Picture of Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and received his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus, and Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith.

The Disgusting Hypocrisy of the Anti-Trans Bathroom Movement


So listen– I’ve been thinking about this whole movement to make peeing while trans illegal, and I have a few thoughts.

The basic premise is this: Individuals who are transgender need to use the public restroom that corresponds to their actual gender (not their sex, which is different). They need to do this for their own safety, as if they were to enter the bathroom that corresponded to their sex instead of their gender, it would freak people out and cause an unnecessary disturbance. Furthermore, going into the wrong bathroom would subject our trans brothers and sisters to potential harassment and even violence.

Yet, certain forces on the right are working tirelessly to make it illegal for trans individuals to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender– mainly using the argument that women and children would be at risk of harm from men masquerading as trans women for nefarious purposes. Thus, instead of addressing the issue of male violence, they want a blanket law that prohibits all transgender people from using the correct restroom.

While there are perhaps a dozen angles from which one could discuss this issue, the thing that really irks me the most is the gross hypocrisy of those behind these bathroom bills. Let me explain.

The same folks who argue that we need a law forcing transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds to their sex instead of their gender, is the same group of people who are fighting for their gun rights when they’re not busy regulating where people pee.

And when they shift from gun rights to anti-bathroom bills, they completely dump their logic and principles.

It goes something like this:

“Someone might pretend to be a transgender person so they can enter the bathroom to assault our wives and children! We cannot put too high a price on the safety of our families. We must pass a law that stops all of them from gaining access to the bathroom!”

However, when the issue becomes gun rights and not bathroom rights, this group switches sides dramatically.

When we say, “Listen, we cannot put too high a price on the safety of our families. Our children are being killed every day by gun violence, and we could really benefit from some common sense gun regulations to reduce the bloodshed” the anti-bathroom folks no longer believe what they’re selling. Instead of, “We must protect our children from this danger” they reply with:

“You must be a special kind of stupid. Criminals don’t obey laws, so more laws won’t work. Do you really think that gun restrictions will actually stop someone who is determined to get access to a gun and use it the wrong way? Hahaha. You’re such a libtard. You should just go back and run with the other sheeple.”

For real. This is actually how dramatically they switch sides when it goes from protecting their rights compared to someone else’s rights.

Regulating bathroom rights? Great solution!

Regulating gun rights? Nah, laws never work. Besides, most gun owners are no threat to anyone.

I think what their side is missing is the fact that our transgender brothers and sisters are not a threat to us, and instead of protecting people, these anti-bathroom laws serve to put a population of society at greater risk of harm– and I’m not talking about your wife and kids.

If the anti-bathroom folks actually did believe that we must protect our children (they don’t believe that, btw) they wouldn’t be on a mission to regulate a nonexistent problem while ignoring the growing pile of dead children we seem to amass on a weekly basis from gun violence.

Our transgender friends aren’t going to just snap while washing their hands and assault you. They’re not trying to sneak a peek or cop a feel. They’re just trying to freakin’ pee.

Let’s be clear: This has nothing to do with protecting our children. If these folks actually cared about the safety of our children, they’d be focused on what’s killing them on a daily basis– and newsflash: it’s not our transgender friends.

If folks want to be transphobic, ignorance can be their prerogative. But let’s not pretend for even one second that they get the moral high ground of putting the safety of our children first– because on any other day of the week, they value their own rights over the lives of children.

Picture of Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell, and earned his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller.

He is the author of Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith, and Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus.

It's not the end of the world, but it's pretty #@&% close. Trump's America & Franklin Graham's Christianity must be resisted.

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    1. Ergo conservative scours internet looking for something to get offended about and decides every single trans is a rapist in disguise.

      Jesus says the measure you use to judge others is the measure you will be judged by….therefore when a priest rapes children, all Christians are rapists…..

      1. It’s like when homophobes claim all gay people must therefore be pedophiles whenever a child is molested by an adult of the same sex. It’s just patently ignorant.

      1. So the fact that asinine rationalizing put this wolf in a hen house means nothing to you, huh? Truly despicable. Unlike the unfortunate women who wind up dating such men or passing them on the street, I never once advocated for locking them in a room together. These molestations are on your hands.

        1. Yes, yes. The important part is to assign blame upon entire classes of people and everyone around them. If even one person breaks the law, everyone should be punished as harshly as possibly. This is truly the Christian answer: lots of punishment, lots of disgust and contempt and hatred and violence.

