A = 49, B=50 etc.
        Now take the name and add up the digits.

        If you’ve done your work properly you will see what I mean.

        If you think that is trickery, please tell me how with examples that actually work.

        DONALD TRUMP = 666

        Please don’t insult me if you are too lazy to do the work.

  369. When I first read your update, I nitpicked a little on the “food prices skyrocket while oil remains cheap” point because the verse actually says, “… but do not harm the oil and the wine.” But then, I realized… that fits too.
    1) Liquor stores stayed open as essential businesses from the beginning of the pandemic.
    2) I never remember seeing a store that was completely out of alcohol.
    3) I did a little cursory Googling and saw several sources proclaiming or projecting a drop in US wine prices.
    4) I saw another article about a French winery that had so much surplus they converted the extra into hand sanitizer.
    Excellent article. You’ve convinced me.

  370. When I first read your update, I nitpicked a little on the “food prices skyrocket while oil remains cheap” point because the verse actually says, “… but do not harm the oil and the wine.” But then, I realized… that fits too.
    1) Liquor stores stayed open as essential businesses from the beginning of the pandemic.
    2) I never remember seeing a store that was completely out of alcohol.
    3) I did a little cursory Googling and saw several sources proclaiming or projecting a drop in US wine prices.
    4) I saw another article about a French winery that had so much surplus they converted the extra into hand sanitizer.
    Excellent article. You’ve convinced me.

  371. (Full disclosure, I’m not a christian any longer, though I was raised in evangelical christianity)

    In the many many (many many many, etc.) end-times sermons and such, one thing I remember being brought up more then once is the theory that there is an “antichrist” figure in every age. The train of thought being that because Satan doesn’t know when the end times will occur, he has to have one ready at all times. It’s still both hilarious and sad that the evangelical “moral majority” all rallied to elect a person who so closely fits their description of the antichrist.

    1. Deception is how it works.
      God has hidden the truth from their eyes.

      I too looked at the possibility of mutliple.
      Trumps name has a decryption key of 48.
      To decode his name set A =49, B=50 etc.

      There may be others out there. I doubt Satan is foolish enough (in fact trump shows the genius of evil) to bet on only one. He probably has several backup AC’s.
      Trump is head of the revived Roman Empire.
      Pax Americana = Pax Romana.
      There are no other countries that could fit that i can see.

      Rome ruled the world.
      Trump is trying to.
      He’s clumsy, and stupid and that may bode well for us.
      But he has incredible persistence.

  372. For consistency, Trump would’ve already had to invade Mexico, Israel, Egypt, Libya, and many other countries by now, “sweeping through like a flood”. And Canada would’ve already attacked the US. So it needs a little work, to say the least.

    1. A Historical Fact you’re probably not aware of.

      Even Hitler didn’t begin exterminating people until AFTER his first four-year term as Chancellor of Germany.

  373. Man. Reading over these comments I just have to be like, wow, commenters have too much time on their hands. In no particular order.
    Obama sucks and was and is an awful man.
    Hillary Clinton sucks and is and was and is an awful woman.
    Biden is blatantly demented.
    Frankly, they probably all have had sex with children. Like all Democrats and Republican leaders, they sacrifice their souls onto the altar of mammon to worship the almighty dollar and praise this sick country and worship it more than they would ever revere God.

    That doesn’t make Trump not so hilariously and ludicrously evil that it’s depressing people can’t see that he’s the most fitting candidate for the Antichrist in a long while, and even though I as a Christian do not believe in an ‘Antichrist’ and I’m not a Revelations adherent, it doesn’t change that he’s awful. Just look up his own words, his quotes, ignore the media’s description of them and you can see that. It’s not just a New Yorker thing, I’ve family in New York City, hell, one of my family members is a gun dealer and a former con man in New York, and he’s less of a boastful, foul-mouthed, money-obsessed shitlord.

    1. How exactly were Obama and Hillary an awful man and woman, respectively? Give specifics.

      Biden is not blatantly demented. He has a life-long speech disorder that causes basal stutter and word substitution, He makes gaffes, but he always has, and is showing no sign of progressive decline beyond the occasional “senior moment” that all elderly people are subject to without it being dementia. Dementia requires progressive loss of cognitive function over time.

      “Frankly, they probably all have had sex with children”? Wow. I guess you think that the 9ᵗʰ Commandment doesn’t apply to you? You just hurl one of the most serious accusations possible out there against multiple people whom you don’t know without a lick of evidence, just because you’re on the other side politically? And call it “Frankly” but also try to qualify it with “probably” as if you think that lets you off the hook? “Even as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto Me.” (That’s from the passage where He describes the Final Judgment, no less!) You just accused your Lord and Savior of child molestation.

  374. • TЯ卐m₽ has emboldened the police to commit acts of violence against America’s citizens! He must be stopped, or this will only increase to a level which we cannot undo.

    Our Open Society will be dismantled and destroyed by an authoritarian mad-man, if that hideous monster is allowed to continue to infest our Seat of Power ever again.

    The police have been exposed as modern-day SS and Brown-Shirt Nazis who will do TЯ卐m₽’s bidding.


    Just as they did in 1930’s Germany, Austria and Poland … today’s American cops beat the elderly, children, handicapped, disabled and anybody they come in contact with.

    Police Accountability NOW!
    Vote Blue!

  375. We’ve joked for years that Bill Gates was the anti-christ. Lately more of the prophecies can pertain to him as well. You might want to consider who is actually in charge and not just puppets like presidents and prime ministers. Start researching and see how many verses can be applied to Bill Gates and what he’s said and done lately.

    1. Gotta know you’re a TЯ卐m₽-TOAD … always projecting the crimes and sins of your sweaty-orange-pig, idol onto others.

      The documentation and Scriptural verses you provided to support your vile, false accusations and Q-MAGAT lies, are quite noticeably absent.

  376. God has been impressing much upon my heart lately. In the coming days, I will be posting signs, predictions and reasoning to my new Twitter account @19_witness. I pray for all reading this to be safe and well during these Tribulations. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, I encourage you to reach out to Him through prayer. God is good and He is with us.

  377. Wow you guys were really having a big discussion… 2 things we as Christians should know are true…
    1. You’re known by your fruits
    2. Do unto others as you would want done to you. Sin is sin, we all sin, we fail, but we strive to do better, right? We don’t continue deliberately hurting others, so either you believe the leader of America is A. Not a Christian and not living a Christ like lifestyle at all, or B. He’s a Christian, striving to be like Christ, because he said he was (he’d never lie) and everything he’s done in his lifetime, has only been to Glorify God??
    So one thing I’d live to leave with you….. He said I could walk down the middle of 5th avenue and shot someone, and I’d still not lose any voters… Wonder if he feels the same today? That seems Christ like… Also only one Law remains. Love… Love your enemy Love your neighbor, the greatest commandment is love…

  378. Bush was the Anti-Christ. I remember GQ Magazine making a picture of him as Jesus. I found it and posted below. Back then if you spoke out against the Iraq war you were demonized even though you stood for something true and right. It was a hard time. Trump I thought was a clown but now I see he is the TRUE BEAST. All those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, shall know.

    By the way I’m a theistic agnostic. For those that don’t know, that means I believe in a higher power but I admit I do not know what it is and will never really know. I do not follow any religion but my own good conscience. I was raised Catholic and refused confirmation. I do however love Jesus and I believe in his teachings and his mother Mary is my best friend. So I guess I’m Christian but I don’t like the religion. I have studied the bible though because I went to a school that was Christian my whole life. The book of Revelations was always my favorite.

    1. Dubya wasn’t the Anti-Christ, he maybe was the precursor.

      I remember around 2008 when Evangelicals put on pretentious, pious, prayer vigils … asking God for a Christian president. God sent us Barack Obama.

      Immediately after President Obama’s election, those same Evangelicals falsely accused him of the most heinous lies. God proved them to be liars when President Obama, for 8 years, had NO SCANDALS!

      Then when the real Beast, rose from the Bottomless Pit, slithered down his golden escalator to the lobby of his tacky tower, and gave his first speech, “Mexicans are criminals and rapists” … every evil white-supremacist and neo-nazi group flocked to his side. Evangelicals followed soon after.

      Afterthought: You are a Christian if you love Jesus, follow His teachings and obey His commandments (Love) as well as you can.

      Jesus warned us when we see the Harlot of Babylon riding the Beast, (Revelation 17 & 18)

      “Come out of her my people, lest ye partake in her sins and receive of her plagues.” – Revelation 18:4

      1. I seldom call myself a Christian.
        I prefer “Follower of Christ”, because that is how you tell how well you are doing.
        If my steps and actions represent Him to the world.
        The word “Christian” has been co-opted.
        It like many such words have been stolen and redefined.
        The evangelical church in as much as they have abandoned their first love -Jesus, is heading for the exit door on the back of the beast. They become the whore because they have traded the love of God for the worship of an idol.
        He spews them out of His mouth.

  379. I’ve read this before and shared it. Now I’ve read your update and it’s given me chills. I’m not even all that “religious.” I’ve shared it everywhere I can. Thank you for researching and posting this.


  380. There is no “antichrist” in the Bible as such: the only time the word appears is in the plural “antichrists”, and Daniel and Revelation are talking about different figures, with the latter borrowing a lot of imagery from the former. The “Beast” etc are both references to antichrists in the authors’ own times and also archetypes of every antichrist that has arisen since. Trump ticks all the boxes for another antichrist fooling the faithful in quite a spooky way, as the article above points out.

    1. Close. The Beasts are not individual persons. The Scarlet-Coloured Beast of Chapter 17 has seven heads and ten horns, and the ten horns are ten kings who reign one hour with the Beast. That means that individual persons (the kings in this case) are merely parts of the Beasts, which means that the Beasts are each aggregates of persons. This is why John called them “Beasts,” because beasts are not human beings, not real persons with a soul and a conscience of their own. Beasts can move and act and devour and destroy like humans can, but they have no conscience.

      What is like that in the world today?

        1. Not according to the guy I used to communicate online with decades ago who claimed to be one of the Two Witnesses.

          1. Alright, this whole post is full of a lot of ill-informed and passionate people on both sides. I’ve browsed your posts here, and you seem remarkably well-informed, but also well into what to my eyes seems like some really crazy stuff. But I love crazy stuff. Can you tell me what about this person claiming to be a Witness was compelling enough that even decades later you still haven’t disregarded him?

            1. Why haven’t I disregarded him? At the time I did more than “disregard” him. I outright mocked him for a loon (I and most of the others in the various online forums and occasional chatroom where I encountered him — almost no one took him seriously). This was about two decades ago, give or take (it was a several-year period beginning when years still began with a one and extending until about 2004 or so). He was an absolute loon — or so I thought at the time.

              Now? Now I’m not so sure. His prophecies have been coming true in ways I simply can’t explain. Just for starters, he prophesied that the GOP would change their logo, and what they would change it to, at least a full decade before they actually did it (which was in late September, 2014, at least according to when it showed up on their GOP.com website according to the Internet Wayback Machine). In fact,seeing that new logo unnerved me, and I didn’t realize why for a few years, and then I remembered this guy (I hadn’t spared him a thought in over a decade before that). See my comment from 12 days ago as I type this that shows the current official GOP logo (the image there is directly from their @GOP Twitter feed and is also on their Instagram page, on most any Press Release on their website, and all official printed materials, since the rebranding of 2014 [their Facebook and YouTube also use the logo, but a color-reversed “negative” version of it]). There’s a lot more, too.

              He never gave me any name but the username he was using, which he said was now his “real” name since it was the name that God gave him when He caught him alive up into Heaven to witness His Courtroom and Judgment of Babylon the Great (which is the USA, according to him). That name is “Bands,” one of the Two Staves of the Lᴏʀᴅ in Zechariah Chapter 11 (the other is “Beauty” — I have no idea who that is, and neither did “Bands” — nothing in the Bible states that the Two Witnesses would necessarily know each other, at least not before the Tribulation).