          1. “The important part is to assign blame upon entire classes of people and everyone around them.”
            No no, the important thing to understand is that these women were only victims of harassment from this man because you and people like Corey want to feel good. You created a risk.

            “If even one person breaks the law, everyone should be punished as harshly as possibly.”
            No, no, but if someone supports locking a man in a room full of women then they bear some responsibility when stuff like this happen.

            “lots of disgust and contempt and hatred and violence.”
            You brought it on yourself.

            1. Btw I realise it must be difficult to understand you are now completely irrelevant tom the modern world after losing the war against gay people and you now have to manufacture another group to cast as boogie men even if they represent 0.000001% of society.

              But that’s how societies evolve.

              I wonder who it will be after transpeople…..

              1. “I wonder who it will be after transpeople…..”

                I’m going to go with pretty much anybody that Jesus would have hung around with.

            2. ” No no, the important thing to understand is that these women were only victims of harassment from this man because you and people like Corey want to feel good. ”

              Actually I’m fighting for my own rights, thanks. I’m trans. These matters concern me on a personal level.

              “No, no, but if someone supports locking a man in a room full of women then they bear some responsibility when stuff like this happen.”

              You, of course, bear no responsibility whatsoever for what members of your group do — they’re mentally ill lone wolves who lashed out unexpectedly in ways no one ever could have seen coming (even though this happens on such a regular basis in such repetitive ways that one would think we’d notice a pattern developing).

              “You brought it on yourself.”

              Of course. Jesus would want us to hate each other and act to worsen each other’s lives.

              May you find harmony, child of clay.

              1. “These matters concern me on a personal level.”
                And they concern women inmates as well.

                “bear no responsibility whatsoever for what members of your group do”
                Happenstance interactions in public places is much different than determined interaction by forcing co-habitation.

                “they’re mentally ill lone wolves who lashed out unexpectedly in ways no one ever could have seen coming”
                Every conservative saw this type of abuse coming.

                “Jesus would want us to hate each other and act to worsen each other’s lives.”
                It is hate when you carelessly lock men up with women for the sake of feeling good. You’ve chosen your personal comfort over their molestation, plain and simple.

                1. “Every conservative saw this type of abuse coming.”

                  Obviously not because the UK is ruled by a conservative government.

                  A shame you didn’t see the thousands of actual rapes of children by clergy.

                  Maybe you were too busy looking at people in the toilets.

                  “It is hate when you carelessly lock men up with women for the sake of feeling good. You’ve chosen your personal comfort over their molestation, plain and simple.”

                  The person in question was still an actively sexual male with a history of violence and sex attacks.

                  No person in their right mind would think they should be transferred to a female prison, no matter what they identified as.

                  1. “The person in question was still an actively sexual male”
                    How do you disprove that this isn’t just a sexually active lesbian female?
                    And how on earth are you going to police this when it comes to bathrooms?

  2. Saw this today from Nathan Hamm on FB. Amen!

    “LGBTQ persons are our friends, family,
    neighbors, & fellow Christians.

    We’re called to share not only public
    bathrooms, but also our tables,
    our homes, & our lives.”

  3. This topic came up in an informal discussion at the office yesterday. The person opposed to our locality’s “bathroom ordinance” stated that her opposition was not to transgender people but to predators pretending to be transgender and potentially attacking her 9 year old daughter in the ladies’ room. I have to admit I struggled for an effective response, so I would appreciate any suggestions for what I should have said.

  4. I 100% agree with you on public bathrooms and have shared your perfect thought about how people want laws for one things but not another.
    Reading more though I do wonder about high school and locker rooms. Some kids truly are searching for their identity and need to supported not shamed (we know the suicide statistics) but then there are kids who rebel and push the limit and could use this in a bad manner. What do we do about that?

  5. Saw good news today. Looks like NC legislators are introducing a bill to repeal this ridiculous anti-transgender bathroom law.

  6. It seems to me that when cultural conservatives weigh in against trans presence in the bathroom, they are usually talking about simple cross-dressing. The image they invoke is consistently that of someone who has not really changed genders in any meaningful sense. Just another case of the right wing refusing even to address the issue at hand.

  7. Gun rights are constitutional, bathroom rights? not so much… Do I have the “right” to use the bathroom of my choice? No.

  8. Actually, allowing a man to pose as a transgender in order to have access to a woman’s bathroom is more comparable to allowing convicted criminals to purchase guns legally without a background check.

    The original author’s argument is completely upside down.

  9. That is a complex situation but, this is usually known early on, so these children choose the gender they most associate with and are raised as such. I am speaking about the tranny that decides that they want to be something they never have been. .. not the hermaphrodites per say who usually choose very young…. different situation entirely… I would not have a problem with them nor would I know about it.

  10. Gun laws and transgender/bathroom ordinances & laws, responses, ideas, and our societal response are not connected. Despite an attempt here of sorts, you have failed to make a connection.
    On transgender individuals – not all transgenders who started out as men are sexually attracted to men – many remain sexually attracted to women. So a transgender woman (who was originally a man) may still have all the equipment, all the upper body strength of a man, and the sexual appetite of a heterosexual man — all this in a dress or capri pants. And who determines if they are actually trans or just having some cross-dressing erotic fun? There is no deterministic way – one must simply take their word for it. I can see the problem.

  11. I find it fascinating that you don’t mention the blatantly obvious true reason for this whole debate, except in passing: to protect trans people from violence against THEM! The incredible rates of assault on people who don’t match the predetermined definitions of reality espoused by many here is why they’re scared to go into restrooms that conflict with their gender identities. Why should they be forced to enter bathrooms where they themselves are likely to be harmed?

  12. How many people are up for federally mandated unisex changing areas? If not, why not? If so, why?

    From reading some comments here it sounds like it’s a mere hang-up that American women don’t like disrobing in front of strange men that they need to get over.

  13. Our transgender friends aren’t going to just snap while washing their hands and assault you. They’re not trying to sneak a peek or cop a feel. They’re just trying to freakin’ pee.

    Let’s be clear: This has nothing to do with protecting our children. If these folks actually cared about the safety of our children, they’d be focused on what’s killing them on a daily basis– and newsflash: it’s not our transgender friends.

    These paragraphs don’t make any sense. By Mr. Corey’s own admission in previous paragraphs he’s noted the complaint of those opposed to allowing people with gender dysphoria into the bathroom of their choice – that they’re supposedly afraid of men claiming to be transgender but who aren’t entering areas reserved for women. They’re not worried about people with gender dysphoria, but people pretending to be so. They’re not worried about transgendered people “snapping” but non-transgendered men sneaking into areas reserved for women. At least pay attention to what the other side is saying (even if you don’t give them the benefit of the doubt that what they’re saying is the truth about what they believe).

  14. We need a mature discussion about this issue and Mr. Corey’s contribution doesn’t help. What irks him the most about this debate is the supposed hypocrisy? Really?

    What bothers me the most isn’t some hypocrisy, but the probability that, left to their own devices, I’m willing to bet that local institutions, whether it’s schools, public buildings, businesses, libraries, city governments, etc. would come to find acceptable solutions when it comes to bathrooms, changing areas, sports teams, etc. for the minute number of people who truly suffer from gender dysphoria. But as with far too many things in our society, it’s become an issue of asserting “rights” (since when is there a right to a bathroom of one’s choosing?!) rather than talking about the right thing to do in individual situations.

    So instead of the city of Charlotte being allowed to set rules for establishments in the city, the state government comes and says “you can’t do that!” And instead of a local school in Illinois being allowed to make accommodations for a student with gender dysphoria, we get the federal government coming in and saying “no, what you’ve done is not good enough, we know what’s best for your school!” These matters can mostly be settled by people at the local level with the best knowledge of the needs of their local community, but of course, this is America and we can’t have that. We have to crank things up to 11 and make a national issue of this.

    Mr. Corey is right in one regard; it’s not about safety for some people on either side. It’s about a larger culture war and forcing their worldview down the throats of people in communities hundreds of miles away in situations they know nothing about. To me, this is what irks me the most.

  15. If someone just 20 years ago had said, for starters, that we’d someday elect an anti-American president who would intentionally flood our borders with millions of illegal immigrants and Islamist “refugees,” that we’d soon celebrate as “heroic” a former Olympic champion for mutilating his body and pretending to be a woman, that we’d have five extremist lawyers on the Supreme Court unconstitutionally force the radical redefinition of marriage to mollify people with same-sex fetishes – you might call that person crazy.