              At any rate, I disregarded and outright dismissed and forgot about him for years, though now I see that I subconsciously remembered. I desperately did not want him to to turn out to be who he claimed. I love America and don’t want it to be Babylon the Great, especially given the extremely detailed way he said that the entire North American continent would be utterly destroyed in a way that would seem to the world to be a horrific, cataclysmic, yet natural (albeit artificially enhanced) disaster with a valid scientific explanation that would not seem to the world to have no explanation other than actual divine judgment. I even became an atheist during the intervening years because I really didn’t want him to be right.

              Now, while I still don’t fully believe him, I’m having to face the possibility that maybe he really is who he said he is. If his prophecies keep on coming true like they have been, I need to get myself and everyone I know and love off of this continent and preferably out of this hemisphere sometime in the next four years tops, because that’s how long this continent would have left to live as a land mass.

              BTW, I recognize your username, oh godlike one of the 1990s Marvel Comics Universe’s “Secret Wars”! 🙂

          2. You never know. It’s possible that the “Two Witnesses” don’t even know who they are, as of yet.

            Just like TЯ卐m₽ probably didn’t realize he was in practice to become the Beast … with his every cruelty and vindictive act, sexual predation, depravity, deceit and fraud.

  381. This is quite interesting. I was kind of going in like “Okay, Obama, Bill Gates, George Bush, and Barney the Dinosaur. So what is it this time?” But I think I’ve seen more correlations with Trump than with the others, and Barney is a “beast” of sorts.

    I realized that Federal politics are no longer important to my faith, so I stopped paying attention and turned my focus to the church I go to. Now, I’ll have to keep the presidential election in my peripheral vision.

    1. It does you no honor to brush off and scoff at the prophesies being fulfilled right before our very eyes.

      The “church” you are focusing on, or at least 81% of her members, have surrendered their souls to TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast, thereby turning the Bride of Christ into the Harlot of Babylon.

      When you see the Harlot of Babylon riding the Beast (as we are seeing today) Christ, through his Apostle John, said:

      “Come out of her my people, lest ye partake of her sins and receive of her plagues.” – Revelation 18:4

      1. I’m not brushing anything off. I just realize that God in control and my job is my own personal responsibility. I will face an almighty God and be called to account for everything I’ve done (or not done).

        I also know (like the author) that countless of times people have predicted the end and the antichrist (remember Hitler? Remember the Rapture cult?) – so I’m very skeptical when I see yet *another* “here’s proof that is the AntiChrist.” I wish I could find that email from the days of AOL saying how Barney the Dinosaur (I’m not kidding, the guy was dead serious) was at least the beast, if not the antichrist.

        As for Churches: “By their fruits, you shall know them.” I’ve been to many, and I think 81% is a bit low. :/ The church, where I am at the moment, doesn’t get into politics much, but they do at least *act* like Christians.

        1. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Even the “Hitler” part. He was a Beast too. There’s been hundreds (probably thousands) of Beasts down through history.

          The difference this time around is that no other Beast has ever had access to a nuclear arsenal which could extinguish all life on our little blue planet.

          And who handed TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast that nuclear arsenal?

          Answer: the Harlot of Babylon … today’s fake-christian churches.

        2. Nancie – I feel like you’re the only person on this thread with a level head. Trump will gone by the end of the year. Reading this post and comments makes me think of Harold Camping and people like that.

  382. Bahaha Trump has the police forcibly drive away people from the church so he can have his photo op outside it…. MAGA. And for laughs Iran and China are telling the US to be lenient on its own people. (Remember the USA chastising China over Hong Kong protests) … Is the USA completely f###ed or what?

      1. • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
        – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
        – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast!
        – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

      2. • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
        – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
        – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast!
        – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

  383. It was finally good to have my opinion of Trump being the Anti-Christ affirmed. I have been saying this for about 2 years, ever chance I get. Thank you.

  384. Deuteronomy 6:8, we are supposed to tie God’s commands to our wrists and bind them to our foreheads. Instead, we have replaced that with the mark of the beast, Rev 13:16. What in modern times is used as described like that? Well, a smart phone, in our hands, to conduct commerce in the digital world (and read Twitter), and on our heads, to communicate. The kicker is most of these have a symbol of the fall of man hiding in plain sight, an apple with a bite taken out ofit.

    1. Well did you know the first Apple computer was sold for $666? Look it up! I’m not even kidding. So how’s them apples for symbolism!

      1. Didn’t know that. Thanks for that bit of “symbolism”.

        Of course, that doesn’t mean computers are the Antichrist or the Beast. … but will be used as a tool to deceive the whole world, even the Elect, if that were possible.

      2. Actually, the price was $666.66 so not the Number of the Beast (which has no digits after the decimal point). When made into a whole number of something, it’d be 66,666¢ — still not the Number of the Beast.

  385. ““call down fire from the sky” Not to mention ‘Space Force’; you just KNOW Trump wants to put nukes in orbit…

    I’m a former Pentecostal pastor turned atheist bit I’m going to share the shit out of this – if it causes a few crazed fundies to abandon trump at the polls then it’s worth it…

  386. The anti-Christ, and those with the spirit of the anti-Christ, hate Jews, and by extension Christians, Jerusalem and Israel. Benjamin L. Corey, and many others posting here, need to take their TDS meds.

    1. “Jews will not replace us” … shrieked TЯ卐m₽’s TOADS, not so long ago in Charlottsville.

  387. You liberals are nuts. We didn’t vote for Trump we voted against the real beast which is hillary clinton. How can anyone be a christian and vote for a woman as corrupt as hillary??

    1. If Hillary were the Beast of Revelation, she would’ve won the election (and not just the popular vote, which she did win). The Beast rules the world at the time of the Tribulation, with its HQ as Babylon the Great. Hillary doesn’t rule anything.

    2. Those who support, condone, defend and worship TЯ卐m₽ have already put the Mark of the Beast in their own foreheads.

      2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:

      9) “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,

      10) and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

      11) For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

      12) and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

      TЯ卐m₽’s TOADS are deluded beyond redemption!
      They are responsible for their own DAMNATION.

    3. How can anyone hold a failed candidate up as a model of Anti-Christ must like bedtime stories.
      Especially if you can’t see your own failure.
      If you didn’t get the HS alert, it means you are part of the fakes.

  388. Of all the most ridiculous analogies… This one is rife with perversity. You stated the Bible used president… No, it does not. But then, because your analog is so perverse, let me state thi… your ANALogy , meaning your anal views are full of holes and full of dung. But, by all means, DO keep deluding yourself and people.

  389. The Anti Christ will HAVE to appear to fulfill the prophecies of the Torah in order to be accepted as the Jewish Messiah and physical leader by the majority of Hebrews. Because their messiah was prophesied about by multiple well known prophets in different ways and times.
    That means that (If This Then That)
    First must come a John the Baptist character prophesying his appearance. And, eventually that ‘prophet’ recognizing him as the Jewish leader by birth and godhood. There is debate on whether Christians will be here for that or not but it does have to take place.
    Until that prophet becomes famous enough to be recognized as such world wide none of the other prophecies can occur.
    And so on.
    NeverTrump AlwaysConservativeChristian but trying not to mislead people for political purposes.

    1. You insult all people who are apolitical.
      You claim we only want to hurt Trump.

      What would YOU do if your Spirit warned you?
      I am not a Democrat.
      I hope Trump is NOT the Antichrist.
      But until he is gone I fight against him.
      I don’t care what the party, any party does.
      I concern myself with the souls of men.
      If that takes a Democrat victory then Let it Be Done.

      1. I’m voting for Biden and have been NeverTrump since he made himself King Birther. I was speaking directly to the concept of Trump as the Anti Christ or Christ figure.

        1. Voting for a man who is already in the early stages of mental decline or worse? Voting for a man who has accomplished nothing in 50 years of public service that you can name? Good luck with that decision.

      2. You are not apolitical by your own words. What has you fight accomplished – anarchy in the streets, assassination of police and the corruption of the legal system in the democrat controlled states. Your spirit warning light is malfunctioning.

  390. I applaud good journalism, but this isn’t it. This author took sentence fragments and added other things.

    Ex: Rev 13 doesn’t say the beast will make boastful speeches, it says he will speak haughty and BLASPHEMOUS things, the emphasis on things being blasphemous, or literally anti-Christ (hence his title). The author here, conveniently took the first part of that sentence and cut off the next words. If you have to do that to prove a point, you’re being dishonest with your arguments.

    Also the passage about the mouth of a lion is not saying he’ll threaten people, it’s saying the beast has the body of a leopard, feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. That Revelations passage says nothing about threats (though I’m sure the beast will threaten). The threatening part was just added by the author.

    The rest of the “coming out of the sea” and “number of heads”, etc, is pure conjecture, and people have come up with similar for saying everyone from the pope is the anti-Christ (ask any 7th day Adventist) to that it was Nero and the anti-Christ already occurred. You pick ANYONE, you can find a way to make those numbers work somehow.

    The biggest take away from any passage about the anti-Christ is was 1 john 2:22 says: that the anti-Christ will deny that Jesus is lord. And that is a theme throughout the whole Bible, that on the day of the lord, all will have to confess that.

    Trump has been the most Christian president in policy in my lifetime. Recently talking nationally about Easter and the Resurrection and Jesus.

    I’m all for real exegesis, but taking fragments and putting implications into texts that aren’t there is poor exegesis. I recommend all of you go back to the source material and look for yourselves. You realize the enemy wouldn’t choose a polarizing figure for the anti-Christ, that would be stupid. It would be someone who can lead the world astray and seduce the world.

    Sorry the church hurt you man. We’ve all had bad experiences. Because we’re all human and imperfect. God still loves you though, and even at this moment, wants you back

    1. The sheer vitriol against this President given the state of the country is lunacy. Articles like this are proof of that. The comments below show this hysteria is shared.

      If the Progressives had won the election our guns would be taken and freedom of speech would be gone. Those who disobeyed would be in jail. The current examples of gubernatorial overreach such as threatening people sitting in their cars listening to a sermon is but one example. The bottom line is that we are lucky to have this President while we are going through this unprecedented crisis.

      1. TЯ卐m₽ has emboldened the police to commit acts of violence against America’s citizens!
        He must be stopped, or this will only increase to a level which we cannot undo.

        Our Open Society will be dismantled and destroyed by an authoritarian mad-man, if that hideous monster is allowed to continue to infest our Seat of Power ever again.

        The police have been exposed as modern-day SS and Brown-Shirt Nazis who will do TЯ卐m₽’s bidding.


        Just as they did in 1930’s Germany, Austria and Poland … today’s American cops beat the elderly, children, handicapped, disabled and anybody they come in contact with.

    2. You don’t think that “Why should I need forgiveness or repentance? I never do anything wrong!” isn’t blasphemous? Most Christians would consider that blasphemous in the extreme: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

    3. Not supposed to be “journalism”. This article is a precise analysis of the Prophesies which are unfolding before our very eyes.

      Journalists and journalism don’t report on Spiritual and Scriptural happenings.

    4. “You pick ANYONE, you can find a way to make those numbers work somehow.”

      Go Man. Show us how this magic works.

      We are waiting to applaud your brilliance.

  391. Nothing new here. Christians prostituting themselves to populous leaders is nothing new.
    They didn’t even learn from 1930s Germany.

    It’s like they can’t help themselves.

  392. He’s missed an important one.
    The parrable of the 10 Virgins. 5 have the faith to hold out to Christ’s coming, five need more oil and try to buy from the wrong fellow.

  393. Revelation 19:20
    But the beast was seized, along with the false prophet who had done signs in the beast’s presence. (He had used the signs to deceive people into receiving the beast’s mark and into worshipping the beast’s image.) The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.

    Tell me there is an end to this madness!!!

  394. Your take on the “mortal” wound survival is where you lost me. Trump may have his faults, but his opposition is even more faulty! Nice try.

    BTW… the “False Prophet” is the “Fake News”.

    1. The False Prophet is all of America’s right-wing evangelical / fundamentalist / Dispensationalist / Dominionist /.“Christian” Reconstructionist / Prosperity “Gospel¨ / etc. etc. etc. “Christianity” that deceives its followers into worshiping (in all but name) the Great Beast (Corporate Personhood — all corporations are collectively the Great Beast), teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, etc.