    Well, crazy is the new normal. America has lost its mind. We’ve snapped. Anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear and a brain to think knows it.

    But why? How did it happen? What exactly caused America’s moral GPS to send our nation headlong into oncoming traffic?

    The answer is obvious! Barack Hussein Obama is a “Community Organizer! Joe Biden has drank the Kool-Aid & is therefore a part of that Community! And let me remind you that Jim Jones was also a “Community Organizer”!
    James Warren “Jim” Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was an American cult leader & community organizer. Jones was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, infamous due to the mass murder-suicide in November 1978 of 918 of its members in Jonestown, Guyana.
    They “drank the Kool-Aid” that was laced with cyanide! Many of America’s citizenry has drank Obama’s “Kool-Aid” laced with lies, deceit & moral insanity! The only sane hope & change for America is The God of The Bible!
    14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
    2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

  16. They need to do this for their own safety, as if they were to enter the bathroom that corresponded to their sex instead of their gender, it would freak people out and cause an unnecessary disturbance.

    The thing is, appearance and biology don’t match up perfectly, thanks to society constantly changing its mind about what people ought to look like. So even if all we’re dealing with is a group of people who are cis, there’s still going to be so much variation in their appearances that, almost inevitably, someone is going to look like they’re in the wrong bathroom.

    And the fun thing about these laws and the culture of anxiety that promotes them is that even people who are cis have been running up against them, sometimes with violent results. A woman with short hair was bodily torn from the women’s room and slammed upon the ground by a security officer who was positive that no one with short hair could possibly be anything but a man.

    In the end, the only way to ensure that no one that concerned about who pees where can be satisfied is by forcing everyone to look alike.

    So how long until the party of small government tries to pass a law mandating hair length and clothing color restrictions?

  17. I think one of the more disturbing elements in the anti-trans movement is characteristic of the evangelical movement’s attitude toward LGBTQ people in general. That is, the propensity to rely on falsehood to support supposed “truth.” Whether or not you believe being Gay or Trans is a “sin” does not matter as far as arguing your case goes. Using lies to prop up your beliefs does matter. Evangelicals have consistently maintained that the Gay “agenda and lifestyle” is destroying America, wrecking our families, teaches our kids to be Gay or Trans, none of which has ever been substantiated. This is why SCOTUS ruled in favor of Gay marriage…conservatives could not prove their case. How often have we seen reports in the news about Trans people assaulting our “wives and children?” How often do we see cases of rape or murder or child abuse done by cis men? Quite frequently, I’m afraid. This is totally a scare tactic, and Christians should be ashamed of themselves when they use it.

  18. “Someone might pretend to be a transgender person so they can enter the bathroom to assault our wives and children!”

    Why is assault a worry? Aren’t our wives and children packing heat?

    That’s how you stop a bad guy with a gun in your bathroom, is it not?

    It’s those idealistic, utopian liberals who believe more laws and regulation will incline a determined assaulter to freeze in place at the magic barrier marked by the stick-figure with a dress.

  19. Just in: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, upheld the department’s interpretation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to include protections in the law’s ban on sex discrimination that allow transgender people to use a restroom in accordance with their gender identity.

    We should try and remember: religion sets our beliefs, the law sets behavior. Render unto Caesar… Eventually they meet in the middle and Love Wins. Love casts out fear.

  20. You’ve all shared a restroom or locker room with trans people. If you haven’t notices, it’s probably because you don’t go around these facilities checking people’s genitals like conservatives are so intent on.

  21. You are nuts. You’re never going to get the vast majority of women to accept this sh*t….forget it.

  22. Growing up female, in a time of group showers and zero cubicles in locker rooms, male genitalia and the attached human were often present, usually in the form of boys who were too young or otherwise unable to navigate the locker room on their own. For safety, their mother or caretaker would bring them to the more tolerant ladies room. Since then, I believe cubicles and privacy are now the norm. In my opinion, the ‘male’ and ‘female’ signs have been a guideline that is regularly ignored for legitimate reasons including a parent bringing a young child to the “wrong” room for safety.

  23. What about the Locker rooms and showers?
    How many ladies reading this are okay with changing clothes next to another person in the locker room who has full male genitalia?
    How about you and your daughter in the same shower while they soap and lather up those dangly bits?