      1. Most “practicing” Christians are guided by conscience and the Holy Spirit! As Jesus states, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” As a protestant, which I’ll assume are, you know that everyone who believes in Christ is saved. And the “gates of hell will not prevail against His church” (people). Instead of complaining, be more proactive, or even, dare I say “evangelical”! You have lot of work to do!

  395. You see what you want to see. You pick from what scripture you want to pick from. And — surprise!! — we are not the only country on earth. I stopped believing in religion a long time ago, because of people like you. There are so many people in the world of whom you are not aware of, who could fit any biblical description, and you think you are knowledgeable enough to pin it down? Don’t you think that if the “prophets” in the bible could have, they would have added the name to the description? It also says that no one will know the hour or the day of the second coming, and the “Antichrist” rises just before this. So how do you know? And you have just added yourself to the thousands of previous predictions since the bible was written. Join the club.


  396. Any reference to prophecies brings out the nutters and mentally ill, but I do appreciate the references for more concise use on my Christian MAGA friends, but as two recent prophets wrote in a song called “The Boxer”: “Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”

    Now with Covid-19 it is even more so: “There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.”

    America at the Federal and many state levels is actually controlled by a Christian Nationalism movement, President, Senate, Courts and many Governorships. This movement is clearly not Christian nor good for the nation. It simply does not take the Bible to see Trump for what he is: a sociopathic con-man who has failed and corrupted everything he’s touched. But a success on reality TV. An empty soul who should have been rejected by any moral person, but for the corrupting influences of the Christian Nationalism which makes good people blind.

    Corporate cronyism has joined with Christian Nationalism in a very unholy alliance for power. Each is eating the other. The poor are not protected, the sick not covered, the meritorious not recognized. The Bible is indeed right that character is destiny. I took substantial money out of the market after Trump got elected as I knew he would fail — it wasn’t prophecy or faith, it was his record. I did not foresee how horrible this would end with Covid-19, but I sit here a “winner” crying for my country.

    1. If this guy I used to communicate with online a couple decades ago really is who he claimed to be, then corporate personhood is the Great Beast, and all of right-wing evangelical / fundamentalist / Dispensationalist / “Christian” Nationalist / “Christian” Reconstructionist / Third Wave of the Holy Spirit aka “Joel’s Army” / Seven Mountains Mandate (see Revelation 17:9 [the one and only occurrence of the phrase “seven mountains” anywhere in the Bible!] about that — why would they choose that imagery to name a movement they claim to be on God’s side!?) / Prosperity “Gospel” etc. are collectively the Second Beast aka False Prophet.

  397. I believe that many people not familiar with the real sign of the Antichrist. Very easy to say that and easy to pointing to people who are different in thinking or in acts. There are many evil people in the present and were in the past, but non of them were THE Antichrist. I’ve found this article useful:

    We need to know first the signs!

    1. The Bible (at least KJV) never once uses the phrase “THE Antichrist.” Just “antichrist(s),” and then only by John but not in Revelation at all — only in two of his three Epistles.

      Revelation refers to three demonic Beasts (two in chapter 13, one in chapter 17), each of which has multiple heads, horns, and other body parts, and it’s some of those parts, not the Beasts themselves, that would be individual persons. The Beasts themselves are aggregates.

  398. Everything you’ve just documented, I’ve been saying since about 2017. I saw it exactly the way you’ve laid it out. I myself have just never dug in to displaying the puzzle pieces the way you have, and I TRULY THANK YOU for doing it. My theory, regarding Christians, has been that they are so desperate for the 2nd Coming of Christ to happen, that they would willingly, blindly, give the Antichrist the power – just to bring it on, believing that Jesus will come and sweep them off to Heaven. My thinking is, that the problem with that, is that they are Literally giving themselves over to #trumptheantichrist , thinking that it’s what God wants, so that he will send Jesus back to rescue them. But anyone with a clear head should be able to see the fallacy in that thinking. You’re either With the Anti-Christ or you resist him. I’m thanking God for every second that I resist and detest Donald Trump with every fiber of my being. I just keep waiting for his secret service thugs to show up at my door and arrest this old man, for trying to speak truth, on something as simple as Facebook, about the disgusting evil that has been put mindbogglingly into the most powerful office in the world. That alone, should tell you there’s something bigger and more powerful, and . . . supernaturally, at work here.

    1. I understand why you might feel the way you do. Consider this about the end of this age and the return of Christ: No man knows the hour or the day not even the Son. Matt. 24:36. That being the case it is not possible for man to speed up the process in any way.

      Trying to resist the elected President with every fiber of your being seems over-dramatic and a waste of time that could be spent studying the bible so you could have your own understanding not someone else’s.

      You have a better chance of succumbing to Corona than you do seeing the secret service in you doorway. You should know that many Christians thought the same of Obama for the unspeakable evil he brought into the office of the Presidency but he was also not the anti-Christ.

      Why not use Facebook as a platform to do some good while you have the chance? We all know that there are enough people on there hating on the President and not nearly enough inspiring others to be their best.

    2. I understand why you might feel the way you do. Consider this about the end of this age and the return of Christ: No man knows the hour or the day not even the Son. Matt. 24:36. That being the case it is not possible for man to speed up the process in any way.

      Trying to resist the elected President with every fiber of your being seems over-dramatic and a waste of time that could be spent studying the bible so you could have your own understanding not someone else’s.

      You have a better chance of succumbing to Corona than you do seeing the secret service in you doorway. You should know that many Christians thought the same of Obama for the unspeakable evil he brought into the office of the Presidency but he was also not the anti-Christ.

      Why not use Facebook as a platform to do some good while you have the chance? We all know that there are enough people on there hating on the President and not nearly enough inspiring others to be their best.

      1. “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”
        – James 4:7

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
        – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
        – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast!
        – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

      2. “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”
        – James 4:7

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
        – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
        – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

        • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast!
        – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

      3. What is the “unspeakable evil” you keep accusing the former president of?
        And why should your condemnation of Obama be righteous but our resistance to Trump is wrong?
        You are one odd fake bob

    3. “The knock at the door” makes waiting interesting.
      This old man likewise expects to suffer.
      I’m planning on screwing them over by dying in the most inconvenient way possible.

  399. “To whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred.” Well, the President did lose the popular vote…

  400. The section about the fatal wound needs to be updated, the POTUS was litterally impeached and he is still in office.

    1. 42 months is how long the Beast is to have authority. It has not been revealed as to when that period started.

      Might be the Impeachment, or it may be if he loses the election, he’ll refuse to leave office and will rile up his base to do violence. We don’t know yet.

      What we’re responsible for is following our Good Shepherd and to not get deceived by the Beast.

  401. One more log on this fire … Donald John Trump or his true name derived from the purported spelling of the original family name .. Donald_6 Johann_6 Drumpf_6 ..

  402. That “mortal wound” might not be the impeachment trial. It actually might be the anti-Christ contracting Coronavirus, only to “miraculously heal” in time for re-election.

    1. I watch for his return daily.
      The bible makes it clear once the “Man of Lawlessness” is revealed THEN and only then can Jesus return.
      That is why I do this.
      I am trying to force trumps hand, which I can’t do until God allows it.
      But He tells me to persist.
      Which i will do.

  403. Fascinating discussion and I’ve been tweeting it madly. Got lots of positive responses and no negative ones yet. One thing you sort of touched on but didn’t dwell on – Revelations says that the Anti-Christ will ‘do whatever he wants for 42 months’ which means 6 months shy of a full 4 year term. That works out to be August of this year. Not a moment too soon; hopefully he will either die gasping for air through that anus-mouth of his, or he’ll be removed by force if need be.You would think Pence would recognize what he’s dealing with and use the 25th Amendment to remove him; what’s in it for the Anti-Christ’s closest follower? Some low level ruler in Hell designation? The way Pence looks at Trump, you have to wonder what he’s possibly thinking. It isn’t human, whatever it is. A small side comment – look at pictures of Trump as a small child. He’s positively cherubic. And yet he was caught ‘throwing rocks at a toddler in a playpen’ outdoors by the neighbor. From an early age, he was a psychopath, no question. He avoided jail dozens of times for fraud, failure to pay contractors, threats… and in military school was said to have ‘tried to throw another student out of a window’ and was only prevented from a murder or attempted murder charge by the other students. I’m an atheist, as uninterested in religion as I am in sports teams except as it represents the psychology of humans – but you’ve convinced me. Someone 2000 years ago had a vision and they nailed it.

    1. Pure hatred of a person you don’t even know is why this country is divided. What possible good does it do anyone for you to be “tweeting it madly.”

      Listen up cupcake. Trump is not the beast or the anti-Christ. Ben’s blog is just meant to incite people who are gullible. Are you that person?

      1. And you display ‘pure’ idolatrous worship of an evil, lawless, corrupt, unrepentant, monster … that we all know from TЯ卐m₽’s Tweets, video tapes of his every lie, threat, vicious insult, and treasonous action.

    2. The 42 months wouldn’t begin with his term, but with the onset of the Tribulation. According to typical evangelical End Times exegesis, that doesn’t start until the Beast (or last Horn-King of the Beast in the End Times) makes a treaty with Israel. Would Trump’s agreement with Israel to acknowledge Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv as the capital, and to move the embassy there, which was greeted as prophetic fulfillment by the evangelicals (though apparently not in the way they think), qualify? If so, the 42 months would end around the time of the election, and even that is only supposed to be the midpoint of the Tribulation.

      One of the heads of the Beast is to be wounded unto death, yet be miraculously healed, around this time. My speculation: Trump loses on November 3 — not just the popular vote (overwhelmingly), but also the electoral college allocation. He refuses to concede, though, saying (sadly correctly under the Constitution) that the real election that matters is next month with the Electoral College. Then December rolls around and the Electoral College do their voting, and then the unthinkable happens: whether because of the GOP having infiltrated the Democratic Party ranks of prospective Electors (like how they had candidates run for offices as high as State legislature pretending to be and campaigning as Democrats and even being funded by state Democratic Parties and PACs, and then only after the election or even after being seated switch to the Republican Party [four Arkansas State House legislature candidates did this, which gave the GOP a ¾ supermajority in that chamber, enough to render the remaining Democrats effectively non-existent for any legislative purpose]), or intimidation (“nice school your kids attend — shame if the pudding or pie at the school lunch cafeteria got some polonium mixed in, wouldn’t it?”) or both, multiple Democratic-pledged Electors cast “faithless Elector” votes for Trump, and he wins after all.

      Thus the slain head of the Beast is miraculously revived, to the wonderment of all.

  404. Antichristiologist? this has so many holes it oughta be called swisscheesiologist! 1st of all the Antichrist is clearly a globalist…something Trump will never be. Did you Christian leaders ever explain a term to you called Context?

  405. You should go back to theology school or request a refund. This is the most blatant and stupidly out of context usage of Bible passages I have ever seen to fit a narrative. The lack of wisdom in this article is staggering.

  406. Try again it’s the Vatican. You are leaving out a lot of things in your hyped up assessment. Like the fact he would have the powers to start 1 world religion. People please read your bible and stop looking to man for answers. God is in charge.

    1. That lie is what the Harlot of Babylon has been feeding us for decades … in an attempt to distract us from who the Beast really is and how fervently the Harlot will attach herself to TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast.

      However, I may concede that (not the current) Pope may well be the False Prophet yet to come.

  407. Author of this article. You are a fkn moron 8idiot! How stupid! You hate Trump and using the Bible to turn people against him, very weak attempt and you lost my respect.

    1. • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
      – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

      • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
      – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

      • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast! – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

    2. • TЯ卐m₽ is the Lawless One as described in:
      – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

      • TЯ卐m₽ is the Abomination of Desolation:
      – Matthew 24:15-31, Daniel 12:9-13

      • TЯ卐m₽ is the Beast! – Revelation 13:1-9, Daniel 7:25

  408. Look up the Babalon Working. Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard were trying to use sex magick to summon the Antichrist in 1946. This would be done through the birth of a “Moonchild” by way of an astral possession/conception within a woman somewhere on earth within the next nine months.

    Parsons impregnated his partner, Marjorie Cameron, in March 1946 during the two week sex ritual, she then went to New York and had an abortion sometime between March and July.