    They’re making the fight about bathrooms because they can’t win the fight about locker rooms and showers…

    Can I hear your answers ladies???

  24. Well a right winger letter writter on reagancoalition.com shows the idiocy of transphobic people in a rant against Springsteen cancelling his concert because of NC recent discrimination bill. It made me want to throw up. I agree totally with Benjamin Corey here. These transphobes need to get over it.

  25. Bravo, and hear, hear! An excellent article on an insane issue.

    Wouldn’t the whole problem – as well as quite a lot of smaller problems – be solved if we just had unisex bathrooms? I’ve been in some places that have them. There doesn’t seem to be any risk of…anything. All that happens is there’s a small room – that is, the toilet cubicle – you go into for a few minutes to relieve yourself. Where’s the danger or damage or harm? You might be in one cubicle, a woman in the cubicle to your left, a man in the cubicle to your right; you won’t see each other undressed any more than you would outside the toilets!
    …is my thought.

  26. Ah, but their (mostly unspoken) reasons for both bathroom laws and pro-gun law are internally consistent. The goal is to protect their families from “undesirable outsiders”. So, they follow the usual conservative recipe for fostering a “moral” community: first, create legislation which is designed to incarcerate, impoverish, and kill “undesirables”. If a few “undesirables” manage to slip through the legal cracks and stick around, they have the comfort of knowing they can get rid of them via hot lead injection. Smith & Wesson are the ultimate and final purveyors of “moral” community.

    Any votes for the GOP that can be harvested from the miasma of fear and hatred they’ve whipped up in the process goes back into maintaining the control over government they need to foster a “moral” community.

    They may or may not say any of this aloud in mixed company, but there you have it, in a plain wrapper with no extra fixings.

  27. Wow! We are becoming a mad, crazy world aren’t we. Glad to see once again the level of passion and outrage over another LGBT issue on the PC channel. Maybe some day you folks will have as passionate discussion about poverty, but I doubt it. This is about progressive ideology, not theology. Now I’m sure one of you will be able to twist your PC credentials and explain how this would be something Jesus would fight for, because there aren’t enough serious issues to try and tackle.

  28. This further reaffirms my theory that the dolts behind these bills always need to find a new group of people to be offended by when it becomes unpopular to attack the previous group(s) they’ve gone after before. Now that they’ve lost the war over marriage equality, they’ve decided to shift their focus to obsessing over what might be between someone’s legs.

    And the whole idea that these people want a “smaller government”? Yeah, that notion can officially be put to rest now.

  29. I’m hoping that these so-called bathroom bills will be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. They are unnecessary and unfairly target a minority group.

  30. i think trans people should have the right to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. but if that’s too big a deal than i think a fair compromise would be having seperate bathrooms for trans individuals or coed bathrooms.

  31. Being a geek, I can’t help but think of how un-enforceable this law is at fantasy and sci fi conventions. Having been to a few anime conventions… um… I broke one of my cosplay props in the ladies room while dressed up as a male character! Fell right out of my holster onto the floor… That’s not even getting into the sincerely-convincing sexy-females that are actually skinny young guys with high-end gear. Also, what the heck is Totoro? So many people in so many odd and amazing costumes and no… you can’t tell even if you are looking at them instead of just there to do your business. It’s just the idea of having people playing gender-police outside the bathrooms at one of these things (where people go to use the mirrors to correct wardrobe malfunctions and makeup even more than they go to use the can) provides me with a hilarious mental image.

    Also pretty sure now that Otakon will NEVER move to North Carolina.

  32. This is not about transgender protection anymore. This is about bullying women into accepting the risk of strange men who may or may not be who they pretend to be coming into the ladies bathrooms and locker rooms, if this was only about protecting transgenders they would accept a compromise and agree to go into the restrooms and changing rooms that are single stalled and unisex which is a good idea not only for them but for other issues as well, but no they demand the right to come into the multi stalled ladies rooms and locker rooms ,and how may I ask will they be asked to prove they are truly transgender and deserve to be in there and are not a predator or peeping tom up to no good? Well ? Apparently you claim they should not have to all they have to do is claim to feel like a woman. And in fact according to the current law in Washington they do not even have to do that. Have you really thought this through? It is not the truly transgender who are the danger it is men who will abuse this law. And if you do not think they will then you have not been reading the news because it is already happening. And what about female victims of sexual violence? Do you not see how traumatizing it would be to have men who look like men come into a bathroom or locker room when she is in there ? And you really expect people to trust men not to try to abuse this law in any way ? I hope you will take responsibility when they do abuse this law because I will hold you and all of those like you morally responsible .