    Donald Trump was born in New York during the Bloodmoon on June 14 1946.

    Writing this out made me feel crazy, but that’s literally just what they were doing and the rough timeline. It’s all up on wikipedia.

    1. Interesting. Why would you pick one person and look for a possible connection to the coming anti-Christ? One thing the anti-Christ needs is money and power – lots of it.

      When an American President finishes his term his power is diminished. Look at any of our living past presidents for example. While anyone could become the anti-Christ, the field is vast and singling out one man is like playing the lottery.

      1. Because the prophesies of the Beast and False Prophet must be fulfilled before Christ will return for his true saints … those who have NOT surrendered their souls to TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast

      2. Are you that stupid Bob?

        You think we just grabbed tR* and hating him we just made up every thing, video, rally, press pool etc etc.

        This is closer to the end of the process.
        This is where it all comes to.
        This is the point
        and you are a ghost of the person you were when you wrote this.

    2. Just reading the Wikipedia page, and noticed this:

      “Another suggestion involves numerology: “That the numbers 7, 25 and 16 are not unlucky or evil for me.”

      I have continued to look for origin story of the cryptographic key – “48”
      I person I got it from said he was searching and tried “evil” – that gave him 48 which once used to set the starting place for the alphabet key A=49, B=50

      which unlocks DONALD TRUMP


      Add the numbers in Aleister Crowely’s statement above. 7 + 25 + 16 = 48

      Now it begins to make sense

      Ain’t life a hoot!!!

      This means the occult actors know it is tR*.
      They have shepherded him though life and pulled the strings to keep his “MoJo” juiced.

      This explains his “ability” to get away with things.
      tR* lives at the edge of Niagara Falls in the spiritual realm. He is being fashioned into a sword which will be used to fight against Christ. as is visible to everyone except his followers whose eyes are deliberately blinded by God.

      I proclaim this wisdom as from God.
      It’s immaterial to me if you think otherwise, so unless you are trying to impress the little kids who follow you around, don’t reply to me.
      I could easier stop breathing than stop the warnings I am proclaiming.
      There are many of us activated.
      We don’t know why, & can’t explain how but we have been set on a course, & this is the work we have to do.
      I know my end is in sight and I plan to resist the devil as long as I draw breath.
      Tomorrow may not come for me, but as for me and my house we boldly as a Lion and humbly as a Lamb serve The Lord Jesus Christ from whose mouth Truth comes as a flaming sword.

      “And some are saved as by fire”

  409. Stop putting private interpretations on Biblical prophecy and let the Bible interpret itself, because it does.

    1. If the Bible interpreted itself, there wouldn’t be ~33,800 different variations on Bible-believing Christianity according to the World Encyclopædia of Christianity.

      Only two people are qualified to interpret the Bible in the End Times period, and I’ve personally communicated with one of them. (Actually, he called what he does “discernment,” not “interpretation,” since if he really is who he said he was, then his discernments of scripture really do come directly from God.)

        1. This was starting back in the mid-to-late 1990s and continued into the early 2000s. I first encountered him on a dial-up online forum that predated the popularity of the web. Later he was on a religious discussion forum on the web and had a primitive website that I can’t find anymore. Both of us used pseudonyms — I was using this same one that I still use, and I keep using it partly because I’m hoping to run into someone who also remembers this guy (we weren’t the only ones in these discussions).

  410. Stop putting private interpretations on Biblical prophecy and let the Bible interpret itself, because it does.

  411. As you can see from this long article, evangelicals are the actual enemies of the People. They are the most delusional, most easily duped voting bloc in US history.

    Some people will say that evangelicals are ‘fake Christians’. Well, that’s most interesting. I say they’re the ONLY Christians. You see, there are over one billion Christians alive today on this planet. If evangelicals are the ‘fake’ Christians how did that small group of people become the ONE AND ONLY voice of Christianity in the entire US today? They are the sole demographic that has power in all three branches of the US gov’t. There is no such thing as a cafeteria Christian, a moderate Christian or a non-evangelical Christian that has any power whatsoever in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the gov’t.

    So, no. Evangelicals are Christians. And they’re handing Putin our nation on a silver platter as they worship the golden calf squatting in the WH.

    1. According to “Bands,” all of America’s right-wing “Christianity,” whether Dispensationalism in all its forms, Dominionism in all its forms, Christian Reconstructionism, Third Wave of the Holy Spirit aka “Joel’s Artmy” (the Jesus Camp people, also what Sarah Palin’s Wasilla Church is a part of), Prosperity “Gospel,” or any other form of Christianity invented or modified in America particularly by the right wing, isn’t just wrong — they’re all collectively the Second Beast aka False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13.

    2. Not all Christians have surrendered their souls to TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast.
      81% did, but that leaves 19% of us who did NOT.

    3. Not all Christians have surrendered their souls to TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast.
      81% did, but that leaves 19% of us who did NOT.

  412. Everything written in this diatribe can be addressed simply by reading 2 Timothy 4:1-5 and 1 John 4:8. Does this alleged theologian sound like he is talking out of love……NOT. So I will leave it at that and let Jesus be the only Judge. Remember Romans 3:23…….

    1. Yes, because those fake-christians who still support, defend, condone and worship TЯ卐m₽-the-Beast are denying Christ and putting that hideous orange monster as their new replacement god.

      It is out of Love that articles like this very one need to be publicized so ALL of us can be informed of who and what the Beast really is.

      We, in Love, call those who have replaced the Holy Spirit of Christ with the evil spirit of the Beast to REPENTANCE.

      The 3 R’s:

      Renounce the Beast!
      Return to Christ!

      Otherwise, you’ll be cementing the Mark of the Beast in your own forehead, for all Eternity.

      Choose either Light and Life or Dark and Death.
      Your choice, choose wisely.

    2. Thanks for your observation.

      2 Timothy 4:3 is a good simple explanation of what goes on in this site. “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

      1 Timothy 4:1 is also a good summation. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

  413. A clarification for the sign on the right hand (as per Revelation 13:16). Or should I say sign of the right hand?
    If you take the now infamous “OK” sign, if someone does it with their right hand with the palm of their hand away from themselves (or the left with the palm of their hand toward themselves), the thumb and index finger makes a circle, and the middle, ring and middle fingers make lines going tangentially from the outer circumference of it outwards, like so:
    I’m about to lose count of these curious “coincidences”…

    1. No, he’s not the Beast. The Beasts (there are three of them in Revelation) are not individual people. They’re aggregates of people. That’s why John called them “Beasts.” The individual horns of them are individual people or maybe sub-branches, depending on which Beast.

      Donald Trump is almost certainly the Tenth Horn-King of the Scarlet-Coloured Beast of Chapter 17, and likely also the Little Horn of the Great Beast with the Mouth that Speaketh Blasphemies (“I have no need of God’s forgiveness. I never do anything wrong!”) of Chapter 13. While there is no one person mentioned anywhere in the Bible known as “the Antichrist” (an Antichrist is a generic term, and even then not found in Revelation at all but only in two of the three Epistles of John [once in the plural!], who’s supposed to be the same John who wrote the Revelation), a person who is either or both of those two Horns would be what most people would think of as “the Antichrist.”

  414. This is a silly article and reveals more about the heart of the author.
    Is Trump going to be mortally wounded and come back to life? Rev. 13:3
    Benjamin, Benjamin! Your great learning really has driven you koo-koo!
    Trump hatred knows no bounds?

  415. Wow. Could you be more far left? And im not even a trump supporter. I am a Christian, and im not too found of you using christianity to push your political opinions and agenda. Its sad that trumps ignorance and idiocracy has caused so many christians to overlook the wwjd philosophy. Like andrew yang said, trump is a SYMPTOM not the disease.

    1. Yes they could. The Progressive Left has driven thier candidates so far Left that the mainstream of their Party is in a quandry. What do they do now. Sabbotage Bernie again? Tell us the young Mayor can run the country, let Bloomberg try to buy the nomination.

      If the Christian Left demands that any and all immigrants be admitted then let’s see the details put into a bill. Now that Congress has nothing to do it should be easy to put this into writing. Exactly how many people will this country support per year as immigrants: 2 million, 20 million 200 million?
      This is the starting point – then comes the funding.

      Constantly whining about conditions on the border without proposing any solutions is dereliction of duty. Paranoia about who gets the credit is insanity as the Left will never give President Trump credit for anything. To my Democrat friends: DO SOMETHING or quite down.

  416. I will offer the following as hit me in a dream…but, offer the following…if you were to cast individuals, it would be Dragon – Putin, Beast – Trump. Given Trump’s elevation as a fake Messianic figure is always…scary. Do NOT jump into the deep end of the pool on this…I offer it as… ironic observation.

    Trump’s birthday…June 14, 1946…he was born on a Friday… Sundays since pre Egyptian times has been considered day 1 of the week…roll the numbers. 6th year, 6th month, x day…

    I pray… coincidence, probably is…but…unnerving, no? We’re taught to not sweat this, and focus on living as we’re supposed to…but…it is definitely unnerving.

  417. There are so many things wrong with this, it’s hard to pick a place to start. Point of fact, every assertion he makes is based on ripping the texts out of context to “prove” his point.

    Just a few:
    Boastful king – from Daniel 7, Rev 13.
    The author only quotes part of the verse. He does this many times throughout his article. The author states, “[We] should be looking for a king-like figure who loves to boast about himself, but who also loves to go around roaring like a lion– things like threats to his enemies and a constant verbal flexing of muscle.” But that is not what Daniel says. Here is the passage from Daniel:
    “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
    Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
    And shall intend to change times and law.”
    His arrogant words will be directed at God, not people. He will persecute the saints (believers in God and/or the Jews). When has DJT done that? His is not a king-like figure as the author asserts, scripture calls him a king (Rev 17:10, below). One, as Daniel 11 points out, that is from the line of the Seleucid kings (Greeks, not Scotts).
    Seven Hills – this is the worst kind of exposition. The author likens the “Seven hills” to seven Trump Tower hotels. What?!!?? The “hills” are defined by the Bible text: “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.” (Rev 17:9). And the seven heads? Kings and Kingdoms – not hotels; “They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.” (Rev 17:10).

    This is so utterly devoid of any reasonable hermeneutic that anyone with any amount of Bible knowledge would dismiss it out of hand.

    Really awful.

  418. Hello Benjamin,

    While I need to process the above, I want to commend you for your outlining of the prophecies disclosed in scriptures. I have been speaking out against Mr. Trump since he arrived on the scene admonishing those of us calling ourselves evangelicals to be wary, and despite the warnings, it appears those in evangelical circles persist their blind loyalty and fealty to him.

    To be clear: Many who do not believe, or share our faith, will find the above to be senseless or useless, but still; evangelicals of conservative flair have been arguing how God will return to this earth, while also warning followers to “test” those powers which come into being.

    Personally, while I do not ascribe to a specific eschatological worldview, I have always maintained that God as we have come to know Him, will return.

    What evangelicals should take from your piece is whom does Trump resemble the most? Is it Christ as so many argue God has sent to be in political power – which has no theological basis in my estimation, or, as you eruditely point out, the Anti-Christ.

    In sum, I think it wise for all of us in the faith to maintain vigilance and discernment in determining the answer to that question. Thanks for an excellent column.

  419. Having read Daniel and revelations your message totally rang true to me! I already thought Donny may fit that part, but your words put it all in focus !!

  420. Note also who loves Trump and who hate him. Those who know their God will do exploits and teach many truth. I doubt the far left have any love for Trump and the media lies and those who want abortion up until birth and even after in some states hate Trump. Only those who are written in the book will not be fooled yet those who love Trump are Christians. Everyone but Christian’s love Obama world wide and Obsma want to take the seat of power in the UN. “And that dragon, the devil known as satan gave him authority, power and gave him his seat”

    Trump does not fit many scriptures.

  421. You left out Daniel 11:37 which states “He does not desire women” KJV, NKJV, AKJV, but Obama and Michael are gay. Joan Rivers told us and was dead a week later. You sure can’t say that about Trump.

    And you left out where he will come from in Daniel 9:26 which states he will be of the people who tore down the 2nd temple which were the Roman empire ordered by Titus.

    There is a lot more but those two make your guess off because you can’t say Trump does not desire women nor does he come out of the New Roman Empire of iron and clay.

    Obama fits the bill closer than any one I know and his true birth place he hid from us but produced a fake then the women who created it died shortly after in a helicopter crash.

    And He was known as the Messiah to many, even magazines had him on the cover showing him to be the Messiah, the first gay president, the god of all things, had the white horse over his head in his inaugural speach in Denver on the Zeus stadium platform, lied about everything but people believed him, made deceit prosper and became rich, yet Trump works for free and is losing money bc he had to give up his business to work for us, and he should get an extra term once all the criminals who have been indicted go to jail. He has many child traffickers either caught and locked up or sealed indictments as he cleans house, drains corruption, and he accepted Christ after he entered office. Many true prophets told he was God’s chosen David for America and Israel. He does not want the one world government of the antichrist as Obama was steering us into,.

    Your idea to figure this out is good but you are missing a lot.

    Look at Obama’s presidential picture. Its him in a garden of leaves. What does that say?

    1. The nation ruled by the Beast or Antichrist in usual evangelical lore is Babylon the Great. You like to think that the USA is some great God-established God-blessed Exemplar Christian Nation, Shining City on the Hill, One Nation Under God, In God We Trust, right? But think about it: if Obama or Trump or any other President (and thus ruler) of the USA really were the Antichrist, what would that make the USA!?

    2. Oh, one other thing: “Obama and ‘Michael’ [Michelle supposedly being a transexual who used to be a man named ‘Michael’] are gay”? Really? You believe that silly little conspiracy nonsense?

      And the Birtherism thing, too? No, his birth certificate is real and was certified by the State of Hawaii. Being born in Mombasa makes no sense from a purely logistical sense. Have you ever even seen a map of Kenya? There was only one International airport in all of British East Africa at the time and it was in Nairobi (which had good hospitals with maternity wards), which is near the south middle of the nation. Mombasa hundreds of miles ESE, in the opposite direction of the Obama family compound which is hundreds of miles WNW on the opposite side of the nation (roughly the size of Texas)! Also, no President in U.S. history, nor candidate for President, had ever even been so much as asked to show a birth certificate prior to 2008 (John McCain was the first because of his birth in Panama).

      No, no mainstream media ever called Obama the Messiah. That was your side mockingly calling him that. Neither he nor any of his spokespeople ever called him that nor Anointed One nor any other such thing. Trump, however, has referred to himself as the “Chosen of God,” and has been anointed on video by evangelical ministers. The Hebrew word “Messiah” literally means “Anointed One.”

      You misquoted Daniel 11:37. Here it is in the KJV: “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” It does not say that he shall not desire women. It says that he shall not regard the desire of women, which is a very different thing. It means that he doesn’t regard (respect) the feelings of women, what they want, their sensibilities about their bodies, etc. “Grab ’em by the pu$$y.” “Bleeding out of her — wherever.” “Inspecting the merchandise” (this from his own bragging about barging into the dressing rooms of teenaged girls while they were undressed, when he owned the Miss Teen USA pageant).

      As for that last part, he said repeatedly during his campaign rallies, “Only I can fix this / save America / whatever.” Not God. Not Jesus. Not Christianity. Not Christians. Not Republicans working together. Not him in concert with any of the above. “Only I can….” Over and over. Again and again. If that’s not magnifying himself above all, I don’t know what is. Even his campaign slogan was ripped off from Ronald Reagan’s, but he left out a key word: “Let’s Make America Great Again.” “Let’s” is a contraction of “let us.” Reagan, as evil as he was, at least knew to make it seem like a joint effort: “Let Us Make America Great Again.” But Trump didn’t like that part because then it wouldn’t be all about him, so he deliberately left that contraction off.

  422. An eye opener. Question is.. is he simply a type and shadow for the evil to come, or the one and only? The fact that people like Graham gave him a pass for the blasphemy at the rally was a game changer for me. Eyes open.

        1. Waitaminute: @disqus_PmttRQ0lK1:disqus cites the Antipas Ministries website to indicate where he stands, but your handle is @disqus_I00dFIsRT4:disqus and you call him a creep and say that he has severe mental problems? Which of you is the “Antipas” of “Antipas Ministries”?

        1. “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

          1. Thanks. If Israel’s home, returned in 1946, is “all these things.” There are many other things that have to happen as well. The most significant thing is the rebuilding of the Temple. When Israel finally admits that the Temple location is not the Dome then rebuilding will commence. However, that admission will not come easily.

            1. The building blocks are ready for the temple, it could happen very quickly, within months. The time is coming very quickly.
              1) the lawless one is king of Babylon
              2) the deceived church supports #1 (the whore of Babylon)
              3) Israel considers him kinglike.
              4) The peace treaty starts tribulation
              5) war
              A good primer for where I stand can be found here :
              also read chapters 10-13. As with any interpretation, pray and seek to know Truth.

              1. I find your interpretations intriguing. Is “Antipas Ministries” your site, or just something you agree with?

                  1. I’m saddened to hear that. From what little I read, the author has a lot of views similar to those of “Bands,” the person I used to debate online a couple decades ago who claimed to be one of the Two Witnesses. I thought he was just a loon at the time, but now I’m not so sure. His prophecies have been coming true.

              2. I find your interpretations intriguing. Is “Antipas Ministries” your site, or just something you agree with?

              3. I agree the temple could be constructed quickly. But that is not the problem. It cannot and will not be built on the Temple Mount because it will not be permitted.

                What is your answer to that dilemma?

                  1. Thanks for this article.
                    Normally I would say anything is possible. But in the case of the Jews and the Arabs it is not.

                  2. The Arab world will never allow the Jews to re-build their Temple. If Israel agreed to self-terminate they would not agree.

      1. I didn’t take notes.. I was watching it, about 3-4 months ago. G-damn, and something else that was on that order. Point is, if he can easily say it in a non pressure environment, surrounded by people that are for him, what is he saying in the opposite situation. Sorry that I can’t pin down the specific rally and day, but maybe the author of this article can. Ask him. God bless.

          1. You don’t see his adding the title “God” into the mix as blasphemy? It troubled me to even type out the abbreviation of it, to answer your question.
            I have spoken with one of his friends/evang advisers on a few occasions. He was trying to convince me that Trump is on the right path. I’m not a “resister” or even a “never Trump” type, just have serious concerns about how he behaves. So, after these conversations, I went silent and just observed. Sad to say that Trump’s behavior has gotten worse than better. Not sure what flavor of Christian you are, but I said directly to this pastor that Trump needs deliverance. That is a mild observation, compared to the article.
            One thing I don’t see as fitting the AC profile is the MAGA hat being the mark of the beast. What then, is the mark on the hand? Doesn’t fit. But, Bob, there is a lot here that could be seen as what the author says. I have a friend who is a professor in TX (could be Fuller), who is schooled in Hebrew and Greek, very scholarly..not to mention a very solid Christian, and he gives credence to this study as being worth considering. I know that I can’t just shake it off.

    1. You don’t have to jump through such hoops as adding 48 to the alphabetical index of each letter. Going by his ancestral family language version of his name:

      DONALD — 6 letters
      JOHANN — 6 letters
      DRUMPF — 6 letters

    2. You don’t have to jump through such hoops as adding 48 to the alphabetical index of each letter. Going by his ancestral family language version of his name:

      DONALD — 6 letters
      JOHANN — 6 letters
      DRUMPF — 6 letters

  423. Benjamin, thanks for such an insightful and wise article; i, too, have arrived at the same conclusion, if you would like to read it, send me an email.

    hector LaSala

  424. As so many Evangelicals seem bent on bringing about the return of their very specific Daddy Republican Jesus™️((no relation to actual canon Jesus)), I wouldn’t put it past them that their embracing of that festering maggot is because they want the end times to get here already. Kinda like how they only support Israel because it has to be around for all the end times to happen.

  425. So glad to see that you have a blogspot since I used to read your posts on “Formerly Fundie.” Keep up the great work!! Your voice is needed.

  426. I have been saying for a couple years now he fits the Bibles definition of the AC very well. I have studied the Bibles Manuscripts for more than 25 years.

    1. If our President fits the “definition” of the ant-christ very well he still has a few things to do such as:
      1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.”
      Revelation 13:13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.
      2 Thessalonians 2:4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
      Considering the holy democrats are trying to remove our President from office I assume you believe that our President will send the Fire onto Pelosi and the Democrats during the upcoming Stte of the Union speech? That will be an event to remember.

      1. Did you forget the cruise missiles from above hitting
        Syria or the drone attack in Iraq recently? Or him proclaiming he was the ‘Chosen One’ ? I’m not here to argue Politics but find amazing coincidences to it. Have a Good Day

        1. We could also ask the people of Hiroshima and the only majority Christian city in Japan at the time, Nagasaki (basically founded by Dutch Christians from a small village and turned into a major seaport, and also served as a refuge for Japanese converts to Christianity who fled the wrath of the Tokugawa Shogunate when it sought to isolate Japan from all Western influences including Christianity) about just which nation has managed to pull off the feat of calling fire down from the heavens in the sight of men.

          Interesting side-note: Nagasaki was not the intended target of the Bockscar bomber plane. Kokura, a pagan city was. But clouds hid Kokura from the Bockscar’s bomb-sights on that fateful day, so the plane flew on south until it found another city unprotected by clouds, which was Nagasaki, which had the considerable majority of Japan’s Christian population.

          Yes, the oh-so-“Christian” United States of America pretty much destroyed much of Christianity in Japan with that one action. And why did clouds protect the pagan city of Kokura, but not the Christian city of Nagasaki?

      2. Democrats should boycott the next State if the Union. No need to sit through a speech filled with lies by an impeached traitor. Don’t treat him as a normal President but as the racist scum that he is.

      3. Revelation 13:13 is about the False Prophet, not the Great Beast. I John 2:22 in the KJV doesn’t say “the Antichrist.” That verse is simply saying that any spirit that denies Christ is an antichrist. II Thessalonians 2:4 is talking about the “Man of Sin” or “Son of Perdition,” who may or may not be the same entity.

  427. 10 Reasons I Dumped The Religious Right & Moved To The Christian Left..so another words..a Democrat writer..go figure

    1. Jesus and His Apostles were leftists. The right-wing of His day were the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees.

    1. Because you are a human being who lives on the planet which he will destroy.
      Or do you have a space ship we don’t know about?

  428. Hello Benjamin. Your article is absolutely terrifying. Not wrong, just terrifying. Any chance of a follow-up article? i.e., assuming you’re right, what else can we expect in these times? What comes next?

  429. Great post. It is amazing how well Trump fits the description of the anti-Christ. Since I don’t believe in the rapture, I think we are safe.

    1. I love how people who claim it’s all good because “they” don’t believe THEREFORE….
      It doesn’t matter what you believe. Shit happens in spite of you.

      1. The “Rapture” is an unbiblical doctrine thought up by a cultist named John Nelson Darby around 1830 (same year as Mormonism — Darby did this as part of his cult of Dispensationalism, and like Mormonism, Dispensationalism was just one of many cults that came into existence during the Second Great Awakening), and promulgated in 1917 by a con man named Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield via the notes in the third revision of his Scofield Reference Bible. This is what started the religion that pretends to be “generic” “just plain” “Born-Again” “Bible-believin’” “Saved-by-Grace” “Washed-in-the-Blood-of-the-Lamb” “Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ” “non-denominational” fundamentalist evangelical “Christianity” and which has come to wield so much political power in the USA today.

        I challenge you to find the word “rapture” in any form or variation anywhere in the Bible.

        According to the man I communicated with decades ago who claimed to be none other than one of the Two Witnesses, all of Dispensationalism and everything derived from it is collectively the Second Beast aka the False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13.

        By the way, not a single one of the Founding Fathers nor Framers of the Constitution was a Dispensationalist, because DIspensationalism hadn’t even been invented yet when they were doing the Framing in 1791 (Bill of Rights) and 1787 (Constitutional Convention), let alone the Founding in 1776 (Declaration of Independence), nor would it be until most of them and even some of their children were dead and in their graves. While many of them were some form of Christian at least on paper, zero of them were the particular kind of “Christian” that wields so much political power today.