  33. Didn’t all of us grow up with unisex bathrooms in our residence? … I fail to see a problem requiring a new law.

  34. Great post. I also have been pointing out to people that there isn’t a woman in this country who hasn’t walked into and used the men’s room when there was too long a line for the women’s room. Does this mean that we’re all now going to get arrested at the next concert or sports event? Not only that, unanimously unisex toilets are used by any gender/age/etc every day in our homes. As far as I can tell, no one has ever done pants checks on guests. People go in, shut the door, and if necessary, lock the door and use the toilet. No problem.

  35. Ben, thank you for this. My view is go to the restroom of the gender that you present yourself as. If you are a transgender woman and present yourself in public as a woman, then go to the women’s room. If you are a transgender male and present yourself in public as a male, then go to the men’s room. If you are transgender, but still living as your biological gender, then go to the restroom with which you present yourself.

    For all those that scream about how transgender individuals should go to the restroom of the sex they were born as, it just makes zero sense whatsoever. If one is living full-time as a woman, has fully transitioned, and is on HRT, then do you honestly want them in the men’s room? Use common sense. Go to the restroom of the gender that you present yourself as. These laws are nothing more than part of the culture war nonsense and “payback” by the religious right because they keep losing. But, as they keep losing these battles, they double down and look even less like Jesus.

  36. This article seems to lack the standard of logic I am used to from your blog. Sure, there’s immense hypocrisy from the pro-gun camp, but just because they’re wrong in one argument doesn’t make them wrong in every other one, and it certainly doesn’t mean that everyone who questions the sense of the trans-bathroom movement is pro-guns (that being a uniquely american phenomenon).

    The argument for trans people to be able to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender is completely unworkable unless there’s an objective way of determining someone’s gender (which would be antithetical to the trans movement). Otherwise all we’re ruling is “use whichever bathroom you feel comfortable using”, in which case we might as well ban gender segregated bathrooms and only have unisex ones. That should be where the debate is centred, is there a need for gender segregated bathrooms? I think a good argument can be made that they’re not necessary, in which case do away with them and solve the problem. If there’s a reason for them to remain, then there has to be a feasible way of enforcing the segregation.

  37. My mother-in-law, who never met a black or gay person she didn’t fear, was talking about this the other day, after watching a fearmongering segment on Fox “News” about these laws. As you might imagine, the Fox report indicated women and children are in enormous danger from transgenders. So I dropped a little truth bomb, that more republican congressmen have been arrested for bathroom sexual misconduct than transgenders. She looked like I was speaking another language. Then she said that the real problem is men who will dress as women so they can attack young girls in the bathroom. I again pointed out this doesn’t actually happen, and she replied triumphantly “It might!”

    I wish I knew how to argue with hate and fear-filled folks.

  38. I think you might be overgeneralizing a bit here. Not everyone who is uncomfortable with laws that allow trans people is super pro-gun rights, but I agree that there’s a lot of overlap and definitely some hypocrisy. I’d be curious about your position on people who are pro-gun control and also in favor of, as you put it “anti-bathroom bills”.

  39. I honestly wonder if the people so upset over a trans woman using the woman’s restroom understand the difference between a transvestite -a man in a dress – and a trans woman who takes estrogen, gets breast implants, etc.

  40. You mean like the blanket law that says I can’t drive at 140 mph on the interstate, just because others won’t do so safetly? Many laws actually target the actions of a few, because policing hearts and intent are m6ch more difficult. I don’t disagree with your point that predatory behaviour should be targeted because that is the issue, but your citicism of the law fits a lot of others also.

  41. Right now, I am calling this “Anti-LGBT Limbo” after hearing how low some of these legislatures are stooping to regulate behavior.

  42. Thank you for this, Dr. Corey! Indeed—U.S. religious fundamentalists, who despise Big Government, want to make Big Government even Bigger by policing other people’s bowel movements.

  43. As a resident of NC, I’ve been trying to say this on Franklin Graham’s page for a couple weeks now, but not as articulately as you have done here. Thank you for your sanctified common sense and your courage.

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