    2. The word “rapture” in any form or variation is found a grand total of zero times in the Bible.

  430. I am so glad I happened along this on facebook. I have said this since Trump was touting “I am the chosen one, King of the Jews”.

    My christian friends are all divided. I have some friends (about half), that say Trump is the best thing to ever happen to America, and Trump has done more for this country than any other president. While the other half say that he is horrible, a select few of these actually think that Trump is the antichrist.

    I only wish that I could get them all to see. I have even tried explaining it by

    Revelations 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

    I do believe this is how long it will take him to be impeached and brought to trial in the senate. I believe the fatal wound that is healed the bible talks about is the impeachment. He will be impeached, (which he has been), but I think it will take the senate until June or July to decide he still has the right to hold office and to re election back into that office. I believe that he will run for pres. again in 2020 and will win, thus healing his fatal wound.

    Getting my Christian friends to see this is impossible. Does this mean they are not written in the book of life? One of my friends is a self ordained preacher, (no schooling or seminary). He is the fire and brimstone type of preacher. But trying to talk to him about this gets his political side in an uproar. He doesn’t believe in impeachment and believes that Trump is gold.

    I wished I knew how to talk to people like this without getting their political side in a dander. I for one am not for one party or another, I am just for who is right or wrong for the job when it comes to politics. I want someone who is good for the country within a Christian light. I have never been one who believes that just because you are right or left makes you more or less Christian.

    Anyway, I love your article. It speaks to me.

    1. The 42 months doesn’t start with his inauguration. It starts with the Tribulation which happens when Israel makes a treaty-like agreement with the Beast.

      You know, like the one that happened on December 6, 2017, when Trump declared Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv the capital city of Israel, and had us move our embassy there, which opened on May 14, 2018 (70th Anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence)?

      42 months from there is about the time of the election. And it doesn’t say that his reign ends then. It says that one of the heads suffers a mortal wound unto death, yet is miraculously healed to the astonishment of all. This could mean that he loses the election (including Electoral College allocation, not just popular vote like in 2016) yet refuses to concede, but is voted in anyway a month later by faithless electors who’d been pledged to the Democratic nominee yet vote for Trump in the Electoral College.

  431. This is easily the silliest thing I’ve ever read. The two largest problems with this frankly idiotic exposition start with a crystal clear and unadulterated ignorance of sooo many things Biblical, historical, and contextual that it would take days to list them all (although some comments have already laid some out), followed by using tortuously twisted and sometimes completely false narratives as examples to show prophetic verses being fulfilled. The term “stretching” has been elevated in this piece to an art form previously unimagined, although the term “lying” is masterfully displayed throughout many of the paragraphs. Anyone who gives an ounce of credence to this pap deserves the ridicule they get.

    1. Ben wrote this but he said it started as a silly piece. It also ended that way.
      One thing came to mind. Adam Schiff’s parody of the Trump phone call in front of Congress.

    2. I certainly can’t speak for the author but the way I receive this article is that, given the process that “end times” teachers usually employ, the conclusions made here are just as credible. In other words, if one is gonna accept all the other bullshit, you’ll need to give these conclusions credence as well.

  432. “So spake the Seraph Abdiel found,/ Among the faithless;
    Among innumerable false, unmov’d, Unshak’n, unseduc’d, unterrifi’d His
    Loyaltie he kept, his Love, his Zeale; Nor number, nor example with him
    wrought To swerve from truth, or change his constant mind Though single.
    From amidst them forth he passd” (Milton’s PL, Book VI). Keep your head when all about you are losing theirs.

  433. What I’m learning over the last few weeks of turbulence and prayer is that even more important than the furtive signs that point to the identity of the “anti-christ”, are the character traits of the anti-christ.

    If “Christ’s” character was/is marked with the beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12, it stands to reason that the character of the “anti-christ” – as well as the anti-christ spirit (1 John 4:1-6) will be marked by the antithesis of Jesus’ beatitudes:

    Poverty of spirit vs Narcissism & Pride
    Meekness vs Ruthless, Self-determination spirit
    Compassion vs Bloodlust, revenge & retaliation
    Righteousness vs Sinful Appetite
    Mercy vs Condemnation
    Purity of Heart vs Defilement
    Peacemaking vs Hostile Alienation

    These anti-qualities will/should? tell our evangelical family more about the identity of “anti-christ”, (and all that we should steadfastly oppose as hostile to the glory and reign of our Lord) than any one hundred red heifers.

  434. The Bible also has a great deal to say on the subject of buying and selling land – and it by and large disapproves of the practice.

  435. • A challenge to Evangelicals who still support TЯ卐m₽ … when you listen to him talk, does he speak with the voice of our Good Shepherd? If not, then why are you still following the Beast? – John 10:27-30

  436. The writing is so chock-full of faulty reasoning and dishonest emotional appeals as to be a perfect textbook example of fallacious writing intended to do one thing only: deceive its audience. This is fucking cult nonsense.

    1. Preach it sista! It’s amazing how virtually no regard is given to the context of any of the scriptures he’s mentioning in passing.

  437. Not satire, huh? These are some ridiculous interpretations of scripture. Equating calling down fire from heaven wish being a nuclear power? What literalist would accept that? What about the two witnesses? Is that supposed about nuclear superpowers?

    1. Even the most literalist of Bible literalists knows better than to take prophetic symbolism literally. Dreams, visions, and prophetic symbolism are by definition not literal. Bible literalism means that you take the alleged actual historical events as described in the Bible to have literally happened as described therein. Not dreams and visions and prophetic symbolism and poetry (such as psalms) and such.

      As for the Two Witnesses, I may well have communicated with one of them (at least, he claimed to be one) over a decade ago. The things he said then fit well with what Mr. Corey is saying now. I thought he was just a loon at the time, Now, I’m not so sure. His prophecies seem to be coming true.

        1. Sorry for the delay. I just saw your reply again and forgot to answer you when you posted it.

          The only name he gave me was his username on the forums we conversed on, This was during the days of dial-up Internet. I first encountered him on a pre-Web dial-up service called “GEnie” (ran on General Electric’s Honeywell mainframes). Later he had a website and also was on some inter-religion debate forums. I haven’t heard from him in almost 1½ decades, but he said that he and the other Witness would make their presence known when the time was right.

          The only name he gave was “Bands.” He said that that was his real name now, and that he would no longer answer to whatever given name his parents had given him, nor the surname inherited (presumably) from his father. So he never told me his birth name. He said that God Himself had given him the new name “Bands” when He caught him up into Heaven to witness the Trial in His Heavenly Court when God passed judgment on the nation that is Babylon the Great.

          Where does the name “Bands” come from? The Two Witnesses are likened to two olive trees and two candlesticks before the throne of God in Revelation. The candlesticks were made of olive wood, and were long, like staves. In Zechariah Chapter 11 (same chapter number as the chapter in Revelation that speaks of the Two Witnesses — coincidence?) the Lᴏʀᴅ commands Zechariah to carve two staves: one named “Beauty” and one named “Bands.” They symbolized covenants with Israel and were broken, just as the Two Witnesses will be slain by the Beast that Ariseth from the Bottomless Pit (this appears to be the same as the Scarlet-Coloured Beast who likewise arises from the Bottomless Pit, whereas the Great Beast arises from the Sea and the Second Beast aka False Prophet arises from the Earth in Revelation Chapter 13).

          One of the things “Bands” prophesied was that one of America’s two main political parties would reveal themselves, to those who had eyes to see, as the Scarlet-Coloured Beast of Revelation Chapter 17. He said that that party would change its classic, long-established logo to be a literal scarlet-coloured beast, and that it would be full of symbols (the Greek word translated “names” in 17:3 also has the connotation of “symbols”) of blasphemy.

          At the time he made that prophecy, both the GOP and Democratic Parties had similar logos: both were stylized 2D silhouettes of beasts, but neither was scarlet. They were U.S. flag-colored: a shade of red slightly too dark to be considered “scarlet” on the bottom ⅔ or so, a thin white line separating then, and a navy blue across the top of the beast. Both had five-pointed stars in that blue area, like the blue canton of the U,S, flag. The Democrats’ beast was a donkey facing left. while the GOP’s elephant faced right, symbolizing their political positions on the French parliament left = progressive / right = conservative scale.

          The only difference other than which beast and which direction were the nature of the stars: the Democratic donkey had four, all along its back. The GOP elephant had three, with the left one on its rump, the middle one on its back, and the rightmost one on its forehead.

          There was one other difference about the stars: which way they were pointed. The Democratic Donkey stars were all right-side up, with center point pointed upwards, like the Star of Bethlehem atop a traditional Christmas tree or Nativity scene. Also remember that the donkey is shown participating in miraculous events in the Bible, including Balaam’s donkey that spoke to him to warn him of the invisible sword-wielding angel in their path, and later the very pregnant Virgin Mary carrying our Savior in her womb from Nazareth to Bethlehem on the back of a donkey, and ⅓ century later said Savior would ride a donkey colt in triumph into Jerusalem on the first of what we now call Palm Sunday, at which point it’d be less that a week before He was crucified and a week before He’d rise from the Tomb.

          The Republican Elephant, on the other hand — there is no elephant in the Bible, but the “behemoth” in Job is described as being similar. Behemoth is traditionally considered a demonic beast, though. But more to the point, its stars are upside-down! That’s generally considered occult, and not just occult, but dark occult. Black magic. Satanic! Now, to qualify fully as Satanic inverted pentagrams the stars would need to be inside a circle, and they weren’t, Still, though, it’s unnerving.

          Both parties had used those logos for decades already when we conversed, and good logos are timeless (like how long as the Coca-Cola logo been around? Or the Chevy or Chrysler logos? Or the ABC or CBS “eye” logo?), so why would they change them? This was one of the reasons I mocked “Bands” for a loon.

          Sure enough, though, years after we last conversed, both parties rebranded. The Democratic Party no longer uses their donkey beast, and no stars either. Theirs is just a big bold medium-blue sans-serif “D” inside a circle of a different shade of blue, optionally with “DEMOCRATS” below or to the right of it (depending on usage aspect) in a slab-serif logotype the same color as one of the two blues.

          The Republican Party logo? Well, see for yourself at their official Twitter feed or Instagram page — or most any Press Release page on the desktop version of their officialwebsite. Unlike the Democrats, they kept their beast. Same basic shape. They changed a couple things, though: it’s all one shade of red now, and not just any red. It’s a lighter, brighter red than the “flag” red lower body and legs part of it was before. There’s a word for that type of bright, bold red. The stars are still upside-down, but remember how I said they didn’t truly qualify as Satanic inverted pentagrams (and thus symbols of blasphemy) because they weren’t inside a circle? They are now. Granted, it’s just one circle enclosing the entire logo, but that means that the stars are also inside it, making them closer to being inverted Satanic pentagrams than they were before.

          It should be noted that there had been discussions on social and even mainstream media before about how the upside-down Satanic-looking stars weren’t a good look in the days of the old logo. It’s unthinkable that they didn’t know about this. And even purely from a graphic design perspective, due to the way the elephant’s back and head curve, right-side-up stars would look much better, even completely discounting all religious / occult symbolism!

          So here the GOP is doing a major rebranding. That means a lot of expense to design the new logo and its specifications (precise Pantone® colors, exact thickness of the circle and distance from the parts of the elephant, exact sizes and positionings of the three stars, etc.), and to replace everything that had used the previous logo, from websites to social media (pretty easy and cheap) to printed materials to billboards and advertisements in all manner of media (not so cheap nor easy) to merchandise and more.

          They had a golden opportunity to turn the stars right-side-up. It wouldn’t’ve cost a cent more than leaving them upside-down. It would’ve looked better and more appealing artistically, even discounting the occult symbolism. So why did they keep the Satanic occult symbolism, and not just keep it, but double down on it by enclosing the whole thing in a circle and making it scarlet?

          Anyway, what are the odds that this “Bands” guy not only predicted that they would change their logo, but <emwhat they would change it to, over a decade before they actually did it?

          This is just one of several prophecies I’ve noticed of his that appear to be coming true.

          I hadn’t thought of him in years. I wrote him off as a loon way back then, and even mocked him for it (I and others in the various forums we were on). He was absolutely convinced of his status as a Witness, though. No doubt about that. It wasn’t some scam. He absolutely refused to consider taking money or any other material benefit. His website (long gone, sadly — I think it was too old to be archived at the Internet Wayback Machine) never had a donation feature.

          If he shows up again, take note. Or if “Beauty” does (I have no idea who that is, and neither did “Bands” — nothing says that the Two Witnesses know each other prior to the Tribulation.) And if his prophecies keep coming true, I’m getting everyone I know and love the heck off this continent and preferraby out of this quartersphere of the planet. What he prophesied would happen to America (or “Amerilic” as he said God called it, for reasons unknown even to “Bands”) is horrible beyond imagining. Because remember how I said at the start that he witnessed God passing judgment on the nation that is Babylon the Great? Guess which nation that is? I certainly don’t want to believe that. I’m a proud patriotic American citizen and have been all my life.

  438. I’m wondering if the ‘wound’ inflicted on the Beast may be the recent impeachment which doesn’t appear to have affected his ‘reign’ as POTUS at all!? I’m praying for him to be ‘removed’ from power, however Almighty GOD Will Do It..!

    1. The Beast enters the Temple (rebuilt) and declares that he is God.
      2Thess. 2:4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
      This is blasphemy. The same sin for which Christ was condemned by the Jews.
      This is why the Beast was shot in the head.
      Rev. 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
      This pretty stunning and you will not have to guess if it happened like Ben did. It will be obvious because prophecy must be fulfilled.

      Trump will be long gone before this transpires. And don’t worry you can vote against him in 11 months and remove him peaceably instead of with all this unchristian angst.

  439. You fail in the first paragraph. You can’t make up word definitions. It says the “4th Kingdom”. All the kingdoms listed in Daniel’s interpretation of the dream are of ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENTS. The 4th Kingdom is a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. It is not a person. You can take America off the chart. In fact, most of the prophesies regarding this are centered in middleeastern geography.

    The 7 hills is ROME, ITALY. The seat of the future False Prophet, and the current jesuit pope is already ticking off the description of that character with great speed and alacrity!

    I’m not saying it couldn’t be Trump. I’m suspicious of everyone. If he gets shot soon and has a fatal head wound and recovers from it, we might have some agreement. But the anti-christ will most likely be of Syrian or Turkish stock, and Obama fits that. You probably didn’t know some of his grandparents’ blood is Syrian. I’m not saying, I’m just sayin’. . . .

  440. The prophecy in Revelation and Daniels referred will happen during Tribulation, a span of seven years in the future. Before that takes place, the Rapture will happen to spare the believers in Jesus from the harsh events that will sweep the world. If I accept Corey’s interpretation of the prophecy, then we are in the TRIBULATION period and we expect the worst of the worst to happen to us who are left behind. I can’t accept his interpretation because I’ve read authoritative research on the Bible prophecy. His interpretation has weak basis. He sounds more like a political propagandist. More important, Corey has the characteristics of an anti-Christ. I’m not saying he is the anti-Christ, but his knowledge of God’s word leave much to be desired. He is trying to advance heretic teachings.

    1. Show us the word “rapture” in any form anywhere in the Bible before you accuse Corey or anyone else of advancing heretical teachings.

  441. How you have twisted the scriptures. Great imagination. you have hit just about every christian leaders for your benefit.

  442. This design is spectacular! You obviously know how to keep a reader amused.
    Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my
    own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Fantastic job. I really
    loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it.
    Too cool!

    1. he admits that some prophecies are vague enough to be applied to more than one person, however there are some points that he made that are only applicable to trump.

  443. And if it turns out Melania was actually born in Iraq somewhere along the Euphrates about 50 miles south of Baghdad…

    Seriously though, did we think the Antichrist would be this stupid? And don’t tell me he is playing 3 dimensional chess. He’s barely capable of playing patty-cake.

    1. You don’t have to jump through such mathematical hoops. Trump’s full name in his language of ancestral heritage, namely, German, is “Donald Johann Drumpf. 6, 6, 6 letters.

      Some translations say that the Number of the Beast is actually 616, not 666. Donald usually goes by his first name, middle initial, and last name. Using his original surname, that becomes “Donald J. Drumpf.” 6, 1, 6.

      Someone demonstrated that the MAGA hat also works out to 666, and is worn on the forehead.

      1. actually it is not complicated .. i also disagree: the name used in all mediums is Donald Trump.. only now that i am watching the Senate impeachment hearings did i hear John

    2. It it astonishing to find my own work quoted back to me.
      I was not the first, but I published this treatment 5 months ago.


  444. I’m surprised that you didn’t address “Gog and Magog” in Revelation 20 (and elsewhere.)

    Prophecy (according to those who believe in it) usually allows for some small degress of latitude in specific names, as with Nostradamus’s prophecy of “Hister” being considered close enough to “Hitler” for prophetic work

    With that in mind, isn’t it uncanny how close “MAGA” is to Magog — the land, or is it tribe, from which Gog comes? (Note also that “Gog” has at times been associated with Russia — and, not to be partisan about this, but — is just one letter away from “GOP.”)

    GOG and MAGOG. GOP and MAGA. Hmm.

    By the way, 3.5 years from January 20, 2016 is just after the Democratic Convention and before the Republican Convention — about the time where Trump, if far behind in the polls might decide to start a war to get people to “rally ’round the flag.”

    I don’t think that one necessarily must believe in prophecy to buy these coincidences, by the way; a belief that we might eventually develop time travel or the ability to beam information back in time might be enough. Say, information that might help stop a humanity killing global thermonuclear war?

    Or this is all for fun. That’s fine too.


  446. The Satanic Attacks on our President get stronger every day. We are in a Christ vs Satan Spiritual War. Pray for him.

    Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

    Satan the Accuser of the Brethren is using all his tactics and forces against President Donald Trump to undermine his presidency. That’s all the more reason to support him. Pray for President Trump and the watch care and protection over his family.
    “Thank God, for the People’s President Donald Trump!”
    “Pro-Trump is Pro-America!”
    The People’s President Donald Trump is bringing the spirit of servant leadership back to Washington, to ensure our government is truly of, by and for the people. He’s the best president in my lifetime.

    1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
    2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2 King James Version (KJV)

  447. Well you have effectively managed to make Trump fit the scenario with obvious predetermined bias. I would think Obama is a likely candidate with the Pope as the false prophet! We shall see!

    1. Whatboutism. Please go ahead and write an artcile trying to make Obama fit. The fact is that he is no longer president so it will pretty hard. The article was written before Trump tweeted about him being the King of Israel and the second coming of God and then said he was the chosen one.

  448. Everyone is so serious! I’m appalled that Trump is our president, and disgusted that Christians helped put him in office. I think this is a fascinating bit of research, but having followed BLC for a while, doubt that he’s claiming this as absolutely true. It’s a call out to those Christians who take the Bible as infallible fact and read it to justify their desired positions. It’s clever and almost convincing, but I’d be surprised if Benjamin now expects us to read this as fact and corroborate our distaste for Mr. Trump.

  449. Really interesting analysis and I can see the dots connected in a lot of areas for sure.
    Personally, I don’t think he’s the anti Christ per se, but more of a false prophet in the spirit of the anti Christ leading people astray or possibly a precursor/set up for an anti Christ in the future. Regardless, be vigilant friends, these are troubling times indeed. Many good friends and family are brainwashed by his rhetoric and that alone is scary itself.

  450. Thank you very much for sharing this insightful and truthful information about Trump and how it is foretold from the Bible. I pray for Jesus return soon!! But, in the meantime, I pray for all those who are oppressed. God bless everyone!

  451. Mad mad mad. I can’t believe this is where we end. I just don’t see America or even the World recovering from All the EVIL trumputin has Done.
    Wake on Thanksgiving 2020!!

  452. I Think it’s all BS Because Trump is a no good President That Only Is For The Rich People Just Like All Them Ass Holes In D.C. That’s Why Nothing Gets Done Here. Mr. Trump Just Use’s The Tax Payers Money To Go Hit A Golf Ball Every Weekend. If He Is The Antichrist Then I Want Him To Stand In Front Of A Firing Saute And See If His Sorry Ass Dies When He’s Got About A 1000 holes In His Ass. Then I Mite believe He’s The Antichrist But Till Then His Is Just A plane man with His Head Up His Ass…. Like That Old Saying Show Me Ass Hole!!!!

      1. Agree. The Left are like children who had thier birthday party cancelled. Imagine when Trump gets re-elected…

  453. Very narrow perspective. Thinking only of present time in America. Seven hills looks like Rome, which is built on seven hills. Personally, I think the description of the Antichrist fits someone else much better.

  454. Interesting tour around the scriptures, BLC, but not news to this follower of Jesus, nor to most of the people I’ve been marching with. We’re in the end times, all right, and the true persecution of Christians won’t be those following the Anti-Christ, but those of us who continue to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, defend the vulnerable, and all that (Matt.25). Better get ready.

    1. Because we know the truth about the Left and we realize the Left has degenerated into a place where white is black and up is down.

  455. I shared this on my page (@thatancientfaith) and caused quite a storm from some of my American friends!

  456. Thank you for the great read. I shared it with my country hick members in the town that I grew up in (98% love Trump). And, ironically, I actually had the same conclusion 2 weeks ago. It was the only explanation that I could find to wrap my mind around how “christian people” that I know could support such a vile human being.

    1. Now you know what it felt like for eight years with Obama’s pitiful attempt at running the country. However, the current Democrat hopefuls show even less promise.

  457. You forgot that when anti-christ comes it’s after the rapture. Surly some Christians would have been take by Jesus and that would have been on social media. Also you forgot the one hundred million man army, Amerika doesn’t have that big army even if you add NATO. Plus Russian and it’s Allies are not with Amerika so he doesn’t have complete control of the world.

  458. Thank you, Benjamin, for using your knowledge of scriptural prophecy to lay out the case from the Book od Daniel. In particular, the likening of the beast’s fatal wound to the Mueller investigation, is fascinating and convincing.

    Ever since the man who is possibly ‘The Beast” descended his elevator, watching Evangelical “Christians”line up for red hats has been one of the most alarming developments. The phrase ‘even the elect will be deceived’ has haunted me.

    A man who, asked if he’d ever asked (2015, by Frank Luntz) God for forgiveness, replied: “I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don’t think so,” he said. “I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.” Translation: I am not a Christian. But the people swallow Evangelical leaders’ rationalizations- ranging from comically cynical, to overtly blasphemous- and accept his rise to power is ‘from God.’

    The president has, all his life, been an unapologetic icon of greed, lust, gluttony- a true ‘Man of Sin,’ if ever one lived. Lies constantly, prodigiously, at an ever-accelerating pace. And yet, support from Evangelicals never wavers or diminshes. (“Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” Rev. 13:4)

    He is now dropping the mask and “support” is becoming more and more, “worship.” His rallies are mockeries of religious assemblies, which he describes as “love fests.” The same high-volume selection of music continues to be played at all his events, unchanged since 2015- a very Hymnal from Hell. On CSPAN this week, I noticed that The Rolling Stones, ‘Can’t Always Get What You Want” (complete with church choir) played him out at the Amvets conference.

    This week, he tweets (not a RT, BTW) that he is hailed as “King of Israel” and “the Second Coming of God” – even as he engages in nakedly anti-Semitic attacks which have already led to violent attacks on American Jews and synagogues. On camera, he lifts his eye and (tiny) hands and proclaims “I am the Chosen One” (China context, a fig leaf.)

    And no matter how obscene the spectacle becomes, people who think they are followers of Jesus continue to march towards the cliff behind him.

    Anyway (long comment, and I could go on and on) to let you know some of us ‘have ears to hear,’ and appreciate your ringing of the alarms.

  459. Anyone remember y2k? They quoted scripture then too. What about the guy in Midwest who predicted rapture 2x? 1000s of predictions or 1000s of years all dead wrong and you folks rely on a book that’s been written, rewritten, re-interpreted by a faulty human then regurgitated again and accepted because the king wrote it and if you didn’t agree or accept they would put you to death……You people will never learn.

  460. I noticed that you kept specifically referring to the “first term” or the “first 3 1/2 years” in your analysis of what the Bible says, but I didn’t see any reference to a specific time frame in the quotes that you provided. Can you please point us in the direction of verses that specifically mention this time frame that you refer to?

    1. Rev 11:2 & 3 reference 42 months and 1,260 days which both equal 3 1/2 years. Many people would say those two numbers refer to the tribulation(first half) and the great tribulation(second half) of 7 years.

  461. On the morning of the last US Presidential election the readings for morning prayer in the Church of England were the writing on the wall from Daniel and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse from Revelation. Just saying.

  462. Pastor I believe you are spot on with this article! I believe what you wrote and that scripture backs it up. Christians better wake up.

  463. An amazing bit of research with such clear signs. I joked on my Facebook that Trump could never get the job as the Anti-Christ, because he was overqualified. You’ve changed my mind on that. It seems like he fits the bill all too perfectly.

    1. You realize both Ronald Reagan used this for his campaign rallies and Bill Clinton said that exact phrase when he accepted the presidential win?!

  464. Fascinating article!

    I, like many of you, grew up in a Christian tradition which was founded on fear instead of love.

    Part of that fear involved a hyper-infatuation with ‘end times’ prophecy. This infatuation was based on a fear of ‘not recognizing’ the AntiChrist when he comes and therefore avoiding the possibility of becoming one of his ‘deceived followers.’

    And yet, now, for the first time in history, and in surprising detail, a fairly strong case could be made that ‘we have found a match,’ (at least if the traditional, biblical interpretations of Christian fundamentalism are to be believed.)

    And yet, where are these same fearful, ‘end-time’ experts now?? Why they’re rabidly and blindly supporting someone who virtually fits every category of their dreadful vision.

    Evangelical Christians are known to be Trumps biggest block of support.
    Talk about irony!


  465. Twisting the scripture…and not even doing a good job of it. It’s very easy to spot the manipulation behind this article. You are a theologian? You should submit this for review among your peers.

    1. If you know ANYTHING about the the Bible, you don’t even need to read this article to know who and what our current president is! WAKE UP!!

    2. Please share exactly where the scripture has been twisted.Even my atheist friends who know biblical text see the correlation.

  466. Thank you for this article and your thorough analysis. I’ve been saying this for awhile. I believe that there is both an Anti-Christ spirit and there will be (is) a person who is the Anti-Christ. The Anti -Christ spirit is one of hate, greed, deceit among other things including a White Supremacist ideology as we are seeing happening with more prevalence now. My heart is breaking for the asylum seekers and migrants, especially the children who are being treated so horribly. Praying that the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of Evangelicals before it is too late, if it isn’t already.

  467. I think this is an excellent piece and mirrors much of my own thinking regarding this abomination you have as a President on that side of the Pond. I am een working on a piece about Antichrist myself.

    But the only problem I have with any of these things about Antichrist is that I think that the title ‘Antichrist’ is not what John was talking about in his letter (1 John), which is the only place in the Bible that the word Antichrist is used. He was specifically talking about a spirit of deception that did not acknowledge that Christ was come in the flesh. His letter was written specifically to help the Church cope with a specific heresy that had grown up in their area. He did say that ‘an’ Antichrist is a deceiver. But it does not refer to one specific person in that context, and that context is our *only* context.

    While I agree that there will be a leader in the end times that will be everything that Trump has already shown that he is, I think it is a mistake to conflate the term ‘Antichrist’ with that single end-time leader. I think it’s an idea that we assume is ‘true’, and yet has actually been borrowed from popular ‘theology’ that has already been blown out of proportion (i.e. Hal Lindsey stuff), in a similar way to how the current concept of Hell was borrowed from mediaeval literature and has also been accepted as ‘true’ (Dante’s ‘Inferno’). And of course the Antichrist as a person has been made very popular in the ‘Left Behind’ series, beloved of modern Evangelicalism, and the irony of that is not lost on any of your readership, I am sure 🙂

    Sure, let’s recognise Trump for what he is. Let’s call him the Beast or the Dragon, yes. And he may well be of the spirit of Antichrist, in that he is being upheld by a large group of fake believers who deny by their very lives and attitudes that Christ is come in the flesh – as does Trump. We could even refer to him as AN Antichrist. But let’s not call him ‘THE’ Antichrist, because the context in 1 John actually does not use that term as referring to one specific person, but more a number of people all with the same spirit. Furthermore it is a non-sequitur to make the Beast or the Dragon the same thing as The Antichrist, as an honest reading of the Bible on these matters does not actually appear to equate the two concepts. It’s more our own conjecture that has linked them.

    That said, this is still a marvellous piece of work that I would love to reblog if I may, and I really appreciate the work you have put into it, Ben. Well done.

  468. I’ve always stayed away from studying John’s vision (book of Revelation) because there is no consensus and yet I believe his is the only 150% verifiable vision – he was Jesus special friend, the one Jesus was ‘especially close to’ and we are reminded of that several times in John’s gospel. But it was just a glimpse of heaven and what he saw was real, but in his shock and awe of the spectacular I wonder if his descriptions are framed in words and images that made sense to him in ways that we can, at best, only speculate. And when it is all said and done, perfect sense will be made of all of it.

    Benjamin, I still don’t know ‘whats what’ so to speak – who on earth really does? But in my 30 years of faith and particularly these last few years as these matters keep rising to the surface (in my heart and mind at least and by the looks of it, much of Christendom holds its breath or spends useless time and wastes money desperately trying to parse it out with so many ‘end of times’ ministries), your exposition makes more sense than anything I have ever encountered.

    Thank you Benjamin and praise God for God and for His Perfect Will for His Kingdom.

    I recently read the entire chapter of Matthew 25 and understood that everything we need to know is right there from the first verse to the last. Only the date and hour are missing and didn’t Jesus tell us just that?

  469. not a bible scholar nor lead by the Holy Spirit. didnt mention all the prophecies on those that would deceive and lead astray in the endtimes. so similar to left in US spewing hate for a politician and not adhering to the Word of God that commands respect of leaders in govt.

  470. Mentally, I know this isn’t true, and it helps me rationalize why I no longer attend church. But the evangelical world has shown the entire world who they are with their support of Trump. ( I was a MDiv student Southern Baptist seminary when the SBC ‘purge’ occurred in the 1980s. I saw evangelicals for what they were then.)

  471. I think “omen, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.”
    Daniel 11:37-38”
    Refers to Putin.

  472. OK, but my main question is will Trump, even as the Antichrist, be raptured with the evangelicals if the Rapture should come? Although not a Christian, I’ve been longing for the rapture to take the evangelicals and their harmful theology off of this earth to where ever they’re supposed to go when raptured. They voted Trump in (with help from Russia), and it seems only fair that they take him when they leave.

    Is there any chance of getting a different commenting system? Maybe a different Disqus identity will be enough to strip off the filters. Just wondering! Thanks.

  473. Spot on and well-researched. Brilliant. Love it. Please spell-check “prophecy” (the noun) vs. “prophesy” (the verb) for credibility. Bravo!

    1. Do the same research and show us YOUR conclusions then. We’ve reached a point where if you’re going to deny something, you have to do more than just say “you’re wrong”. PROVE IT. And don’t say you shouldn’t have to. Because you absolutely SHOULD.

  474. So….when your prediction of Trump as the anti-Christ doesn’t materialize we can accurately conclude you as a false prophet. Literally, how much time did you waste writing this foolishness? smh

    1. Do the same research and show us YOUR conclusions then. We’ve reached a point where if you’re going to deny something, you have to do more than just say “you’re wrong”. PROVE IT. And don’t say you shouldn’t have to. Because you absolutely SHOULD

    2. I didn’t make a single prediction. I listed out all of the key predictions on the issue, and compared them to true events that have occurred– past tense.

    3. Its ALL foolishness. No anti-christ, no rapture, and the bible is not a tool for divination. If you see it and use it as such, you’re no different from witches, warlocks & wizards – none of which actually exist either. Bible idolatry is the great “sin” of the age. The Word was made flesh, dwelt among us, and later within us. Not in a book.

  475. I became agnostic but I was raised between a Baptist and Catholic school for most of my school years. I was a church follower for many years…….I remember getting sad when I heard evangelicals called Obama the anti-christ….saying to my self ….no he is not. Trump does fits the description in a scary way. It is so upsetting than so many calling themselves “Christians” are his followers . In fact Trump wouldn’t have won the elections is not for the evangelical vote. Sad…really sad.

  476. Wow! I’ve wondered that about Trump, though I’ve also wondered that about Reagan and GWB.

    One caveat: the Mark of the Beast on one’s hand or forehead is needed in order to buy or sell. The MAGA hats don’t qualify –yet.

  477. Is it possible that instead of simply fulfilling the predictions of the Bible, Trump and his handlers are actually following the predictions, using them as a playbook and making them come to fruition? After all, Trump is a known fan of Hitler’s writings and follows many of his strategies step-by-step. Aligned with the fundamentalist religious leaders, who obviously know the ins and outs of Scripture, is it not possible that Trump is saying, “What next, boy?” And his handlers are saying, “Well, Daniel says we’re near the three-year mark, so better start calling yourself the leader of Israel. And maybe we could start promoting MAGA wrist tattoos, too. Amen!” I believe it’s possible that inspired people from thousands of years ago could predict the future. I also believe it’s possible that the ruthless men who have learned to twist the Bible to gain fortune could picture themselves and their team raking in all that nice Antichrist money.

    1. From what I have observed of Trump so far, he doesn’t appear to be smart enough to pull this whole scheme off. If, however, he somehow has pulled off the antichrist imitation game then I think we can call it a self-fulfilling prophesy and Ben still wins. He’s effectively created an antichrist bingo sheet of sorts and laughed/wept as he’s filled it completely in.

    2. I could see this. I think there could be a group of evangelicals who think they can bring about the end of the world. I don’t think Trump is in on it, if anything, he thinks he’s legitimately the savior of the world. I can’t help but think that there are people manipulating him from the shadows.

  478. I found this super interesting. I’ve told people time and again that I felt Trump fit the bill the closest to the Biblical antichrist that the world has seen yet due to many of the prophecies that you point out.

    I was very interested in your interpretation of the “fatal wound” prophecy. I’d always interpreted that as a true PHYSICAL wound. Purely to use the recovery to show that he’s greater than (or at least equal to) Christ. Who died (physically) and rose again (recovered).

  479. Great article. God is waking many Christians up and many are coming to the same undeniable conclusion. Check out Brother James Key on YouTube. He pointed out scripture in 2015 saying Trump was the AntiChrist. He has many videos since then. Keep up the good work and the good fight.

  480. When asked how to ID the Antichrist, the nun said, “if he says he’s speaking for Christ but teaches the opposite, that’s the Antichrist.” Although I agree with your analysis, I think “the Antichrist” is not one person, but a philosophy. I include John Calvin in that group, as well as Ayn Rand, although she never claimed to speak for Christ, just be better than him.

  481. I have been thinking along these lines for a while too. Although I have tried to stop myself from labeling him as the anti-Christ, whenever I think of him, the title “The man of sin” comes to mind.

    It is very disconcerting to see family and friends whom I love and respect blindly follow and support him – or, ‘bowing to the man of sin,’ as it were.

  482. I have played “match Trump to the Antichrist” as a fun game as well, and it’s starting to creep me out, too. He’s even called himself the “Chosen One” in a speech now.

  483. Mmmh, not a Christian anymore, but this looks scary! I still think the true Christ stands for real love and compassion of all peoples, and therefore, anti-Christ is the antithesis of that.

    1. And I think that you are exactly right! This article matches the traits of the anti-christ directly to Trump and his actions. No other, that I know of or have seen, matched up with every little thing like he does.

      1. Well, Jesus is the basis of Christianity. I don’t think that you could do better if you tried. I no longer attend church as I don’t recognize it as a place where you can find God. But I have found over the past 20 years that time spent with a study bible and a concordance can teach you a lot. And you will be free of outside influence.

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